me too
nice rear
me too
Ottawa has a hockey team???
Are they in the WHL???
Wait, where is Ottawa???
You just made me google it to ensure I spelled Ottawa correctly...
i would mis-spell them on purpose lol otawa looks good to me
I misspell them like this:
ok, that was low....
If you had posted this to begin with. I probably wouldnt have posted anything about the dirty players in Ottawa. But you went all childish with
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Letang is a cheap, dirty, whining, diving scumbag.
IMO he is entering the level of Lapierre, Burish and Avery (on the ice). Oh, he diefinitely has some Ribeiro in him too.
So I felt it necessary to call out the dirty players on your team in response. Do you follow...
In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary........come again?
In what way could it possibly not be dirty to slash someone hard enough to break their hand??
he's getting up there on a lot of people's lists. Kenny isn't the only one who's noticed.I agree, but he's yet to have a blatantly dirty hit that I can recall. As you've said, there's been a handful of questionable, but to me in my incredibly biased stance, it's not quite enough to label him dirty.
he's getting up there on a lot of people's lists. Kenny isn't the only one who's noticed.
Doesn't surprise me that he is moving up, but I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that he's just recently started to use his body in defense. He's morphed a lot this year into a physical, hard hitting player, and that's new to most people because they only see him a few times a year and are used to float and score Letang. He's still young and can't be labeled quite yet, IMO. The next few seasons will truly hash that out.
Doesn't surprise me that he is moving up, but I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that he's just recently started to use his body in defense. He's morphed a lot this year into a physical, hard hitting player, and that's new to most people because they only see him a few times a year and are used to float and score Letang. He's still young and can't be labeled quite yet, IMO. The next few seasons will truly hash that out.
I think it is hilarious that Shittsburgh is attracting so much negative attention lately. They went from being this respected class act team that would blow Bettman at any given chance, to now being, well, Shittsburgh. I guess Bettman found a new hole to plug.
he's getting up there on a lot of people's lists. Kenny isn't the only one who's noticed.
who's ass? looks like Kournikova
not the same thing at all. someone like Orpik is a hard hitting beast, but he's not dirty.
Letang just takes his shots.