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Marshawn's last year in Seattle? Really?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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To me it doesn't make much sense to trade him part way through the season next year unless the Seahawks know they are not going to the playoffs and know they need draft picks to reload. Let's say they trade him 6 games into the season next year...all it saves them is $3.125 million for the cap. That is a drop in the bucket compared to the production he can bring the team. If they do not have him in the plans for next year then the only thing that makes sense is cutting him before the season where they save $7 million. No reason to eat that $2 million bonus plus game checks for a 6-game rental in a sense for the Seahawks plus since his contract would run out after the year no team is going to give up that big of a draft pick. 4th is probably about the highest you could hope for. To me he is worth more to keep once the season starts. So it is either trade him before the season next year, cut him, or keep him are the 3 options that to me make the most sense.


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Aug 28, 2014
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Why do people say shit like that? like it makes them feel smart.

This is real life not madden. No shit ? really?

Marshawn is a Special player a true elite of the Elite in talent at RB. He is YOUNGER than AP and people would be all over AP if he was available so why not the Best RB in the NFL over the past 3 years and the best RB in the NFL for yards after contact PERIOD? BHF you have your opinion and that is all it is but you act as if it's fact and you are dead wrong. Sorry you are not the elite of the elite lmao.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have to point out that you don't actually argue with any of the points in my post as to why a trade is a pipe dream. You go ahead and find the last running back aged 29 or older with over 2000 carries (I'll even let you choose players with more than one year left on their contract for fun) who was traded. I'll wait.

The fact of the matter than even IF we were offered a late round pick for Beast, we wouldn't take it. As a show of respect to Lynch we would grant his release and let him sign with the team of his choice, like we did with Washington a little while back.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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There was rumors of Oakland trading for AP, you think if they were still looking for a RB at the end of the season they wouldn't offer a 6th or 7th for Lynch? If no one offers anything for him THEN they might release him if that's the way they want to go. If Lynch holds out again this next off season then yeah i think they will just out right release him.

And lets just look at your Leon Washington post LMAO. You do know that the Hawks picked up Percy Harvin right? that was the reason they released him. They had a better option and everyone knew that Leon was gone. He was a 30 year old average Back-up RB and a great kick returner. He had no value because everyone KNEW he was going to be released no matter what. Comparing him to Lynch is ludicrous. As far as trades for a 29 year old RB of Lynches skill and talent level yeah finding one would be extremely hard as most runningback playing at his level are locks to stay on their team. lol don't be stupid. Oh wait ... lol


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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Does anybody else believe when PC says they're working on the relationship which maybe could lead to possibly a contract extension if their problems can be resolved? I like to think they're working on hashing out the problems.


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Aug 28, 2014
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There was rumors of Oakland trading for AP, you think if they were still looking for a RB at the end of the season they wouldn't offer a 6th or 7th for Lynch? If no one offers anything for him THEN they might release him if that's the way they want to go. If Lynch holds out again this next off season then yeah i think they will just out right release him.

Again. Who was the last team to trade for a RB as old as Lynch, with his mileage. Not a rumor. An actual trade.

And lets just look at your Leon Washington post LMAO. You do know that the Hawks picked up Percy Harvin right? that was the reason they released him. They had a better option and everyone knew that Leon was gone. He was a 30 year old average Back-up RB and a great kick returner. He had no value because everyone KNEW he was going to be released no matter what. Comparing him to Lynch is ludicrous. As far as trades for a 29 year old RB of Lynches skill and talent level yeah finding one would be extremely hard as most runningback playing at his level are locks to stay on their team. lol don't be stupid. Oh wait ... lol


Jesus, dude. Reading comprehension really isn't your forte, is it? I never compared Lynch and Washington the players. When it was time to part ways with Washington at least three teams offered us a very late round pick for him. We asked Leon if he wanted to play for those teams. Leon said he would prefer to be a free agent. We made that happen. We would do the same for Lynch, I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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I gotta agree with BHF here. I doubt Seattle can get much back in return for trading Lynch. The value of an NFL RB is at all time low these days. Running backs keep dropping in the draft and running backs did terrible in free agency this past offseason. I just can't see a trade happening when an NFL team knows that they can go cheap in the draft or in free agency. I would say the same for Gore. Unfortunately, our backs are old and no one will give much for them in a trade.