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Momma Lynch Hates Bevel To......


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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Bevell's biggest flaws IMO are the fact that he won't give up on plays that don't work and he has been awful with third/fourth down play calling in big situations. He has called some great games for the Seahawks, no doubt about that, but you can't deny he has had some really questionable games as well. Constantly running jet sweeps and screens to Harvin and now Baldwin, lining Graham up as a pass blocker, going shot gun empty set on third and short the vast majority of the time ( okay he's gotten better there at least).

He was far from the only problem on Sunday though. Tackling was atrocious and coverages were being blown way more often than normal. As some have said part of the blame there goes to Richard as well linebackers and d-linemen who just could not bring Cunningham to the ground for some reason. We all know about the O-line issue so I won't add anything there, but it's obviously having an effect on Wilson. He's getting antsy really easily and has been missing on a lot of throws.

Just gotta hope the Rams game was perfect storm and that they get all these issues settled soon.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Couple of years ago, can't remember if it was the SB season or the year before, the team was struggling early in games. Nothing new as they are still like that, but it was a topic of concern at that time. Someone asked Carroll if they scripted the first 15 and he said they did have set plays to open (not sure if he said it was 15, but I don't think he specified). I only remember the conversation because of what he said after.

He pointed out that not every play that doesn't give you positive yards is a failed play. Let that sink in for a moment. Just because a play doesn't net you yards doesn't mean it failed, or at least not all fails are created equal.

He said they run plays to see how the defense will respond and often run versions of plays simply to setup the defense for variations later. Yes, we know the haters are going to say that's stupid, but all teams do it. There isn't much new in football and rarely does anything new really stick.

The difference between no gain and huge plays is often nothing more than which way a LB is leaning at the snap. It really does come down to things as subtle as that. Get a LB to keep leaning left to cheat a play and then do a version where you cut back and blow by him on his right.

The offense is a cat and mouse game that really only those on the inside have any depth of understanding of. And play calling is never just go do this pass. They are either given more than one play or they have setup what to check to during practice after building the game plan for that week. Those audibles are all part of the plan drawn up by the OC, when they aren't faked. As was already said Peyton has discussed before that sometimes more of his audibles are not really changing the play than ones that do. They want the D to think they are moving to a different play to get them to do the same. It's the game within the game.

Building up a game plan and calling plays in the NFL is seriously nothing like playing madden. Simply scoring a lot on your video games does not make you an expert on calling plays at this level. You don't get to the SB with a bad play caller. PERIOD. It can't be done. You have to be at least average at all 3 phases.

Get rid of the people you have now that have already proven they can get you there and you actually risk getting worse. The offense ain't broke. Not even close. And the fact it has worked with well with shitty lines and no name receivers is a testament to how well it has been managed. I'm not in favor of changing the coaching staff at all, well at least outside of Cable. We can all agree his lines have not amounted to much.


Free Agent from Elsewhere
Jul 2, 2013
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Bet she's REALLY fuming now, after last night.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
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Wizardhawk its time yo dump the koolaid, 6 years on and our OL is still garbage and our offenee suffers from the same issues. Two super talents we spent vast capital to acquire and nothing to show for it.

We got to two SBs with defense and the playmaking of lynch and wilson. Right now our d is struggling and the o is not picking up the slack.

Get off idiot bevells sack now before its too late. By the end of the year you will be all alone on an island whose population is quickly dwindling.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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If this was posted elsewhere... oh well



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Sep 1, 2011
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Wizardhawk its time yo dump the koolaid, 6 years on and our OL is still garbage and our offenee suffers from the same issues. Two super talents we spent vast capital to acquire and nothing to show for it.

We got to two SBs with defense and the playmaking of lynch and wilson. Right now our d is struggling and the o is not picking up the slack.

Get off idiot bevells sack now before its too late. By the end of the year you will be all alone on an island whose population is quickly dwindling.

Let me answer that for Wiz. 2 Superbowls does not = nothing to show for it. Lots of changes happening due to the cap and having to restock. Both on offense and defense. Pretty much every season the Seahawks have had bad stretches, just happens to be this year it happened right out of the gate. Feel that mostly due to personnel changes then any thing else. Numerous changes on the OL and in the secondary. I also feel the new DC has changed things up a bit to add to the confusion.

Let's not panick...yet. We lose to the Bears, then it's time to worry. Don't think that's going to happen. :suds: