Darth Dawkins
kffl trev
I couldn't care less. The guys from KFFL know me and that's all I need.
I couldn't care less. The guys from KFFL know me and that's all I need.
You mean except for WW1 and WW2? Jeebus you have no clue.
Oh, sorry, I forgot that before US owned you, the British did. Make no mistake, the only reason Canada has ever been in a war is because ANOTHER country invaded first and Canada had to join to make coffee and guard the food.
So let me get this straight....your team's criminal pitcher dots the opposing team's best player because of a beef stemming from a walk-off hit in last year's playoffs, where said player bat-flipped for the ages. Said player decides it's chicken shit to plunk him on his last AB of the season and decides to slide hard and send a message to your team's middle infielder. MI decides he doesn't approve of the late slide and decides to wipe the smile off his face manually. You homer it up in order to justify your players' actions of stupidity and the other team's fans and others call you on it.
And that leads you to question a man's Patriotism or his ability to stand on his own two feet? The butthurt is strong with you homie. Time for you to smoke some doja...might I suggest some Durban Poison or Blue Dream? Won't turn you into a zombie but will chill you the fuck out. Which you desperately need right now.
So let me get this straight....your team's criminal pitcher dots the opposing team's best player because of a beef stemming from a walk-off hit in last year's playoffs, where said player bat-flipped for the ages. Said player decides it's chicken shit to plunk him on his last AB of the season and decides to slide hard and send a message to your team's middle infielder. MI decides he doesn't approve of the late slide and decides to wipe the smile off his face manually. You homer it up in order to justify your players' actions of stupidity and the other team's fans and others call you on it.
And that leads you to question a man's Patriotism or his ability to stand on his own two feet? The butthurt is strong with you homie. Time for you to smoke some doja...might I suggest some Durban Poison or Blue Dream? Won't turn you into a zombie but will chill you the fuck out. Which you desperately need right now.
Weed is for losers and is a gateway drug.
You need to watch your tone, sally cinnamon.
The pitcher didn't plunk him on purpose, the pitch got away from him. He's been out of baseball for a while and it was only his second game in MLB. Maybe he had the jitters, I'm not sure.
If you slide hard, deliberate and against the rules....with intent to end the others' career....then yes, you get your head punched so hard that your hat and glasses fly off.
Oh, and you left out the part where the fake military Canadian made broad generalizations about Texans. First thing to remember, Don't Mess with Texas......and don't ever mess with the Rangers second basemans' knee. You'll get dealt with something proper.
I agree w/ about 99% of this.
However...I wouldn't tell him to try DP or blue dream..I suggest he go with a little sour diesel or girl scout cookies instead.
That's just mean....you are just trying to put him to sleep. lol
Shhhhh.......maybe it worked.
Don't wake him.
Ok Billy Badass. Let's look at your list of excuses, shall we?
1. You believe your pitcher accidentally let one get away. If you believe that, I got a bridge to sell you. Hopefully you aren't THAT stupid.
2. If Bautista wanted to, he could have snapped Odor's leg like a twig. He didn't, he slid way late, but directly over the bag. He didn't slide into his plant leg, which is what baseball players do if that truly want to fuck someone up. But please, continue to be all up in arms about something that Odor has done time and again. I'm going out on a limb and guessing that when Odor did this in the past, you know, the whole "intent to end the other's career" thing, that you didn't advocate for someone to blast Odor in the face. But conveniently, NOW that is appropriate justice. Just fucking stop already. The more you type, the more hypocritical and ridiculous you come off.
3. How do we know you are REALLY from Texas? I don't believe you. The fact that you actually used the tired "Don't mess with Texas" line leads me to believe you aren't.
Born in Ft. Worth, raised in Arlington. First ever job was working at the old Rangers Stadium....so I know about Texas pride. Once witnessed a crowd of Angels fans get worked over pretty good by Rangers fans in the parking lot.
Later in high school, witnessed some Giants fans that got a little too lippy in Jason's Deli parking lot, get knocked tha fuck out.
When you come to our state, you show respect, or you go home with a doctor's bill.
Odor did what anybody would do when a player tries to end their career....you put up your dukes and defend yourself. The fact that Bautista had his fist clenched and was ready to tag Odor, makes it all more impressive that he beat down a much bigger man. True Warrior Style.
Bautista "tried" to snap his leg like a twig...but failed. Odor was smart enough to jump out of the way at just the right angle and BOOM, it was night night for Bautista. Good thing Beltre was there to help him not fall over like a tree.
Born in Ft. Worth, raised in Arlington. First ever job was working at the old Rangers Stadium....so I know about Texas pride. Once witnessed a crowd of Angels fans get worked over pretty good by Rangers fans in the parking lot.
Later in high school, witnessed some Giants fans that got a little too lippy in Jason's Deli parking lot, get knocked tha fuck out.
When you come to our state, you show respect, or you go home with a doctor's bill.
Odor did what anybody would do when a player tries to end their career....you put up your dukes and defend yourself. The fact that Bautista had his fist clenched and was ready to tag Odor, makes it all more impressive that he beat down a much bigger man. True Warrior Style.
Bautista "tried" to snap his leg like a twig...but failed. Odor was smart enough to jump out of the way at just the right angle and BOOM, it was night night for Bautista. Good thing Beltre was there to help him not fall over like a tree.
For someone who's all about manning up, you sure get bitchy about minor shit. You show your baseball idiocy by STILL implying that Bautista was "trying" to snap his leg. He wasn't. For all this talk about what Texas is, one of the things it must seriously lack is an adequate school system that would be able to successfully teach reading comprehension. You can't say he "tried" to snap his leg without him actually going wide of the bag in order to go after his plant leg. You are about as sharp as a marble. I'm curious if it's just you or if that "sharpness" is statewide as well.
Man, you are one dumb son of a bitch. Bautista deliberately went for Odor's leg.....went flying past the bag by at least 4 feet.....and got called out for it. BOOM, lights out.
Texas ranks at the top in:
Highway System
Beautiful Women
Military toughness
Bass fishing
Taco stands
Most death row inmates killed
Let me try this is all caps to see if maybe it will help your reading comprehension.
typing in all Caps has just proven that you are wrong. My list of things Texas is great at has been checked and double checked by many of my sources.
the reason the "plant leg" wasn't targeted is because of the way Odor jumped out of the way. He successfully thwarted Bautista's ill advised slide (with intent to end Odor's career). At the end of it all, Bautista got what he deserved and there isn't anything you can do or say to change that. Deal with it, or else.
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What a fucking dolt you are. You have no idea what a plant leg is. But I laughed at your big ending. It begs the question. Or else what Handicapped?