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Lebron and Phil Jackson


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,550.00
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So not having a history of playing the race card makes it okay to play the race card on this?

Its an indication - to me - that this was more likely to have come from a place of thoughtful consideration and sincere motivation than a place of oversensitivity and a desire to be the victim.

When someone I know repeatedly plays the victim, I tend to stop taking anything they have to say too seriously. I don't worry too much about whether I've offended them because I realize they will take offense to anything.

When someone I know who never plays the victim becomes offended by a perceived prejudice or something I've done.... I take it seriously. No matter how ridiculous I think it is that they are offended... I know that their motivation is likely sincere - and that changes everything.

It doesn't mean I agree or even that I will change my behavior (depending on the circumstance)... but I will listen and have respect for their view on the matter.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Its an indication - to me - that this was more likely to have come from a place of thoughtful consideration and sincere motivation than a place of oversensitivity and a desire to be the victim.

When someone I know repeatedly plays the victim, I tend to stop taking anything they have to say too seriously. I don't worry too much about whether I've offended them because I realize they will take offense to anything.

When someone I know who never plays the victim becomes offended by a perceived prejudice or something I've done.... I take it seriously. No matter how ridiculous I think it is that they are offended... I know that their motivation is likely sincere - and that changes everything.

It doesn't mean I agree or even that I will change my behavior (depending on the circumstance)... but I will listen and have respect for their view on the matter.

This whole posse/crybaby issue is a big FLOP. Lebron never plays the victim??? :lol:

Look at some of his FLOP's and tell me he doesn't play the victim.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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White guy Tom Brady goes to the Derby "with his Posse" on a jet -- it's cool/gangsta
Black guy Lebronda "stays in Cleveland 1 extra night with his posse" -- it's racist

Can some black person explain to me why so many black people are angry and feel the need to shout "racist" over any little thing they can find?

It's pretty simple if you just pay attention.

Here, I'll write it down for you..


How do you expect us to explain the minds of folks we have never met?

Different experiences + Different upbringing = Different perception

For most, Perception = Reality



Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,550.00
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Look at some of his FLOP's and tell me he doesn't play the victim.

Oh geez. You're going to bring flopping in a basketball game into a discussion on victim playing and race-card pulling and over-sensitivity?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Its an indication - to me - that this was more likely to have come from a place of thoughtful consideration and sincere motivation than a place of oversensitivity and a desire to be the victim.

When someone I know repeatedly plays the victim, I tend to stop taking anything they have to say too seriously. I don't worry too much about whether I've offended them because I realize they will take offense to anything.

When someone I know who never plays the victim becomes offended by a perceived prejudice or something I've done.... I take it seriously. No matter how ridiculous I think it is that they are offended... I know that their motivation is likely sincere - and that changes everything.

It doesn't mean I agree or even that I will change my behavior (depending on the circumstance)... but I will listen and have respect for their view on the matter.

Are you serious? Thoughtful consideration? And he comes up with a race angle?

The only "thoughtful consideration" was how we was going to deflect the attention away from the diva behavior of his "posse."

And Lebron doesn't ever play the victim? That's too funny to do anything but :pound:.
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Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,550.00
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Can some black person explain to me why so many black people are angry and feel the need to shout "racist" over any little thing they can find?

I'm not black, but surely comments like this will only add to the perception. :noidea:

Racism isn't everywhere and its getting better and I think its better to see the positive than to constantly be on the lookout for the negative. But racism does exist. Lets not pretend that black americans have nothing to worry about in regards to racism.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,550.00
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Are you serious? Thoughtful consideration? And he comes up with a race angle?

The only "thoughtful consideration" was how we was going to deflect the attention away from the diva behavior of his "posse."

And Lebron doesn't ever play the victim? That's not even worth dignifying with a response.

Are you saying its impossible for someone to thoughtfully consider something and come up with a race angle as the explanation???

I don't agree with LeBron on this issue... but it sounds like your implying that racism is only ever perceived and never actual, which I find ridiculous.

There is a HUGE difference between LeBron's history of whining and entitlement in regards to the game of basketball..... and the way he has always dealt with real life matters including race and politics and social responsibility. I AM serious. LeBron does not have a history of playing the victim or being overly sensitive in those matters.

Prior to this incident, any time I've heard LeBron broach the subject of race or politics or social responsibility he has sounded like a moderate voice of reason to me.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I'm not black, but surely comments like this will only add to the perception. :noidea:

Racism isn't everywhere and its getting better and I think its better to see the positive than to constantly be on the lookout for the negative. But racism does exist. Lets not pretend that black americans have nothing to worry about in regards to racism.

There will always be racism. Always. As long as people are different, in any way, there will be idiots who will hate them and/or think less of them for no other reason. We could all be the same color and tall people would hate short people, skinny people would hate fat people, etc., etc.

Does that mean that we just stop trying to fight against racism? Of course not. But it also means that there is no need to go looking for racism in every comment someone makes to determine whether it was racist or not. In fact, imo, that kind of shit takes away from exposing and stopping real racism.

It's stupid to hate people over race anyway. Given enough time, most people will give you good reasons to hate them.
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Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,550.00
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There will always be racism. Always. As long as people are different, in any way, there will be idiots who will hate them and/or think less of them for no other reason. We could all be the same color and tall people would hate short people, skinny people would hate fat people, etc., etc.

Does that mean that we just stop trying to fight against racism? Of course not. But it also means that there is no need to go looking for racism in every comment someone makes whether it was racist or not. In fact, imo, that kind of shit takes away from exposing and stopping real racism.

It's stupid to hate people over race anyway. Given enough time, most people will give you good reasons to hate them.

Totally agree, well said.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
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I'm not black, but surely comments like this will only add to the perception. :noidea:

Racism isn't everywhere and its getting better and I think its better to see the positive than to constantly be on the lookout for the negative. But racism does exist. Lets not pretend that black americans have nothing to worry about in regards to racism.


DEFINITELY still exists. what's funny though is these days racists try not to be let it be known they ARE racists...which I find kinda comical...

just my personal experience in life here, but when I was in the southern U.S. way back in the 80's my friends and family told me "watch out for those people". but I figured it like this after a while. at least they were honest when they said "they didn't like my kind"...


Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
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Fav. Team #3
There will always be racism. Always. As long as people are different, in any way, there will be idiots who will hate them and/or think less of them for no other reason. We could all be the same color and tall people would hate short people, skinny people would hate fat people, etc., etc.

Does that mean that we just stop trying to fight against racism? Of course not. But it also means that there is no need to go looking for racism in every comment someone makes whether it was racist or not. In fact, imo, that kind of shit takes away from exposing and stopping real racism.

It's stupid to hate people over race anyway. Given enough time, most people will give you good reasons to hate them.


Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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I'm not black, but surely comments like this will only add to the perception. :noidea:

Racism isn't everywhere and its getting better and I think its better to see the positive than to constantly be on the lookout for the negative. But racism does exist. Lets not pretend that black americans have nothing to worry about in regards to racism.

Well said and Thank You.

But, I actually appreciate the fact that he's being honest.

Sometimes the internet makes it easier for folks to admit the truths they are reluctant to say, for fear of being labeled.

As long as it remains respectful, I actually enjoy having these kinds of conversations. Nothing said will likely change anyone's opinion. But, racism thrives because of fear, Ignorance, Intolerance and miscommunication.

Talking about it minimizes that ever so slightly.

Plus, there is always a bit of truth to every stereotype, this one included.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Are you saying its impossible for someone to thoughtfully consider something and come up with a race angle as the explanation???

No, I'm saying that if you gave "thoughtful consideration" to an obviously non-racist comment and racism is what you came up with...you either need to take a look at just how "thoughtful" your "consideration" was. Or, you were trying to deflect away from something negative about yourself and/or, in this case, your "posse."

You Lebroniacs crack me up with your constant need to defend everything he does and says. Lebron is no smarter or more well informed than anyone else. He's a high school graduate who happens to be a great basketball player. I want him on my basketball team, not my debate team.

Why can't you guys just say, "he was right to defend his friends, but took it too far when he made it about race"? It really is that simple.