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Kevin love has contacted cle that he is returning


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Jul 17, 2014
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I read that as well.

Lets just hope it is true. We should know in a few short days. Like i said- Cavs can offer him the most cash and the best chance to win but in the end nothing is definite until the signature is on the contract. Should be an interesting week


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I read that as well.

Lets just hope it is true. We should know in a few short days. Like i said- Cavs can offer him the most cash and the best chance to win but in the end nothing is definite until the signature is on the contract. Should be an interesting week

Assume Cavs fans are happy with him at the max right? Not trolling. Serious question as that wuld mean that the team would be maxed with Tristan (assume you guys definitely want him), Irving, Love an Lebron. Will be interesting. I wonder if the Cavs would sign an trade him if somthing better came along.


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Assume Cavs fans are happy with him at the max right? Not trolling. Serious question as that wuld mean that the team would be maxed with Tristan (assume you guys definitely want him), Irving, Love an Lebron. Will be interesting. I wonder if the Cavs would sign an trade him if somthing better came along.

I've thought all along that Love would be back for at least 1 more season.
If he goes for the 5 year max, I have a feeling the opt outs will be in there as well as no trade or limited trade clauses.


Oregon Is Faster
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Between Love's knees and Irving's knees, the Cavs have one great player.


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I do not see any other media outlet re-reporting what Amico has said- all though- I think ESPN would have to be given irrefutable proof sourced by 16 reporters before they ran with it- they want as much drama and as little certainty as possible- the ACTUAL news means very little to them


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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I think ESPN would have to be given irrefutable proof sourced by 16 reporters before they ran with it-

You'd think so. But ESPN is wrong a lot. They are more interested in being first with the story than the accuracy of it.

Having said that, I'd be surprised if the Amico story is true. Not because I don't think Love will re-sign with the Cavs, I think he will re-sign with them for at least this coming season. I don't think it's true because it seems he would be hurting his own bargaining position by essentially telling everyone "don't waste your time, I'm staying put."


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You'd think so. But ESPN is wrong a lot. They are more interested in being first with the story than the accuracy of it.

Having said that, I'd be surprised if the Amico story is true. Not because I don't think Love will re-sign with the Cavs, I think he will re-sign with them for at least this coming season. I don't think it's true because it seems he would be hurting his own bargaining position by essentially telling everyone "don't waste your time, I'm staying put."
see....the bargaining position thing i think is moot because we already know how much he is getting paid

he is getting the max- whether its the big boy max from the Cavs- or the smaller max from other teams- if you are signing Kevin Love you are not giving him less than the max- so I dont see how his position is really hurt- especially if he just intends to go back.

no if he didnt intend to go back- then i get it- but- no matter the situation- we KNOW Kevin Love is getting the max- it just depends where and how many years.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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see....the bargaining position thing i think is moot because we already know how much he is getting paid

he is getting the max- whether its the big boy max from the Cavs- or the smaller max from other teams- if you are signing Kevin Love you are not giving him less than the max- so I dont see how his position is really hurt- especially if he just intends to go back.

no if he didnt intend to go back- then i get it- but- no matter the situation- we KNOW Kevin Love is getting the max- it just depends where and how many years.

Good point. I guess the only potential bargaining position with the Cavs would be to make sure he gets the big boy max. But if Gilbert intends to pay him that max no matter what, then his opt out just becomes procedural so to speak.


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see....the bargaining position thing i think is moot because we already know how much he is getting paid

he is getting the max- whether its the big boy max from the Cavs- or the smaller max from other teams- if you are signing Kevin Love you are not giving him less than the max- so I dont see how his position is really hurt- especially if he just intends to go back.

no if he didnt intend to go back- then i get it- but- no matter the situation- we KNOW Kevin Love is getting the max- it just depends where and how many years.

You think he's signing anywhere without a limited or no trade clause after what he just went through?
I don't.
Cavs would ship him off in a SECOND for the right 1 or 2 players.


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Jul 17, 2014
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You think he's signing anywhere without a limited or no trade clause after what he just went through?
I don't.
Cavs would ship him off in a SECOND for the right 1 or 2 players.

seriously- you make up things. You get things in your head and ignore facts.

Less than a year ago the Cavs gave up a ton for Love because he was PRECISELY the player that the coach and GM and LeBron wanted- ALL THREE OF THOSE GUYS- where on the same exact page- lemme tell ya- that doesnt happen often.

NO TWO PLAYERS IN THE ENTIRE LEAGUE- had a better plus minus than Bron and Love. The record and statistics with Love/Kyrie/LeBron on the floor together were amazing- 34-3 record down the stretch with those 3 together.

He is PERFECT for the Cavs offense in that they needed a big man to open up the floor- for their ELITE slashers- and they got the very best in the ENTIRE LEAGUE who just so happens to double as the leagues premier rebounder and the best big man fast break initiator since Wes Unseld.

The GM/Coach/LeBron all LOVE Kevin Love. Where you got it into your head that they dont want him big time because Tristan Thompson played well in his absence is totally and positively crazy.

If Love thought he was not wanted- or would be shipped off- he would be gone- but CONSISTENTLY that has been the EXACT opposite message from the coaching staff, owner, players, general manager and LeBron.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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You think he's signing anywhere without a limited or no trade clause after what he just went through?
I don't.
Cavs would ship him off in a SECOND for the right 1 or 2 players.

They already traded a #1 pick and possibly future star to get him, plus a #1 pick the previous year for him. Why would they trade him again, when they could have just kept Wiggins. Makes no sense. If they sign him, he is staying.
He has shown he can fit the system and the scary part is we havent seen the best of Love and this team.


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seriously- you make up things. You get things in your head and ignore facts.

Less than a year ago the Cavs gave up a ton for Love because he was PRECISELY the player that the coach and GM and LeBron wanted- ALL THREE OF THOSE GUYS- where on the same exact page- lemme tell ya- that doesnt happen often.

NO TWO PLAYERS IN THE ENTIRE LEAGUE- had a better plus minus than Bron and Love. The record and statistics with Love/Kyrie/LeBron on the floor together were amazing- 34-3 record down the stretch with those 3 together.

He is PERFECT for the Cavs offense in that they needed a big man to open up the floor- for their ELITE slashers- and they got the very best in the ENTIRE LEAGUE who just so happens to double as the leagues premier rebounder and the best big man fast break initiator since Wes Unseld.

The GM/Coach/LeBron all LOVE Kevin Love. Where you got it into your head that they dont want him big time because Tristan Thompson played well in his absence is totally and positively crazy.

If Love thought he was not wanted- or would be shipped off- he would be gone- but CONSISTENTLY that has been the EXACT opposite message from the coaching staff, owner, players, general manager and LeBron.

You need to settle down.
You think the Cavs would be LOCKED in to keeping him for 5 years regardless of possible future results?

I never said or implied that they would trade him for scrap, but stuff happens during the seasons which causes change of course, especially with James.

Here's the thing about you,
how many times have you told us what the stats are with Love, James, Kyrie..or whatever and act like it some some formula set in stone for success but yet totally ignore what Whiteside accomplished playing on a bad roster over near the same size sample size?

Plus, The Cave still played arguably their BEST ball when both Love and Kyrie were injured,

The Heat without Whiteside were often un watchable.
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They already traded a #1 pick and possibly future star to get him, plus a #1 pick the previous year for him. Why would they trade him again, when they could have just kept Wiggins. Makes no sense. If they sign him, he is staying.
He has shown he can fit the system and the scary part is we havent seen the best of Love and this team.

Tristan looked pretty damn good as a starter and he's tons better on D.
I personally would rather have 2 very good players then 1 max player who share a position with other good players on the team and is in total reality the 3rd wheel.


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seriously- you make up things. You get things in your head and ignore facts.

Less than a year ago the Cavs gave up a ton for Love because he was PRECISELY the player that the coach and GM and LeBron wanted- ALL THREE OF THOSE GUYS- where on the same exact page- lemme tell ya- that doesnt happen often.

NO TWO PLAYERS IN THE ENTIRE LEAGUE- had a better plus minus than Bron and Love. The record and statistics with Love/Kyrie/LeBron on the floor together were amazing- 34-3 record down the stretch with those 3 together.

He is PERFECT for the Cavs offense in that they needed a big man to open up the floor- for their ELITE slashers- and they got the very best in the ENTIRE LEAGUE who just so happens to double as the leagues premier rebounder and the best big man fast break initiator since Wes Unseld.

The GM/Coach/LeBron all LOVE Kevin Love. Where you got it into your head that they dont want him big time because Tristan Thompson played well in his absence is totally and positively crazy.

If Love thought he was not wanted- or would be shipped off- he would be gone- but CONSISTENTLY that has been the EXACT opposite message from the coaching staff, owner, players, general manager and LeBron.

You're leaving out the part where Love was often benched during crunch time, Tristan showed he could be an effective starter, and they made it all the way through the playoffs WITHOUT him.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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Tristan looked pretty damn good as a starter and he's tons better on D.
I personally would rather have 2 very good players then 1 max player who share a position with other good players on the team and is in total reality the 3rd wheel.

A starter has nothing to do with it. TT will still get plenty of minutes 35 or so. They have so many different lineups and variations. Varajeo will play less minutes most likely probably 20-25 maybe less to start the season. So Mozgov, TT, and Love will basically split time at 2 positions getting 30+ a game. They will figure out how to get all 4 involved affectively, it will just take time considering Varajeo never played with these bigs other than TT.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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You need to settle down.
You think the Cavs would be LOCKED in to keeping him for 5 years regardless of possible future results?

I never said or implied that they would trade him for scrap, but stuff happens during the seasons which causes change of course, especially with James.

Here's the thing about you,
how many times have you told us what the stats are with Love, James, Kyrie..or whatever and act like it some some formula set in stone for success but yet totally ignore what Whiteside accomplished playing on a bad roster over near the same size sample size?

Plus, The Cave still played arguably their BEST ball when both Love and Kyrie were injured,

The Heat without Whiteside were often un watchable.

Uhhh no they didnt. Did you not watch the offense, everyone was standing around watching Lebron. This team looks more like a team with those guys. They were better on defense, but you still have those guys playing high minutes especially TT. You add in Varajeo and you get another great defender down low. We arent even counting the pieces they could likely get in FA.
The offense was LEBRON, without Kyrie and Love. It was ugly and hard to watch at times. The defense was better, but they also had NO depth at all.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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You're leaving out the part where Love was often benched during crunch time, Tristan showed he could be an effective starter, and they made it all the way through the playoffs WITHOUT him.
Love is a decent player but no superstar in my opinion.


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Uhhh no they didnt. Did you not watch the offense, everyone was standing around watching Lebron. This team looks more like a team with those guys. They were better on defense, but you still have those guys playing high minutes especially TT. You add in Varajeo and you get another great defender down low. We arent even counting the pieces they could likely get in FA.
The offense was LEBRON, without Kyrie and Love. It was ugly and hard to watch at times. The defense was better, but they also had NO depth at all.

The defense improved more then the offense suffered.

Why are you guys acting like Love is the best, most needed piece when you just made it to game 6 of the Finals without him?

Give me 2 Ariza type players over Love, which also gives you more depth, with the rest of that roster any day of the week.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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The defense improved more then the offense suffered.

Why are you guys acting like Love is the best, most needed piece when you just made it to game 6 of the Finals without him?

Give me 2 Ariza type players over Love, which also gives you more depth, with the rest of that roster any day of the week.

I understand the Cavs wanting to keep Love, if for no other reason than the Cavs look pretty dumb giving up Wiggins for a 1 year rental. However, if you add an Ariza type player to TT, you probably end up with an overall better team.

I don't see the Cavs missing Love as being why the Cavs lost, not having Kyrie is why they lost. TT's defense more than made up for lacking Love's offense and they're the same guy on the boards.