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Kevin love has contacted cle that he is returning


Guy Who Never Responds
Apr 17, 2013
Ellicott City, MD
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TT's defense more than made up for lacking Love's offense and they're the same guy on the boards.

You are the 2nd post today that pointed out Thompson's defense??? defense???

maybe I am missing something, but dude sucks at defense...... He cannot defend the post versus anyone besides the tiny midgets that Steve Kerr purposely used to play small ball.

TT gets rebounds and this is the sum total of his game. He gets chewed up trying to defend the rim.

I would much rather have Love who can shoot from distance at times. That is not exactly max money either, but it makes him a far superior player.


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Love contracted clemedia? poor bastage needs some tetracylin or something


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maybe I am missing something, but dude sucks at defense...... He cannot defend the post versus anyone besides the tiny midgets that Steve Kerr purposely used to play small ball.

TT gets rebounds and this is the sum total of his game. He gets chewed up trying to defend the rim.

I would much rather have Love who can shoot from distance at times. That is not exactly max money either, but it makes him a far superior player.[/QUOTE]

i agree with you its insane to say Love can go because you have Tristan Thompson- and I really like Tristan Thompson- and in his defense- well-first- he did play really good defense against a lot of different bigs in the playoffs and regular season- and even against some pretty good centers. Thompson is not a guy that is a difference making rim protector- but he has a lot of value in his versatility- he can guard stretch and mobile 4's- and can also go and guard centers- and can even switch on pick and rolls and do a decent job on guards.

Hes not gonna make an all defensive team, but he is a very above average defender with great versatility.-but you are right- hes not a great defender


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Apr 17, 2013
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I understand the Cavs wanting to keep Love, if for no other reason than the Cavs look pretty dumb giving up Wiggins for a 1 year rental. However, if you add an Ariza type player to TT, you probably end up with an overall better team.

I don't see the Cavs missing Love as being why the Cavs lost, not having Kyrie is why they lost. TT's defense more than made up for lacking Love's offense and they're the same guy on the boards.

Ariza makes 8M.
You could add 2+ Arizas via trade.
How does that not make you better when you already have another max or near max PF who is dependable and improving?


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Apr 17, 2013
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If ANYONE should know that it takes some time for a "Big 3" to come together its you.

If you really think the Cavs opinion of Love would change because he initially did not fit

i agree with you its insane to say Love can go because you have Tristan Thompson- and I really like Tristan Thompson- and in his defense- well-first- he did play really good defense against a lot of different bigs in the playoffs and regular season- and even against some pretty good centers. Thompson is not a guy that is a difference making rim protector- but he has a lot of value in his versatility- he can guard stretch and mobile 4's- and can also go and guard centers- and can even switch on pick and rolls and do a decent job on guards.

Hes not gonna make an all defensive team, but he is a very above average defender with great versatility.-but you are right- hes not a great defender

I do know, and I also know that there were many times that during the Heat Big 3 that I felt we could be better turning Boshs salary into 2 quality players.

It's not a knock on Bosh or Love, but a max player shouldn't be a distant 3rd option who at important time weakens your team by being on the court.


Guy Who Never Responds
Apr 17, 2013
Ellicott City, MD
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If someone wants to showcase vaguer concepts like versatility as an "immeasurable" defensive asset....Well I can accept that theory and understand a little bit of the concept.

But, In my opinion, Tristan Thompson is not a good defender at all.

I would not give big money to him.

For some stupid reason, GM Lebron has decided that he wants TT to get paid like a superstar...and has almost iced out the better player in Love.

Literally, you can get a Dajuan Blair type instead of Thompson for 1/5th the price.


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Apr 17, 2013
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If someone wants to showcase vaguer concepts like versatility as an "immeasurable" defensive asset....Well I can accept that theory and understand a little bit of the concept.

But, In my opinion, Tristan Thompson is not a good defender at all.

I would not give big money to him.

For some stupid reason, GM Lebron has decided that he wants TT to get paid like a superstar...and has almost iced out the better player in Love.

Literally, you can get a Dajuan Blair type instead of Thompson for 1/5th the price.

He's a poor post defender, good perimeter defender and a very good, hard working rebounder.

Cavs fans want you to believe he's the next Karl Malone.

He's just a guy whose taking advantage of a situation that he was gifted the minute James came back because of his agent.


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Jul 17, 2014
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the worst trades in NBA history are when you trade a super star and get back pieces parts.

Kevin Love is a top 10, if not top 15 player- At the beginning of last year I saw multiple outlets rate him in their top 5.

He is because he is a big man that can shoot the lights out, post up, rebound, pass. And its not like he just does all these things- he is defintely a top 5 rebounder int he NBA...He is probably THE BEST shooter over 6'9" in the league...and he is sparks the fast break and gives your team extra easy points with his amazing passing. This guy is a true max player. Now- he does have an injury history- and he is soft defensively, and he probably couldnt be your #1 unless you had a couple really good #2's and #3's- but he is the PERFECT fit that transforms the Cavs from a damn good team and title contender- into a potential dynasty.


Guy Who Never Responds
Apr 17, 2013
Ellicott City, MD
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Love is a legitimate A-/B+ player with unique skills that can work as a #2/#3 guy for a title team.

Thompson is a C+ guy who took advantage of a perfect situation and is not going to win them anything if they go with him over Love.

if the Cavs let Love walk, they will regret it immediately.

Sure, they will have to overpay Love quite a bit.....and that is not ideal ....but the alternative plan is just dumb.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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the worst trades in NBA history are when you trade a super star and get back pieces parts.

Kevin Love is a top 10, if not top 15 player- At the beginning of last year I saw multiple outlets rate him in their top 5.

He is because he is a big man that can shoot the lights out, post up, rebound, pass. And its not like he just does all these things- he is defintely a top 5 rebounder int he NBA...He is probably THE BEST shooter over 6'9" in the league...and he is sparks the fast break and gives your team extra easy points with his amazing passing. This guy is a true max player. Now- he does have an injury history- and he is soft defensively, and he probably couldnt be your #1 unless you had a couple really good #2's and #3's- but he is the PERFECT fit that transforms the Cavs from a damn good team and title contender- into a potential dynasty.

Now you're talking dynasty?
You think James knows 'Doc' Brown?
I'm thinking if you don't get to 1 next year, that roster won't ever get it.

And top 10-15?
That's crazy talk.
Name me any top 10-15 player in the history of the league who gets benched for sometimes entire 4th quarters?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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He's a poor post defender, good perimeter defender and a very good, hard working rebounder.

Cavs fans want you to believe he's the next Karl Malone.

He's just a guy whose taking advantage of a situation that he was gifted the minute James came back because of his agent.

my thing is this, how many of his offensive rebounds come because his guy leaves to help on LeBron/Kyrie drives because they aren't worried about TT doing anything? I'd guess that TT gets more OREBS, but there are also more misses for the simple reason that he is on the court and that kills spacing and gives the D a guy they don't have to guard/can help off of


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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my thing is this, how many of his offensive rebounds come because his guy leaves to help on LeBron/Kyrie drives because they aren't worried about TT doing anything? I'd guess that TT gets more OREBS, but there are also more misses for the simple reason that he is on the court and that kills spacing and gives the D a guy they don't have to guard/can help off of

Of course that's a huge part of it.
There's a reason nobody heard of Tristan before this season.
It happens all the time.
Every NBA player is talented, but many, many have ended up being grossly overpaid because they took advantage of a situation similar to this.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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If someone wants to showcase vaguer concepts like versatility as an "immeasurable" defensive asset....Well I can accept that theory and understand a little bit of the concept.

But, In my opinion, Tristan Thompson is not a good defender at all.

I would not give big money to him.

For some stupid reason, GM Lebron has decided that he wants TT to get paid like a superstar...and has almost iced out the better player in Love.

Literally, you can get a Dajuan Blair type instead of Thompson for 1/5th the price.

Comparing Blair to TT is a little obsurd honestly. I agree TT shouldnt get max or close to it, you have to remember this guy was getting those numbers off the bench. He is a top rebounder in the league and is a pretty good defender, dont know what you saw where is an awful defender. That being said around $10 mil a year sounds good for him, but times have changed apparently.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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I understand the Cavs wanting to keep Love, if for no other reason than the Cavs look pretty dumb giving up Wiggins for a 1 year rental. However, if you add an Ariza type player to TT, you probably end up with an overall better team.

I don't see the Cavs missing Love as being why the Cavs lost, not having Kyrie is why they lost. TT's defense more than made up for lacking Love's offense and they're the same guy on the boards.

While I agree KYRIE is the reason they lost, I do think Love helps them space the floor more and TT doesnt. That's where Kyrie and Lebron thrive and with Lebron only on the court they dont have to cover TT at all. But TT also helped on defense and rebounding but lets not act like Love isnt a great rebounder himself. There are two sides to every story.
I saw the Cavs play their best basketball in the 2nd half of the season, not the playoffs. Guys stepped up and worked extremely hard in the playoffs. But a better team? I still dont buy it, they had no depth and that is the key. I still dont think TT deserves max but he is a really good player and the Cavs also need him.

I think the Cavs would go over the top with an Ariza type of player though


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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While I agree KYRIE is the reason they lost, I do think Love helps them space the floor more and TT doesnt. That's where Kyrie and Lebron thrive and with Lebron only on the court they dont have to cover TT at all. But TT also helped on defense and rebounding but lets not act like Love isnt a great rebounder himself. There are two sides to every story.
I saw the Cavs play their best basketball in the 2nd half of the season, not the playoffs. Guys stepped up and worked extremely hard in the playoffs. But a better team? I still dont buy it, they had no depth and that is the key. I still dont think TT deserves max but he is a really good player and the Cavs also need him.

I think the Cavs would go over the top with an Ariza type of player though

True, but you can get guys who space the floor for less than max money. Assuming the Cavs re-sign both Love and TT, that's a lot of money tied up in 1 position.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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True, but you can get guys who space the floor for less than max money. Assuming the Cavs re-sign both Love and TT, that's a lot of money tied up in 1 position.

I agree but i just love TT's motor. He never gives up on a play. To be worth even anything close to this amount of money he better be playing close to 35 minutes a game. Lebron loves him so he is all-in. Ohh well lol


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Apr 17, 2013
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the worst trades in NBA history are when you trade a super star and get back pieces parts.

Kevin Love is a top 10, if not top 15 player- At the beginning of last year I saw multiple outlets rate him in their top 5.

He is because he is a big man that can shoot the lights out, post up, rebound, pass. And its not like he just does all these things- he is defintely a top 5 rebounder int he NBA...He is probably THE BEST shooter over 6'9" in the league...and he is sparks the fast break and gives your team extra easy points with his amazing passing. This guy is a true max player. Now- he does have an injury history- and he is soft defensively, and he probably couldnt be your #1 unless you had a couple really good #2's and #3's- but he is the PERFECT fit that transforms the Cavs from a damn good team and title contender- into a potential dynasty.

Kevin Love is neither. The fact that you even mentioned him possibly in the top 10 shows how much of a homer you are.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Kevin Love is neither. The fact that you even mentioned him possibly in the top 10 shows how much of a homer you are.

Love is the 3rd best player on his own team.
So, according to Wiggy, all season, the Cavs had the best player in the world plus 2 others who ranked in the next top 14 in the world but weren't expected to win.


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Apr 17, 2013
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While I agree KYRIE is the reason they lost, I do think Love helps them space the floor more and TT doesnt. That's where Kyrie and Lebron thrive and with Lebron only on the court they dont have to cover TT at all. But TT also helped on defense and rebounding but lets not act like Love isnt a great rebounder himself. There are two sides to every story.
I saw the Cavs play their best basketball in the 2nd half of the season, not the playoffs. Guys stepped up and worked extremely hard in the playoffs. But a better team? I still dont buy it, they had no depth and that is the key. I still dont think TT deserves max but he is a really good player and the Cavs also need him.

I think the Cavs would go over the top with an Ariza type of player though

So, you think you'd be better with 2 Ariza type players or Love?