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Al Falfa

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Get off the MY thing. At least one of those plays was very tough and Colby was just as much at fault as him.

I'll bring any topic I feel like bringing up. You just posted a bullshit list of gripes about Wash so now I'm suppose to give MY the kid gloves treatment just because it rubs your butt the wrong way? Screw you.

Al Falfa

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Just saw the play (again). Cruz had (what appeared to have) a good break on the ball. The ball was totally catchable. It was misjudged, plain and simple. It was hit harder than he thought coupled with the intensity of the situation causing this to happen.

I think you just hit the nail on the head.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
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I'll bring any topic I feel like bringing up. You just posted a bullshit list of gripes about Wash so now I'm suppose to give MY the kid gloves treatment just because it rubs your butt the wrong way? Screw you.

I posted some very legitimate poor choices that Wash has made in the last two WS, and you're hate of MY is so blind that you equate him at 1b to Vlad in RF. seriously? Then you blame young for Colby not stepping on the bag.

I didn't make this personal, but you went there with the insult. We don't need that garbage here and frankly you add very little of value here. You just like to bitch about MY, who may not be a gold glover by any means, but is adequate enough in a pinch. Why don't you just take your useless posts elsewhere you clueless douche.


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Get off the MY thing. At least one of those plays was very tough and Colby was just as much at fault as him.

give it up Al hates MY and would trade him a bag of used balls and not care a bit about how much it would hurt the team

Al Falfa

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I posted some very legitimate poor choices that Wash has made in the last two WS, and you're hate of MY is so blind that you equate him at 1b to Vlad in RF. seriously? Then you blame young for Colby not stepping on the bag.

I didn't make this personal, but you went there with the insult. We don't need that garbage here and frankly you add very little of value here. You just like to bitch about MY, who may not be a gold glover by any means, but is adequate enough in a pinch. Why don't you just take your useless posts elsewhere you clueless douche.

Not sure what you're refering to when you say insult. Learn to argue a better point with something other than "because I said so" and you won't get your feathers ruffled. Fortunately you don't get to choose the subject matter here or who brings it. All you did was present your gripes on Wash and your opinions on Michael Young. There is nothing any more or less legitimate or useful about them than mine. Just opinions.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
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Not sure what you're refering to when you say insult. Learn to argue a better point with something other than "because I said so" and you won't get your feathers ruffled. Fortunately you don't get to choose the subject matter here or who brings it. All you did was present your gripes on Wash and your opinions on Michael Young. There is nothing any more or less legitimate or useful about them than mine. Just opinions.

You mean the part where you said "screw you" wasn't an insult?

I didn't tell you to shut up. I was just making the point that your hate of MY is well chronicled and tired. Funny how you call me out for basing my opinions on "because I said so" but that's basically the only basis you've offered for your MY hate. You call him out for the one play in game 6 (tough play by the way for a 1b) and continue to ignore the fact that he got the ball to Colby who simply didn't step on the bag.

Hi pot, meet kettle.

Al Falfa

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give it up Al hates MY and would trade him a bag of used balls and not care a bit about how much it would hurt the team

Never been in favor of trading Michael Young and have never stated such. Just something you dreamed up.


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You mean the part where you said "screw you" wasn't an insult?

I didn't tell you to shut up. I was just making the point that your hate of MY is well chronicled and tired. Funny how you call me out for basing my opinions on "because I said so" but that's basically the only basis you've offered for your MY hate. You call him out for the one play in game 6 (tough play by the way for a 1b) and continue to ignore the fact that he got the ball to Colby who simply didn't step on the bag.

Hi pot, meet kettle.

haven't you recognized by now that only Al is allowed to express an opinion? everyone else by his rules is only allowed to express facts

Al Falfa

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You mean the part where you said "screw you" wasn't an insult?

I didn't tell you to shut up. I was just making the point that your hate of MY is well chronicled and tired. Funny how you call me out for basing my opinions on "because I said so" but that's basically the only basis you've offered for your MY hate. You call him out for the one play in game 6 (tough play by the way for a 1b) and continue to ignore the fact that he got the ball to Colby who simply didn't step on the bag.

Hi pot, meet kettle.

So what if I'm not a MY fan? I'm not a Torrealba fan either, but it would probably be OK if I ragged on him, right?
MY botched two plays that ultimately led to two Cardinal runs. The ball you keep refering to concerning Lewis was a fumbled ground ball that was late getting to the bag. Colby was actually looking for the ball to be thrown to him. If Young had fielded the ball cleanly and made a proper toss, it's a non issue. Look at the replay and see if you see anything to the contrary.


Grumpy Cat
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So what if I'm not a MY fan? I'm not a Torrealba fan either, but it would probably be OK if I ragged on him, right?
MY botched two plays that ultimately led to two Cardinal runs. The ball you keep refering to concerning Lewis was a fumbled ground ball that was late getting to the bag. Colby was actually looking for the ball to be thrown to him. If Young had fielded the ball cleanly and made a proper toss, it's a non issue. Look at the replay and see if you see anything to the contrary.

Agree and stated as such when it happened

I think Young is a positive player to have in that he has a solid bat and has an ability to put on a glove and not be totally useless but he is not even an average defensive player ANYWHERE, and deserves any ridicule he recieves, just as any other player does, his tenure shouldn't excuse him from criticism

Here's the thing, if you have ZERO range, then you should at least cleanly field the ones hit at you


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Baseball Video Highlights & Clips | WS2011 Gm6: Young makes two errors in loss to Cards - Video | MLB.com: Multimedia

The 2nd error was definitely a WTF play but I still maintain that Colby should have made the first play.

that's what 99.9999% of viewers say about the 1st play. it was on Colby for not getting there like he was suppose to. the 2nd was definitely a WTF play but every player has one of those every once in a while.

is MY an all-star 1st baseman or 2nd baseman or 3rd baseman or shortstop at this point in his career? NO and everyone accepts that but most recognize that he is an adequate utility payer who can and will see some time at 1st, 2nd, 3rd & SS during the 2012 season whether some on this board like it or not


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that's what 99.9999% of viewers say about the 1st play. it was on Colby for not getting there like he was suppose to. the 2nd was definitely a WTF play but every player has one of those every once in a while.

is MY an all-star 1st baseman or 2nd baseman or 3rd baseman or shortstop at this point in his career? NO and everyone accepts that but most recognize that he is an adequate utility payer who can and will see some time at 1st, 2nd, 3rd & SS during the 2012 season whether some on this board like it or not

99.9999% is a bit high but at least 85-95%say it was on Colby


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Nothing left for the playoffs? He only pitched 45 innings in 52 games. That is 20 innings fewer than Uehara who is 8 years older pitched!

Lowe was healthy enough after coming over from SEA to be named to the TEX post season roster ... and sound enough for TEX to have him penciled in as closer during 2011 ST. So not sure how we excuse his troubles in 2011 and attribute them to him still recovering from surgery. That makes it sound like Lowe is another Rich Harden.

Earlier I said I didn't call Lowe garbage ... but I certainly have no faith in him in pressure situations. Lowe reminds me of the CJ who used to set up or close for TEX back couple of years ago.

He pitched all of 13 innings in 2010 over 14 games. 52 games in 2011 is quite a difference. That's a lot more side work, a lot more warming up, and a lot more pitches thrown in games. You can't compare a reliever and starter innings wise. It's a much different workload on the arm warming up every few nights.

Will he ever repeat 2009? Maybe not, but I wouldn't expect him to be as poor as he was at times last year.

Al Falfa

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that's what 99.9999% of viewers say about the 1st play. it was on Colby for not getting there like he was suppose to. the 2nd was definitely a WTF play but every player has one of those every once in a while.

is MY an all-star 1st baseman or 2nd baseman or 3rd baseman or shortstop at this point in his career? NO and everyone accepts that but most recognize that he is an adequate utility payer who can and will see some time at 1st, 2nd, 3rd & SS during the 2012 season whether some on this board like it or not

Whether or not Michael Young is an all star caliber first baseman or whether or not he is liked or disliked has no bearing in this discussion. It also makes no difference that everybody has a bad fielding day. The discussion is not a comparison or popularity contest. The subject matter is the play at 1st base.

Replays show that Young bobbled the ball and that in turn caused Colby to hesitate in order to keep from over running the bag. He had to stop, watch Young and at the same time watch for a throw, if there was going to be one, and at the same time search for the bag with his foot.

All of which could have been avoided with a clean pick and toss of the ball. Young simply didn't make the plays and there is no way to get around that or placing the blame on Colby or anybody else. Neither ball that MY bobbled were that difficult of a play. They were simply botched ground balls.