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Momma Lynch Hates Bevel To......


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He has not been "terrible"... LMAO... You don't go to b2b Superbowls with a terrible OC...
No, we don't get it. We go to SB's despite Carroll being bad with late game coaching and Bevell being the worst play caller in the history of the NFL. Get it right.



Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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No, we don't get it. We go to SB's despite Carroll being bad with late game coaching and Bevell being the worst play caller in the history of the NFL. Get it right.


Coaches have nothing to do with winning games, only losing them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
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When you have a historically good defense, a potentially Hof running back, and a good young qb apparently you can. Bevell pulled the same piss poor calls late in games when terdvaris was starting.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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No one is suggesting Bevell is the best caller in the league. No one has said he's in the top 5, but he's more than serviceable. He's the OC of the two time defending NFC champs and has a SB ring. All of those times that Lynch ripped out big runs and Wilson worked his magic, there were calls that put them there. It's a package deal. And he's done his craft without ever having a decent line to help make his calls easy. He's done so without the big named receivers to help balance his offense.

Simply changing OC's wouldn't have made that offense with those players equal to NE, Denver, or the Colts even.

Blaming Bevell is the low lying fruit. It's the easy answer, but not the correct one.


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Jul 16, 2013
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And you don't think the Rams would've been ready for that?

It's called letting your stars decide the game. That's why they get paid the big bucks. Graham gets paid because he has a unique skill set. Why not take advantage of that? That's why we pay him that kind of dough.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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I don't know, dial up a power I with Graham in the slot and either have Lynch try to be a wrecking ball or high ball Graham for the yard we need. You know, actually leave the balance of the game in the hands of the players that we're paying like 40 million+ for?
Yeah, and a traditional power type I formation and we don't pick up the 1 yard, then everyone is slamming Bevell for being so unimaginative when he has the most mobile QB in the league and one of the best pass catching TEs who is known for not blocking.

Bitching about play calls is just a waste of time. Good result means good play. Bad result means bad call. It's mindless.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, and a traditional power type I formation and we don't pick up the 1 yard, then everyone is slamming Bevell for being so unimaginative when he has the most mobile QB in the league and one of the best pass catching TEs who is known for not blocking.

Bitching about play calls is just a waste of time. Good result means good play. Bad result means bad call. It's mindless.

That's a total cop out. People say Bevell is predictable is because he's predictable. People say Bevell can't grasp game situations because he can't. We have the pieces for a high powered offense but it sputters and it's always been like that with him. The offense looks its best when they have to throw the plan out the window and let Wilson pull rabbits out of his ass. Bevell is not the guy for him.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It's called letting your stars decide the game. That's why they get paid the big bucks. Graham gets paid because he has a unique skill set. Why not take advantage of that? That's why we pay him that kind of dough.

Wilson and Lynch are stars. And the option play puts the game in their hands.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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No one is suggesting Bevell is the best caller in the league. No one has said he's in the top 5, but he's more than serviceable. He's the OC of the two time defending NFC champs and has a SB ring. All of those times that Lynch ripped out big runs and Wilson worked his magic, there were calls that put them there. It's a package deal. And he's done his craft without ever having a decent line to help make his calls easy. He's done so without the big named receivers to help balance his offense.

Simply changing OC's wouldn't have made that offense with those players equal to NE, Denver, or the Colts even.

Blaming Bevell is the low lying fruit. It's the easy answer, but not the correct one.

You are simply wrong. Our offense works when it works because of lynch and Wilson making plays. The offense almost always sputters until we have to score, then it sputters again when we hit 3rd and short and 4th and goal.

Just look at the td to graham, Wilson audibled to that play, God knows what pathetically predictable and college level play call bevell put in there.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You are simply wrong. Our offense works when it works because of lynch and Wilson making plays. The offense almost always sputters until we have to score, then it sputters again when we hit 3rd and short and 4th and goal.

Just look at the td to graham, Wilson audibled to that play, God knows what pathetically predictable and college level play call bevell put in there.
Ok, this post tells me you do not have a real understanding of how play calling in the NFL works. Not trying to be mean, but you simply don't know.

There really are no times where Wilson is going to audible to HIS OWN PLAY.

The game plan each week sets up plays and part of what they practice is the pre snap read of the defense. If Wilson doesn't see what he needs for the primary play he is SUPPOSED TO change to one OR MORE options depending on the game plan.

So when Wilson checks down to a different play at the line and it works you give credit to Bevell for the design and call because that's part of what play calling is.


I defy anyone to argue against that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You are simply wrong. Our offense works when it works because of lynch and Wilson making plays. The offense almost always sputters until we have to score, then it sputters again when we hit 3rd and short and 4th and goal.

Just look at the td to graham, Wilson audibled to that play, God knows what pathetically predictable and college level play call bevell put in there.
You do realize that Bevell has taught RW to audible to a different play based upon certain situations? In your mind, it is all up to Russ and Bevell is a fool for calling the original play. When in fact, the OC instructs the QB to audible out of the original play into the possibility of a better plays based up something seen along the defense.
I understand your and many others contempt of DB, but the hatred make many blind to the big picture.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Even if you are 100% right, it's evidence that bevell sucks and is so predictable the defense already knew what he was going to call.

Thankfully we have a smart qb that knew the play sucked, saw the defense knew it was coming, and got the ball to the guy who it should have gone to.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ok, this post tells me you do not have a real understanding of how play calling in the NFL works. Not trying to be mean, but you simply don't know.

There really are no times where Wilson is going to audible to HIS OWN PLAY.

The game plan each week sets up plays and part of what they practice is the pre snap read of the defense. If Wilson doesn't see what he needs for the primary play he is SUPPOSED TO change to one OR MORE options depending on the game plan.

So when Wilson checks down to a different play at the line and it works you give credit to Bevell for the design and call because that's part of what play calling is.


I defy anyone to argue against that.
Dang, I posted much of the same belief as you without reading your post 1st.
Of course, I agree.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Even if you are 100% right, it's evidence that bevell sucks and is so predictable the defense already knew what he was going to call.

Thankfully we have a smart qb that knew the play sucked, saw the defense knew it was coming, and got the ball to the guy who it should have gone to.
If your post is correct, DB is smarter than you give him credit for. He is so predictable that he knows what the D will do assuming they know what play is called, yet he has instructed his QB to audible out of said predictable call to get a TD for his team.
Nice job DB.
If your opponent thinks you are so predictable, then you change the play to take advantage of their mistake, who is the wiser?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Even if you are 100% right, it's evidence that bevell sucks and is so predictable the defense already knew what he was going to call.

Thankfully we have a smart qb that knew the play sucked, saw the defense knew it was coming, and got the ball to the guy who it should have gone to.

Every QB on every team has those.

And, if you recall from the coverage of the SB against Manning, a lot of those play checks are actually fake. They are trying to cat and mouse with the D. They don't always actually change the play when they are doing that. This is 100% true on EVERY offense in the NFL. You simply don't have an understanding of the dynamic nature of it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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what happen, she run out of campbells chucky soup?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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you can play the "I'm smarter than you" all you like but the proof is in the pudding. Our offense has not improved under bevell despite adding talents like Harvin and graham. Bevell had NO idea how to get Harvin involved outside of high school fly sweeps and bubble screens. And in graham's first game he struggled to get involved for most of 3 quarters. It will likely be a theme for the whole year, Graham looking like a ghost because bevell doesn't know how to use him.

You need to stop defending him like a good wife and start seeing the truth.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Per drive the Seahawks were one of the best offensive teams in the league last year. 3rd in yards per drive. 2nd in points per drive. Stop looking at passing yards and volume stats as how judge an offense.

Those volume stats win fantasy leagues. Effeciency is what wins games.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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you can play the "I'm smarter than you" all you like but the proof is in the pudding. Our offense has not improved under bevell despite adding talents like Harvin and graham. Bevell had NO idea how to get Harvin involved outside of high school fly sweeps and bubble screens. And in graham's first game he struggled to get involved for most of 3 quarters. It will likely be a theme for the whole year, Graham looking like a ghost because bevell doesn't know how to use him.

You need to stop defending him like a good wife and start seeing the truth.
I'm trying to stay civil here so bear with me.

Harvin was a nut job that told the coaches plays he wasn't willing to run. Sorry, but that changes that argument big time. He wasn't willing to play deep routes, at least not across the field. This is a bad argument to try and everyone in the league agrees with that.

I don't know if you trust actual NFL players past/present, nor what you feel about Hugh Millen, but his analysis of that game all but gave Wilson an F. According to him, the Rams were not doing anything complicated on defense. They weren't trying to disguise their coverage and weren't playing press coverage. They were playing back. According to him, Wilson just wasn't moving out of play calls correctly and wasn't hitting guys that were wide open. He thinks it was one of Wilson's worst games. That happens. But to those of you with an agenda there are no bad performances on the field, ONLY bad play calls. :L

Did you see Wilson throw at least one pass well behind Graham and another I remember in the EZ that was well over his head? They are not on the same page. Wilson won't have bad games every week and those two will get to where they understand each other soon enough. Until they do passing to him every down isn't your best option. Maybe that works on Madden, but not in real life.