Fantasy Football Guru--??
If th8s was covered and I missed it..please disregard. But, thus is just for A league right? It's a fairly high probability that the breakdown champ of B will be moving up to A.
For both leagues - but teams that are moving would get last dibs, both those moving up and those moving down.
Why would the teams moving down from A have a lower priority than teams finishing at the bottom of B?
My 11-year-old wanted a team so we signed up for a kid-friendly league, but not many others have turned up. Any of you have a kid around that age who might be interested?
My 11-year-old wanted a team so we signed up for a kid-friendly league, but not many others have turned up. Any of you have a kid around that age who might be interested?
Will- My daughter is 30 yrs old. She goes to most every Bronco game with me and is co-manager of our long time Fantasy Baseball team. So she doesn't fit with your group.My 11-year-old wanted a team so we signed up for a kid-friendly league, but not many others have turned up. Any of you have a kid around that age who might be interested?
My daughter is 4 and she would definitely pick Binoo, Toopy, Dora and Caillou to start off her Treehouse Titans Fantasy squad. Not sure how that would translate to the NFL.
OK, so I'll say it. What's up with all of us old dudes having such young chllens?
I'd take that trade.. Assuming that sanders isn't one of your top wr.. Even if he is.. You might find a serviceable waiver or trade to improve the wr spot. .. Wake should get the sacks this year.. The best part of the phins is thier d.. And that revolves around wake.. He has to play the jets twice and the bills twice and thier o lines are shaky
Foot, it's way too hard to gauge a trade between an offensive player and a defensive player. Sanders is no stud
My 11-year-old wanted a team so we signed up for a kid-friendly league, but not many others have turned up. Any of you have a kid around that age who might be interested?