Sam Sportboy
Can't all be winners kid
Whatever it is he'd better hurry! Wish I had a decent TE on the bench, I might have tried to make a trade with him.
Whatever it is he'd better hurry! Wish I had a decent TE on the bench, I might have tried to make a trade with him.
It appears as though he has enough faith in RGIII to go it without a TE... that can't be good for me
I tried to make a few different types of deals, but I have no intention of dropping a core player for a TE who might get me 2 points
Or get tackled in the backfield like two other carries I've seen him do so far today. Still not buying Alf as betterCase bad point Treff, as to why Helu can't ever be a lead back.
3rd and inches play, not blocked well, he bounces it outside and loses 2.
alf would have run to the contact, fallen forward and converted.
Treff, is there any way you can lock me from my team on Thursdays? Had Evans at flex until my Thursday premonition of failure...and it's not the first time either!
WTF is wrong with me
Fuck me. Another one for Evans. I should rename my team to Plaxico, because all I do is shoot myself in the leg.
Fuck me. Another one for Evans. I should rename my team to Plaxico, because all I do is shoot myself in the leg.
Anyone over here have Asiata?
Oh for fuck's sake. .. let him turn the ball over 4 times and THEN take him out? Whoreshit! Congrats T, this one is over