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What happens to you guys if you break that word out at work?
I walked right into the room to see the pick six. Tisk Tisk Geno.
Sorry, just wanted to see if that one would be censored.
Lotta things happen today that didn't take place in Lombardi's time.
Football isn't the only entity in sports, business, entertainment, etc where winning is the most important thing and by winning multiple sins are therefore overlooked.
On Riley Cooper. Likely nope on keeping him if Kelly had what he thought was a more talented WR to take Cooper's place. Kelly didn't so he kept Cooper.
There should be a certain level of professionalism with regard to the game.
We're told repeatedly that playing in the NFL is a priviledge, not a right - so act accordingly. Conduct yourself with a certain level of decorum.
We're also told that every man that shares the field with you is a brother. You're modern day gladiators. If that's true, then respect him.
There's no need for language of that kind.
Players need to demand better of themselves, out of respect for themselves and their kids.
Castration using two sharp stones.
What about you?
You make a legitimate point in respect to how much is overlooked in many different venues when it comes to winning, I get that.
However, amid the blinding rush to "win" at all cost someone has to redefine the word and restore it to its rightful inference. A genuine winner wins without smashing his girlfriend's nose; bullying a fellow teammate; abusing substances; or demeaning fellow human beings with derogatory insults.
In respect to that whole debacle with Cooper, Yes, nothing could be truer than Kelly calculating what Cooper could bring strategy wise as oppose to finding the courage and honor to rather lose than pretend that the issue wasn't worthy of sending Cooper packing. Again, if Cooper was a head shorter, void of anything more than a few snaps on a special teams unit you can bet the right decision would have been made. "Winning" isn't winning when it isn't achieved with a sense of class and respect for the integrity of the game, let alone for something much larger than a mere game, the respect one must have for the family of man in spite of someone else's skin color.
CK gets a whopping fine, yet Cooper's case is cleverly dealt with in house amid well designed window dressing until the matter can be quietly swept under the rug as if it never happened. Guess what does it manner as long as you "win", right?
I probably lose my job. There is a competent HR department here, apparently unlike where some of these folks work.
Just to be clear. I wasn't arguing with you or even disagreeing with what you said. I'm 52 years old. So I'm old enough to know the things of which you speak.
No problem, your feedback is as worthy as mine.
My issue is there always seems to be a double-standard in play when it comes time to mete out punishment: In CK's case a hefty fine, while he was actually engaged in a spirited contest that got heated (doesn't make what he did excusable but Riley Cooper's remarks subjected not a lone individual caught up in heated exchange amid gridiron battle/war like CK's, but directed to a whole race of people derogatorily in demeaning language...outcome, no stiff fine...just gets essentially a "what the hell were you thinking? Let's do some window dressing here, and pretend what you did never happened. Oh, Michael Vick, Do you believe in 2nd chances? Surely you must following the fallout of the dogfighting, sooooo, Michael get in that locker room and on social media, here, there, and everywhere and help us steer this matter right under the rug, wink-wink, or in Vick's case he may not even have seen the clever ploy in play as much as being a decoy on 3rd and 7, lining up in the slot way across the field while the play was actually headed in the opposite direction). And that's no reflection on Vick here, it's more a reflection upon how bad some people want to "win". Is it "winning" when the integrity of the game is sold out for a "win"? IF Riley Cooper was 6-8 inches shorter Kelly would have sent him packing, and quickly made a subsequent speech about "zero-tolerance, not on my team, etc. etc. al
Maybe they work at a place with no blacks, or no minorities, or no minorities and no women. So they use that word and other such words that are derogatory and degrading to certain minorities, all minorities, as well as women.
Or maybe they're gangster rappers.