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Kevin Love opts out of contract


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Because your post made it seem like they were losing all season and just prior to the postseason became the #2 seed.

Didn't mean to imply that. They were at 19-20... then went a run and got the 2 seed. I think its fair to question their ability to win that many games with Wiggins instead of Love.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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Didn't mean to imply that. They were at 19-20... then went a run and got the 2 seed. I think its fair to question their ability to win that many games with Wiggins instead of Love.
I understand now. When they were trying to get Love I thought at the time it would've served the Cavs better to be patient and pursue Love this summer when he was a FA so they wouldn't have to give up Wiggins in the process.

But clearly had they done that they may not have made it to the Finals. The flip side is what would this upcoming season look like if they had them both. We'll never know.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
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No reason to compare Wiggins to Love in terms of how it would have helped the Cavs or not.
I think the Cavs did what they had to do and they had the better player this year, no doubt. If Love stays they will have the better player for the next couple years. What the Cavs did the last couple months of the season was great, they had great chemistry just had some unfortunate injuries. No telling what Wiggins would have done.


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Apr 17, 2013
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My GUESS with the whole Love situation comes down to whether he's seeking a 1 year deal or looking for the hopeful big payday next year.

I doubt he does anything without opt outs and no trade clauses if he sticks with the Cavs this season.


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Apr 17, 2013
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No reason to compare Wiggins to Love in terms of how it would have helped the Cavs or not.
I think the Cavs did what they had to do and they had the better player this year, no doubt. If Love stays they will have the better player for the next couple years. What the Cavs did the last couple months of the season was great, they had great chemistry just had some unfortunate injuries. No telling what Wiggins would have done.

Maybe not on the court, there certainly is as far as how their books would look moving into this season and beyond.

It keeps coming back to James being impatient vs practicing the patience he was preaching.
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Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It keeps coming back to James being impatient vs practicing the patience he was preaching.

1) Completely dismissing David Griffin's part of that decision is - at best - a huge assumption.

2) I don't think its fair to say that the decision to trade Love for Wiggins was an impatient one - or that it was all about win-now and completely disregarded the future. If you had 1000 NBA fans/experts/players/whatever evaluate that decision (at the time) based purely on 3 years down the road... there's going to be plenty of debate both ways. When that move was made Wiggins was a complete unknown... and there was plenty of hope/belief that Love would be part of the long-term plan for the Cavs. That is more than enough to stand up against the potential lower salary and youth of Wiggins... in terms of long-term success.


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Apr 17, 2013
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1) Completely dismissing David Griffin's part of that decision is - at best - a huge assumption.

2) I don't think its fair to say that the decision to trade Love for Wiggins was an impatient one - or that it was all about win-now and completely disregarded the future. If you had 1000 NBA fans/experts/players/whatever evaluate that decision (at the time) based purely on 3 years down the road... there's going to be plenty of debate both ways. When that move was made Wiggins was a complete unknown... and there was plenty of hope/belief that Love would be part of the long-term plan for the Cavs. That is more than enough to stand up against the potential lower salary and youth of Wiggins... in terms of long-term success.

I just totally disagree about it being anything other then a James decision.

Owners JUST DON'T trade away players with the upside projections of a player like Wiggins who is locked in on the rookie pay scale for a player like Love who you know is looking for a max.

I'd like to see examples of how many times a move like that has been made before.

PLUS. They knew Love was going to be an UFA just a year later.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I just totally disagree about it being anything other then a James decision.

Owners JUST DON'T trade away players with the upside projections of a player like Wiggins who is locked in on the rookie pay scale for a player like Love who you know is looking for a max.

I'd like to see examples of how many times a move like that has been made before.

PLUS. They knew Love was going to be an UFA just a year later.

Yeah, we're just on different ends of thinking on this one.

I think there are a LOT of GM's that would've done that deal - even under a hypothetical scenario where LeBron had zero input or personal opinion on the matter.

If it was a team that was rebuilding... no... but any team with the pieces of Irving and LeBron would've done that deal for Love in a heartbeat - IMO.

Wiggins had a good rookie year - but this went down before he played a single minute in the league. Wiggins was FAR from a sure thing (still is, IMO).


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, we're just on different ends of thinking on this one.

I think there are a LOT of GM's that would've done that deal - even under a hypothetical scenario where LeBron had zero input or personal opinion on the matter.

If it was a team that was rebuilding... no... but any team with the pieces of Irving and LeBron would've done that deal for Love in a heartbeat - IMO.

Wiggins had a good rookie year - but this went down before he played a single minute in the league. Wiggins was FAR from a sure thing (still is, IMO).

Why not JUST wait 1 year?
It wasn't like Love was looking to sign long term somewhere else.

Wiggins is looking like he's pretty close to a sure thing.
I believe he was ROY.
His game improved in all aspects throughout the season.

I really can't say the same thing about Love and his long term future with the Cavs.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Why not JUST wait 1 year?
It wasn't like Love was looking to sign long term somewhere else.

But would the Cavs have been able to sign him to a max this off-season? They got his bird rights in the trade, allowing them to go over the cap now to keep him.

The competition definitely gets a lot harder if your plan is to get him as an unrestricted free agent (without his bird rights).

Maybe that would've been the best route to go for... especially considering what has happened in the meantime... but rewinding back 1 year without knowing what we know now.... I still think a lot of GM's would've done the same thing.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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But would the Cavs have been able to sign him to a max this off-season? They got his bird rights in the trade, allowing them to go over the cap now to keep him.

The competition definitely gets a lot harder if your plan is to get him as an unrestricted free agent (without his bird rights).

Maybe that would've been the best route to go for... especially considering what has happened in the meantime... but rewinding back 1 year without knowing what we know now.... I still think a lot of GM's would've done the same thing.

There's always competition, so it would have just boiled down to whether or not Love really wanted to be there.

There is the unknown of what the available cap space would have been, but IF he's only looking for a 1 year deal now, then a super max next year it could have worked out.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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1) Completely dismissing David Griffin's part of that decision is - at best - a huge assumption.

2) I don't think its fair to say that the decision to trade Love for Wiggins was an impatient one - or that it was all about win-now and completely disregarded the future. If you had 1000 NBA fans/experts/players/whatever evaluate that decision (at the time) based purely on 3 years down the road... there's going to be plenty of debate both ways. When that move was made Wiggins was a complete unknown... and there was plenty of hope/belief that Love would be part of the long-term plan for the Cavs. That is more than enough to stand up against the potential lower salary and youth of Wiggins... in terms of long-term success.
Here's how I see things:
A) Patience was definitely the key ingredient in making the team stronger for the long road. I say that because although Love is a proven player in the league he also would become a FA this summer without any guarantees on what he would do when the time came (as we've gotten a peek at so far)

B) With Wiggins there is sort of a guarantee because he would've signed a rookie contract for multiple years. This would've allowed time for him to develop and mature and for the team to mold him into the type of player they needed. Also, let it be noted that Wiggins looked pretty good his rookie year up in Minny. Just sayin. Worst case scenario they have a back up PG so Kyrie isn't ran to death during the season (maybe he doesn't break his knee cap) and now Love is a FA and they can sign him without having to worry about a trade.

C) If Love really does leave the Cavs would have lost out on B because they didn't refer to A.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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But would the Cavs have been able to sign him to a max this off-season? They got his bird rights in the trade, allowing them to go over the cap now to keep him.

The competition definitely gets a lot harder if your plan is to get him as an unrestricted free agent (without his bird rights).

Maybe that would've been the best route to go for... especially considering what has happened in the meantime... but rewinding back 1 year without knowing what we know now.... I still think a lot of GM's would've done the same thing.
I donno...he made it clear he wanted to play in Cleveland so I would've bet that he would've signed there as a FA this summer even if they waited. Now though, no one is so sure what he wants to do at this point. Maybe with Wiggins there and the team having an easier load (more depth) that might have made it even more attractive to Love.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Hey LAD...

how did you like the Lakers picks last night? And I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck Danny Ainge is doing.:scratch:


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
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LBJ might be leaving the Cavs again. He said he is going to have a wait and see approach. Wow this would be crazy if he leaves again. I wonder what Cavs fans think.

I don't think he will leave I just think this is to put pressure on the Management to make some moves.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Hey LAD...

how did you like the Lakers picks last night? And I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck Danny Ainge is doing.:scratch:
It was what I thouht they would do. I figured they would draft a guard because they're trying to get a 4/5 via FA.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,550.00
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LBJ might be leaving the Cavs again. He said he is going to have a wait and see approach. Wow this would be crazy if he leaves again. I wonder what Cavs fans think.

I don't think he will leave I just think this is to put pressure on the Management to make some moves.

To be clear... LeBron didn't say that or anything like that.

A Bleacher Report writer said "There is a belief that he is going to take a wait and see approach"

Who's belief this is, I have no idea... and the writer failed to elaborate.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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LBJ might be leaving the Cavs again. He said he is going to have a wait and see approach. Wow this would be crazy if he leaves again. I wonder what Cavs fans think.

I don't think he will leave I just think this is to put pressure on the Management to make some moves.
Well I wonder if the reason JR opted out had something to do with threats from LBJ and others?? :lol:


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
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It was what I thouht they would do. I figured they would draft a guard because they're trying to get a 4/5 via FA.
Yup this is why they went with a Guard. It was actually a smart move. I still think its tough to pass Okafor but overall I think it will be the better move for the Lakers. If they land a top 4/5 I think lakers make the playoffs next year if healthy.

Im happy with my Bulls. I think we now trade Gibson and get that back PG who can also play with Rose at the same time or they get that starting SG and move Butler to SF.