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Kaepernick to workout for teams


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Jul 17, 2013
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OK, I am going to play Devil's Advocate on this one but I want to make one disclaimer...... Kap has a million dollar body and a 10 cent (in terms of football) brain.

This whole workout that the NFL planned was a farce, basically a PR move. The NFL chose the receivers for Kaepernick, without divulging him who they were. The NFL hand picked what media was to attend.

Summary: The NFL should have been more open on this. Kap made himself look bad but the NFL really didn't want to give him a chance.


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Jul 7, 2013
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This "scheduled workout" was a farce. Both sides didn't handle this well & neither come off looking good.


Jul 5, 2014
Jeannette, PA
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ok debate...who made him sit/kneel? Who made him opt out of his contract after a terrible year? Who made him wear pig socks, and a Che Guevara shirt? who made him allow his girlfriend to torpedo the Ravens interview? Who made him sue the NFL for collusion, then want a job there? One does not rent a HS stadium for an afternoon in 2 hours...There are school boards to meet and insurance issues to be settled at the least as well as agreeing on compensation for using the facility. He had this planned from the beginning that he was not showing up at the NFL's show. Pissing off potential employers and bringing a trainload of baggage will NOT get you employed.

Yo Tee

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ok debate...who made him sit/kneel? Who made him opt out of his contract after a terrible year? Who made him wear pig socks, and a Che Guevara shirt? who made him allow his girlfriend to torpedo the Ravens interview? Who made him sue the NFL for collusion, then want a job there? One does not rent a HS stadium for an afternoon in 2 hours...There are school boards to meet and insurance issues to be settled at the least as well as agreeing on compensation for using the facility. He had this planned from the beginning that he was not showing up at the NFL's show. Pissing off potential employers and bringing a trainload of baggage will NOT get you employed.

There are plenty of GMs on record stating they would hire him. There were 25 teams that were willing to see the guy work out and 8 teams were willing to follow him to that HS stadium that he rented for an afternoon in 2 hours. I've always said that he went too far with the Castro shirt and the big socks and I've been upfront about him going too far with the Kunta Kinte shirt today.

In 2016, he was the 2nd least intercepted QB, 2nd in TD-INT ratio, rushed for almost 500 yards in 11 games and the defense of that 49ers team was dead last in points allowed per game and dead last against the run. People like to put 2016 all on Kaepernick yet the offense was the best part of that team that year. Even execs today say that his arm strength is like he's just out of college. So, while his actions 100% played a part in him not being signed, I do believe that the NFL blackballed him and you can look at the list of QBs that have gotten contracts before him that either have had little to no NFL success or have NEVER thrown an NFL pass. I find it very hard to believe that these GMs and teams would entertain signing him or at least PUBLICLY say that they would and not follow through unless something was stopping them from it.

If he doesn't get an offer after this, it's all on him. This whole "Stop running from the truth" bullshit is just overkill. Enough is enough. Do you want to fucking play football or do you want to keep working out 5 days a week for the rest of your life for free? Seems like he doesn't even care with his words after the workout, to be honest.


Jul 5, 2014
Jeannette, PA
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There are plenty of GMs on record stating they would hire him. There were 25 teams that were willing to see the guy work out and 8 teams were willing to follow him to that HS stadium that he rented for an afternoon in 2 hours. I've always said that he went too far with the Castro shirt and the big socks and I've been upfront about him going too far with the Kunta Kinte shirt today.

In 2016, he was the 2nd least intercepted QB, 2nd in TD-INT ratio, rushed for almost 500 yards in 11 games and the defense of that 49ers team was dead last in points allowed per game and dead last against the run. People like to put 2016 all on Kaepernick yet the offense was the best part of that team that year. Even execs today say that his arm strength is like he's just out of college. So, while his actions 100% played a part in him not being signed, I do believe that the NFL blackballed him and you can look at the list of QBs that have gotten contracts before him that either have had little to no NFL success or have NEVER thrown an NFL pass. I find it very hard to believe that these GMs and teams would entertain signing him or at least PUBLICLY say that they would and not follow through unless something was stopping them from it.

If he doesn't get an offer after this, it's all on him. This whole "Stop running from the truth" bullshit is just overkill. Enough is enough. Do you want to fucking play football or do you want to keep working out 5 days a week for the rest of your life for free? Seems like he doesn't even care with his words after the workout, to be honest.
it's not blackballing a person if the employer sees someone who while competent, is not great, but will possible alienate 50% of their customers. his politics in sports obviously concerns the owners who do not need to pay a player millions to bring baggage and headaches. Every action he does is to paint himself as the victim, why would any employer want to take a chance on him disrupting their organization, then sue the employer when they cut him. two words come to mind....Antonio Brown.

Yo Tee

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Jul 28, 2017
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it's not blackballing a person if the employer sees someone who while competent, is not great, but will possible alienate 50% of their customers. his politics in sports obviously concerns the owners who do not need to pay a player millions to bring baggage and headaches. Every action he does is to paint himself as the victim, why would any employer want to take a chance on him disrupting their organization, then sue the employer when they cut him. two words come to mind....Antonio Brown.

It is blackballing is their employer are making them alienate this person, which I believe was happening and seeing how many GMs and teams were interested him, I'm pretty confident in my opinion on that.

Antonio Brown had massive amounts of baggage, yet found a home in New England. Twitter rants calling out former teams and teammates, sexual assault (not the recent one either), quitting on the team, the helmet bullshit. YET, the New England Patriots gave him a chance. He has massive baggage (legal and illegal, might I add) and brought massive headaches to the Steelers and Raiders. Every action he does and every social media post is done to paint himself as the victim. What you're saying, I assume and please correct me if I'm wrong, is that AB's talent was so good that the Patriots were willing to look past all of his baggage, headaches and everything else mentioned above? But wouldn't you say Kaep's talent was better than guys like David Fales, David Falk, Josh Johnson and other QBs that have less accolades, less success and less experienced in the league, in actual football games?


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He seriously can’t want this job, but if he does he’s one dumb mf’r the way he’s going about it.


Jul 5, 2014
Jeannette, PA
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It is blackballing is their employer are making them alienate this person, which I believe was happening and seeing how many GMs and teams were interested him, I'm pretty confident in my opinion on that.

Antonio Brown had massive amounts of baggage, yet found a home in New England. Twitter rants calling out former teams and teammates, sexual assault (not the recent one either), quitting on the team, the helmet bullshit. YET, the New England Patriots gave him a chance. He has massive baggage (legal and illegal, might I add) and brought massive headaches to the Steelers and Raiders. Every action he does and every social media post is done to paint himself as the victim. What you're saying, I assume and please correct me if I'm wrong, is that AB's talent was so good that the Patriots were willing to look past all of his baggage, headaches and everything else mentioned above? But wouldn't you say Kaep's talent was better than guys like David Fales, David Falk, Josh Johnson and other QBs that have less accolades, less success and less experienced in the league, in actual football games?
Each and every GM has their own team and they all compete for talent, not one obviously feels Kaepernick is worth the risk. I must correct you on AB, although the Patriots did take a chance on him, it was short lived, recently Josh Gordon with all his baggage and suspensions was selected over AB. Would you agree that they are both elite receivers, but AB is better? Gordon who is one failed drug test from a probable life suspension was chosen. these owners carefully weight the pros and cons of potential employees and I seriously doubt they could ever agree to blackball someone, either one owner would break the faith and hire the guy or rat out the Blackmailers to the press


When all else fails, Smack em' in the Mouth!
Jul 3, 2013
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It is blackballing is their employer are making them alienate this person, which I believe was happening and seeing how many GMs and teams were interested him, I'm pretty confident in my opinion on that.

Antonio Brown had massive amounts of baggage, yet found a home in New England. Twitter rants calling out former teams and teammates, sexual assault (not the recent one either), quitting on the team, the helmet bullshit. YET, the New England Patriots gave him a chance. He has massive baggage (legal and illegal, might I add) and brought massive headaches to the Steelers and Raiders. Every action he does and every social media post is done to paint himself as the victim. What you're saying, I assume and please correct me if I'm wrong, is that AB's talent was so good that the Patriots were willing to look past all of his baggage, headaches and everything else mentioned above? But wouldn't you say Kaep's talent was better than guys like David Fales, David Falk, Josh Johnson and other QBs that have less accolades, less success and less experienced in the league, in actual football games?
he was never black balled.
AB has elite talent at his position. Which makes teams take a chance on him, which BTW only put egg on their face (still didnt work out)
Kaep wasnt even starter quality talent, which means his Talent didnt counter the risk. Dont care about Freedom of Speech or any of the other rights people claim to be infringed on, because none of that matters when it comes to employment.
If Jerry Jones says hey if you are gonna Kneel I wont hire you. That isnt blackballing someone. That is a choice.
If I said I dont hire smokers & you say I am not gonna stop smoking & I dont hire you. That is not blackballing you. The Employee doesnt get to make the rules. Also. The NFL cant make the owners hire him. Just because when he left the NFL others that might be considered less talented was working, doesnt mean shit. He refuses to play by their rules. He wants to demand his own rules. That is not being blackballed. That is being smart by not hiring someone that is gonna fuck up your company. At which point. It doesnt matter if he is better than someone else at the position he wishes he can just claim. the man has been on a different agenda since the moment he knew he wasnt good enough to hold a starting job.
You dont threaten the Chemistry of your locker room for the chance to add Meh! talent (at best)

His talent level vs. other subpar talent is actually irrelevant & has nothing to do with being blackballed.


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Dec 17, 2018
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so, Nike was there filming... for the next round of Kaep commercials. wonder what the new tag line will be?

stop running from the truth?

that doesn't seem to work, as far as selling shoes. will have to see.


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Jul 11, 2013
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In 2016, he was the 2nd least intercepted QB, 2nd in TD-INT ratio, rushed for almost 500 yards in 11 games and the defense of that 49ers team was dead last in points allowed per game and dead last against the run. People like to put 2016 all on Kaepernick yet the offense was the best part of that team that year. Even execs today say that his arm strength is like he's just out of college.

It's actually amazing the more that people talk about Kaep. The more he comes off as Mitchell Trubisky (2nd in INT% behind Wilson). Trubisky rushed for nearly 500 yards last year. The numbers his final three years in the league being eerily identical to Trubisky's first three to this point. Then, you read this... you see that even all of the excuses for his play and his strong points are also identical. Crazy.


Year 1: 4-8 record 7 TD's 7 INT's 59.4 CMP% 2.1 TD% 2.1 INT% 2193 Yards 6.6 Y/A 77.5 Rating

Year 2: 11-3 record 24 TD's 12 INT's 66.6 CMP% 5.5 TD% 2.8 INT% 3223 Yards 7.4 Y/A 95.4 Rating

Year 3: 4-4 record 8 TD's 3 INT's 63.6 CMP% 3.3 TD% 1.3 INT% 1390 yards 5.9 Y/A 85.2 Rating


34 Starts 19-15 Record

1,003 Pass Attempts 63.5 CMP% 6806 Yards (200.5 YPG) 6.8 Y/A 39 TD's (3.9%) 22 INT's (2.2%) 87.1 Rating


Year 1: 8-8 record 19 TD's 10 INT's 60.5 CMP% 4.0 TD% 2.1 INT% 3369 yards 6.9 Y/A 86.4 Rating

Year 2: 2-6 record 6 TD's 5 INT's 59.0 CMP% 2.5 TD% 2.0 INT% 1615 yards 6.2 Y/A 78.5 Rating

Year 2: 1-10 record 16 TD's 4 INT's 59.2 CMP% 4.8 TD% 1.2 INT% 2241 yards 6.8 Y/A 90.7 Rating


35 Starts 11-24 record

1,053 Pass Attempts 59.7 CMP% 7,225 Yards (206.4 YPG) 6.8 Y/A 41 TD's (3.9%) 19 INT's (1.8%) 85.9 Rating


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Sep 21, 2014
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There are plenty of GMs on record stating they would hire him. There were 25 teams that were willing to see the guy work out and 8 teams were willing to follow him to that HS stadium that he rented for an afternoon in 2 hours. I've always said that he went too far with the Castro shirt and the big socks and I've been upfront about him going too far with the Kunta Kinte shirt today.
It is blackballing is their employer are making them alienate this person, which I believe was happening and seeing how many GMs and teams were interested him, I'm pretty confident in my opinion on that.
Of course a lot of GM's say they would hire Kaep... it's a CYA statement that costs nothing to make.

It keeps the mob from instantly calling them a racist.

Darrell Green Fan

The Voice of Reason
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The only chance he had to get back, and I do believe he wants to play again, was for this to go well with no controversy. So much for that, I don't see any team making an offer.


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If this POS gets another chance to disgrace our country I will be done with the NFL for good. I don’t think I’m alone.


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... I do believe he wants to play again...
If Kaep does want to play again... he doesn't want it bad enough to do his part to avoid the drama/baggage/headache/whatever that sticks to him like stink sticks to sh!t.