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Jeremy Lin to the Lakers


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
Hoopla Cash
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Rule and Trojan, it is you who continue to insinuate others aren't very smart because we disagree... There is a HUGE difference in rebuild and reload... We were sold the reload version and some how the shit doesn't add up... I think we ALL agree the Lin and pick move was excellent, if you're rebuilding... I read when they signed Kobe to a ridiculous contract there was a plan to win now... That's what the Lakers said that is what Kobe cosigned to when justifying his contract...

Yet everything since has shown the exact opposite... No coach, no free agents, allowing our free agents to walk, keeping a pick to select a player who is going to be borderline all-star, adding an overpayed player we don't need to gain a pick... This all sounds like rebuilding not reloading, sounds like Logic sees the same thing...

Again, I don't see why reloading and rebuilding have to be mutually exclusive. They've tried reloading recently. Didn't work out. They're rebuilding with players like Randle while maintaining flexibility to reload next season.


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Apr 17, 2013
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I hate throwing personal attacks, but sometimes you make me wonder, why do you have "Logic" in your name? I really think you don't know how the salary cap works. How in the hell could the Lakers have got a big time FA, the last decade plus, when they were always over the cap?

This was explained to you plenty of times, but your agenda against the Lakers is so strong, that you let it go out the other ear.

You can only do what the rules allow you to do.

That's why James was so full of shit when he said the Heat needed to improve in every position.

Anyway, when your capped, the only way to create space is to take less.
Wade/Bosh took that to heart.
James, the one who ran his mouth, didn't.
I'm not saying he was obligated to, but if your not planning to, then how about just keep your yap shut and quit playing GM?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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On a friendly side note, I will become a Wizards fan this year. because of the Truth, and the deal that nets us 5 1st rounders when you factor the Cleveland deal (arguably 6 if you feel Zeller is a valid 1st rounder), and, they just got the trade exception BACK today from Wizards they use on Cleveland. Thats Jerry Buss style if you can all remember his deals

Can't cheer against Pierce now that he's no longer wearing that ugly ass green uni. He's my favorite Celtic since Larry Legend.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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Rule, Cleveland was just capped out, but they made it work...............hmmmm, I wonder how?

Learn about your previous owner Jerry Buss. Read his deals. Study. He was the Master

Hold on, the Lakers were capped out winning championships, what the hell they do wrong?


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
Hoopla Cash
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Rule, Cleveland was just capped out, but they made it work...............hmmmm, I wonder how?

Learn about your previous owner Jerry Buss. Read his deals. Study. He was the Master

So you got nothing. The Lakers were winning titles. Cleveland wasn't.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Rule, Cleveland was just capped out, but they made it work...............hmmmm, I wonder how?

Learn about your previous owner Jerry Buss. Read his deals. Study. He was the Master

And if Lebron wasn't from Akron, he wouldn't be a Cav. He also is now sitting in a worse position than he would be in if he stayed in Miami. In fact, with what the Heat have managed to do, they are likely better than Cleveland.


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Apr 17, 2013
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And if Lebron wasn't from Akron, he wouldn't be a Cav. He also is now sitting in a worse position than he would be in if he stayed in Miami. In fact, with what the Heat have managed to do, they are likely better than Cleveland.

Eastern Conference Championship odds in Vegas today.

Cavs +150
Bulls +300
Pacers + 800
Heat +2000

I'm not at all saying the Heat will win it, but they are by far the best bet of the group by far.

They even have Cavs favored over the Spurs to win the championship, which is absurd ( which is a reflection of the people wagering).


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Eastern Conference Championship odds in Vegas today.

Cavs +150
Bulls +300
Pacers + 800
Heat +2000

I'm not at all saying the Heat will win it, but they are by far the best bet of the group by far.

They even have Cavs favored over the Spurs to win the championship, which is absurd ( which is a reflection of the people wagering).

Damn. I need to drop a little money on the Heat. The Lebron/Cavs hysteria could make me a lot of money.


Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
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$ 168,223.71
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I have a question. What did you expect the Lakers to do this off season, to win now? Im asking, because this off-season is going just how everybody thought it was going to go. So what did you expect different?

All you've done throughout this season is bitch and complain about things that can't be changed and have offered nothing about what they can do now or what moves may be coming.

As for Logic, if you're buying into his line of nonsense, there's probably not much that can be said to help you.

Well, from early on I've been saying if we are going to win now, moves had to be made... This is the source of my anger... Last year I wasn't happy, but given the circumstances I was fine with the D league team we fielded (Kobe's return was my optimism) but I paid my little fees bought my little hat and defended my team both here and in real life because, it was what it was... I figured it would be bad this year too, until Kobe gets this deal and Kobe and management both said they had a plan to get wins now...

Now I'm not here to say I know all things cap related nor how to make everything work but here's what I do know... Whatever ideas I have mean nothing... I can't hire nor fire people... Here are my thoughts though...

If reloading...

1) that pick was our biggest bargaining chip... We should have used it to get somebody... I suggested Rondo, could have tried Asik, there were some people we could have gotten that makes the team better now that are better than Randle...

2) you bring in somebody like that you probably have a great at keeping Pau because he wants a chance to win and loves Kobe and LA...

3) with 3 players 2 of which are Kobe and Pau that 4th player we get could have been Ariza, Deng, Parsons...? Parsons would be a max deal so I don't think it was possible but the other 2 we had a chance at...

4) get a solid coach who commands respect, JVGUNDY, Hollins, even Scott has experience...

They didn't need to do any of those things but they really did nothing in terms of winning NOW...


1) keep the pick and make it

2) get assets

3) dump salary

4) be classy and send Kobe to a contender under our terms...

5) get a coaching who will help the young guys grow... Karl would be my guy...

That's what I would do if we are rebuilding, which is closer to what it appears to be... But we can't continue to stand there with our thumb up our butts and hope things work out...
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Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You nailed it wlk3. I believe losing out on Melo and Lebron they now know which plan they must take. It looks like they tried hard, which was logical on the first path. Imagine that Truth will get 5 mil and Kobe gets 24. Amazing


Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 168,223.71
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You nailed it wlk3. I believe losing out on Melo and Lebron they now know which plan they must take. It looks like they tried hard, which was logical on the first path. Imagine that Truth will get 5 mil and Kobe gets 24. Amazing

Imagine them reaching out to Truth, trading to get Rondo and keeping Pau...


They could win now... Maybe a ring, maybe not, but that's what trying to win now looks like... Not Lin, Kobe, Randall and next years late 20 pick...:noidea:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Well, from early on I've been saying if we are going to win now, moves had to be made... This is the source of my anger... Last year I wasn't happy, but given the circumstances I was fine with the D league team we fielded (Kobe's return was my optimism) but I paid my little fees bought my little hat and defended my team both here and in real life because, it was what it was... I figured it would be bad this year too, until Kobe gets this deal and Kobe and management both said they had a plan to get wins now...

Now I'm not here to say I know all things cap related nor how to make everything work but here's what I do know... Whatever ideas I have mean nothing... I can't hire nor fire people... Here are my thoughts though...

If reloading...

1) that pick was our biggest bargaining chip... We should have used it to get somebody... I suggested Rondo, could have tried Asik, there were some people we could have gotten that makes the team better now that are better than Randle...

2) you bring in somebody like that you probably have a great at keeping Pau because he wants a chance to win and loves Kobe and LA...

3) with 3 players 2 of which are Kobe and Pau that 3rd player we get could have been Ariza, Deng, Parsons...? Parsons would be a max deal so I don't think it was possible but the other 2 we had a chance at...

4) get a solid coach who commands respect, JVGUNDY, Hollins, even Scott has experience...

They didn't need to do any of those things but they really did nothing in terms of winning NOW...


1) keep the pick and make it

2) get assets

3) dump salary

4) be classy and send Kobe to a contender under our terms...

5) get a coaching who will help the young guys grow... Karl would be my guy...

That's what I would do if we are rebuilding, which is closer to what it appears to be... But we can't continue to stand there with our thumb up our butts and hope things work out...

Some very good points. I agree with rule though, there's nothing that says that the Lakers can't do both. They tried to deal the pick, but they couldn't get what they wanted so they kept it and got a potential cornerstone type player in Randle.

They made pitches to the only 2 FA's that were significant enough to keep Pau a Laker. Lebron was never coming and 'Melo took the money to stay in a situation that may actually give him less of a chance to make a deep playoff run than if he joined the Lakers.

Ariza, Deng and/or Parsons might be enough for a title run if we were talking about Kobe in his prime. Putting them on this team, with a 35 year old Kobe, likely puts them in 6-10 seed purgatory.

The Lakers moves have been solid. You can't force players to stay or to come.

The only significant FA they lost was Pau and he waited to see if Lebron or 'Melo were coming. When they didn't, he moved on to a place where he can win now. This frees up cap space for next season and helps the Lakers get younger.

As for the coach, I'd be good with Scott or Karl. They're both very good and have experience. They can both work with vets or young guys. Personally, I'd take Scott because he's younger and I'd like to see the Lakers get a coach that will stick around for more than 5 years. But you'd hear no complaints from me if the went with Karl.

Ultimately, they'll be fine. They've acquired some young guys, added a couple of draft picks and saved cap space for the future.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Imagine them reaching out to Truth, trading to get Rondo and keeping Pau...


They could win now... Maybe a ring, maybe not, but that's what trying to win now looks like... Not Lin, Kobe, Randall and next years late 20 pick...:noidea:

Not unless they have walkers and an endless supply of Geritol. The Nets put together a similar roster and what did that get them?

Kobe is coming off of 2 severe injuries. Rondo just had a severe knee injury. We've watched Pau struggle with injuries for the past 3 seasons. Pierce is 185 years old and faded badly in the playoffs. If that team stays healthy, they are a 4-5 seed in the west and that's me being a homer.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Imagine them reaching out to Truth, trading to get Rondo and keeping Pau...


They could win now... Maybe a ring, maybe not, but that's what trying to win now looks like... Not Lin, Kobe, Randall and next years late 20 pick...:noidea:

No offense, but that lineup looks much better on paper then it would running up and down a basketball court.


Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 168,223.71
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Some very good points. I agree with rule though, there's nothing that says that the Lakers can't do both. They tried to deal the pick, but they couldn't get what they wanted so they kept it and got a potential cornerstone type player in Randle.

They made pitches to the only 2 FA's that were significant enough to keep Pau a Laker. Lebron was never coming and 'Melo took the money to stay in a situation that may actually give him less of a chance to make a deep playoff run than if he joined the Lakers.

Ariza, Deng and/or Parsons might be enough for a title run if we were talking about Kobe in his prime. Putting them on this team, with a 35 year old Kobe, likely puts them in 6-10 seed purgatory.

The Lakers moves have been solid. You can't force players to stay or to come.

The only significant FA they lost was Pau and he waited to see if Lebron or 'Melo were coming. When they didn't, he moved on to a place where he can win now. This frees up cap space for next season and helps the Lakers get younger.

As for the coach, I'd be good with Scott or Karl. They're both very good and have experience. They can both work with vets or young guys. Personally, I'd take Scott because he's younger and I'd like to see the Lakers get a coach that will stick around for more than 5 years. But you'd hear no complaints from me if the went with Karl.

Ultimately, they'll be fine. They've acquired some young guys, added a couple of draft picks and saved cap space for the future.

Your points are valid as well... I agree the Lakers are going to be fine, but we were promised a plan, and I don't see one... Lin and a 20 pick next year was not a plan it's what happened when the Rockets went after Bosh:... For there to be no coach and summer league is almost over is just plain ridiculous... Patience, I have patience but WE were lied to... And either Kobe was too or he was in on it... Regardless which is the truth, Kobe is no longer a part of the plan...

We need to make a move to take Shumpert for Kobe... Take Amare for our troubles and see if we can throw in that pick and Nash for shits and giggles... Anything less than Shumpert Lakers need to look to Cleveland and see what Kobe gets us... Then GS, Portland, Chi then Houston in that order... Then keep him if no bites... Nothing worse then trade a player like Kobe to Utah just to get assets... He has to go and we must get something for him, since we are tanking...:noidea:


Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 168,223.71
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Not unless they have walkers and an endless supply of Geritol. The Nets put together a similar roster and what did that get them?

Kobe is coming off of 2 severe injuries. Rondo just had a severe knee injury. We've watched Pau struggle with injuries for the past 3 seasons. Pierce is 185 years old and faded badly in the playoffs. If that team stays healthy, they are a 4-5 seed in the west and that's me being a homer.

No offense, but that lineup looks much better on paper then it would running up and down a basketball court.

No offense taken, but that is trying to make a run now... I would have loved Asik which is what we could have had instead of Lin during their fire sale... Offer Sacre for and 2016 pick for Asik, 7th pick for rondo sign Ariza...


Instead Lin and a 20+ pick...:noidea:


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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You nailed it wlk3. I believe losing out on Melo and Lebron they now know which plan they must take. It looks like they tried hard, which was logical on the first path. Imagine that Truth will get 5 mil and Kobe gets 24. Amazing

A healthy Kobe is significantly better than Pierce. It's a bad comparison. Pierce isn't getting more than $5mil anywhere.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
Hoopla Cash
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Sometimes the main plan doesn't work out Wlk. That's the case here.

Shield-Thread Killa

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A healthy Kobe is significantly better than Pierce. It's a bad comparison. Pierce isn't getting more than $5mil anywhere.

I was hoping he was going to come back and retire after a season...

His wheel chair is still in storage...