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Jeremy Lin to the Lakers


Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
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Well guys its now clear that the Lakers will start the rebuild process starting 2014/2015.

They once again struck out on free agency (actually they never did build through it) and now see there will be no rings for Kobe. That era is over in LA.

This deal for Lin is an excellent move as while they overpay for a average player, they get the valuable pick that is at the heart of this deal.

They dont have many picks but they need to start finding assets somewhere. Once they get a nucleus of young talent they should attract some free agents, albeit not franchise turning like Melo and Lebron.

Its going to test LA fans patience but its the proce to pay for the 2011 to 2014 period that will go down in LA history as some of the most dysfunctional dynamics in its storied franchise.

Can they move Kobe's contract is the next discussion.

They'll send him to the Knicks to join Phil, Fish and Melo...:L


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Rule, because if they are serious in the rebuild (which the Lin deal implies) they may save themselves two mediocre years with mediocre picks. That wont get it kickstarted.

Kobe got the money he wants, he knows it wont happen in LA, so convince him he can still get rings if they move him somewhere he wants to be.

Who could make that deal ?


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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WLK3, maybe they could make that work...........................................


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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The Lin deal was a no-brainer. Get a 1st round pick for practically nothing. The deal doesn't imply that they are serious about rebuilding. It's pretty clear that they already are. They are not trading their cash cow though. People seem to be forgetting about the business aspect of owning an NBA team. Kobe is a big reason why the Lakers made $150mil in profit last season, their worst since moving to Los Angeles.


I am the Lizard King
Jul 27, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
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I agree. But it's still better to eat the contract and hope for that, than it is to stretch him just to sign some guy.

I agree the season, is just another tank mode again anyways. It's better to just eat it up this season.


Certified Member
Apr 18, 2013
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Remember the Hagler vs Sugar Ray fight?

My first PPV

I thought Hagler got screwed.

Mayweather would avoid fighting both Sugar Ray and Hagler and still claim he's one of the greatest.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I agree the season, is just another tank mode again anyways. It's better to just eat it up this season.

Exactly. Stephenson is still out there. If the Lakers go after him and he agrees to come to L.A., then you stretch Nash (probably would have to). Otherwise, just eat the contract and hope he's healthy enough to earn at least some of it.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Rule, Lakers are bigger than Kobe. Until Howard/Gasol/Melo/Lebron rejected Buss's overtures they were not rebuilding. Now its clear they cannot reload using free agency. Players are not interested in LA.

This is the first move they have done in years that gets assets versus giving them away. Lin is not moving your franchise forward, at all. Its to eat a bad contract so that Houston can go after a Rondo.

Kobe and mediocrity, is that what you or any fan wants? I dont think so, and thats why I remain impressed with what Pierce did.

You are just starting the rebuild, and its going to be a long process.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Rule, Lakers are bigger than Kobe. Until Howard/Gasol/Melo/Lebron rejected Buss's overtures they were not rebuilding. Now its clear they cannot reload using free agency. Players are not interested in LA.

This is the first move they have done in years that gets assets versus giving them away. Lin is not moving your franchise forward, at all. Its to eat a bad contract so that Houston can go after a Rondo.

Kobe and mediocrity, is that what you or any fan wants? I dont think so, and thats why I remain impressed with what Pierce did.

You are just starting the rebuild, and its going to be a long process.

To think that means that FA's aren't interested in the Lakers is ridiculous. Howard is Howard and no players are basing any decisions on what does. Gasol said all along that he wanted to go someplace that he could win and waited to see if the Lakers could land 'Melo or Lebron before making his decision. Lebron was never going anywhere but Cleveland and the Lakers went from an estimated 3% chance at getting 'Melo to the Knicks #1 threat.

The Lakers knew that getting a top FA in this class was a longshot at best. They have set their sites for 2015 and 2016.

But hey, stick to your narrative. After all, Kevin Love has no leverage in deciding where he plays either.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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Rule, Lakers are bigger than Kobe. Until Howard/Gasol/Melo/Lebron rejected Buss's overtures they were not rebuilding. Now its clear they cannot reload using free agency. Players are not interested in LA.

This is the first move they have done in years that gets assets versus giving them away. Lin is not moving your franchise forward, at all. Its to eat a bad contract so that Houston can go after a Rondo.

Kobe and mediocrity, is that what you or any fan wants? I dont think so, and thats why I remain impressed with what Pierce did.

You are just starting the rebuild, and its going to be a long process.

No shit Lin isn't moving them forward. It was about getting the pick and having cap flexibility for next summer. Reload. Rebuild. Whatever. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

No, I don't want to see a mediocre LA team, but I seem to be one of the few that understands there is also a business aspect to owning a NBA team. Kobe isn't bigger than the Lakers, but he is clearly a huge money maker for them.

Why exactly would the Lakers eat a bad contract so that Houston can go after Rondo? That makes no sense.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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I think its now clear Trojan that LA holds zero advantage over other teams anymore in free agency. Justify each opportunity as you may, but your org has been striking out on top free agents for over 10 years. Not one landing.

Is it the Buss's? Kobe? Coach du Jour? Who knows why they stay away, but grabbing Lin and his contract to play PG when you are already overpaying another PG is telling. Its about to get ugly in order to get pretty.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Rule you under estimate the Lakers fan. Most LA fans know Kobe hamstringed the team for personal gain. Its well written in your local papers. I dont think he improves his legacy nor the interest of fans attendance to watch and old man make twice his worth at the expense of the rebuild. It will be a boring period ahead. Thats why both parties, now that the key free agents have not come on, need to sit down and trade him to somewhere he and the Lakers benefit. It can happen and should. Again, the Lakers are bigger than Kobe, have faith.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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I think its now clear Trojan that LA holds zero advantage over other teams anymore in free agency. Justify each opportunity as you may, but your org has been striking out on top free agents for over 10 years. Not one landing.

Is it the Buss's? Kobe? Coach du Jour? Who knows why they stay away, but grabbing Lin and his contract to play PG when you are already overpaying another PG is telling. Its about to get ugly in order to get pretty.

Please tell us which FAs the Lakers missed out on when they were well over the cap and winning championships. Give me a break dude. Tons of FAs didn't go to Boston either. I guess no one wants to play in Boston?

The Lakers bottomed out last year. It's not going to get any uglier than that. Worse season in franchise history, and the Celtics were still worse :lol:

Regarding Lin, they traded some cash and a Euro player who will never make it to the NBA, for a first round pick and an expiring contract. Didn't you just say that was a good move?


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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Rule you under estimate the Lakers fan. Most LA fans know Kobe hamstringed the team for personal gain. Its well written in your local papers. I dont think he improves his legacy nor the interest of fans attendance to watch and old man make twice his worth at the expense of the rebuild. It will be a boring period ahead. Thats why both parties, now that the key free agents have not come on, need to sit down and trade him to somewhere he and the Lakers benefit. It can happen and should. Again, the Lakers are bigger than Kobe, have faith.

I guess the actual decision makers feel differently. Again, there is a business aspect to owning a NBA team.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Rule, its a great move, if you are recognizing you are going to start rebuilding vs reloading. The difference in the two is substantial and the deal tells you clearly what the Buss's have decided they now must do. Its a major recognition and signal to all.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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Rule, its a great move, if you are recognizing you are going to start rebuilding vs reloading. The difference in the two is substantial and the deal tells you clearly what the Buss's have decided they now must do. Its a major recognition and signal to all.

I don't think the two have to be mutually exclusive though. They're building pieces now while maintaining future cap flexibility.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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I think its now clear Trojan that LA holds zero advantage over other teams anymore in free agency. Justify each opportunity as you may, but your org has been striking out on top free agents for over 10 years. Not one landing.

Is it the Buss's? Kobe? Coach du Jour? Who knows why they stay away, but grabbing Lin and his contract to play PG when you are already overpaying another PG is telling. Its about to get ugly in order to get pretty.

:L Please tell me you don't still believe this dumb statement.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Only an eternal optimist or pessimist wouldn't envision the Lakers exactly where they are now.
It is the residual of a series of several factors.
All their winning 4-6 years ago cost them their youth.
The trade that was vetoed.
Howard leaving.
Kobe being given 48M.

Give them a clean slate in 2016 with a competent coach, and they will easily be able to put together a good team.
Changing of the guard might happen that year anyway.
Spurs Big 3 will be done.
Durant could easily bolt.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Simply a fact USC. Not one talented free agent has signed up for the Lakers in over a decade. (I think only Shaq in last 2 decades. The hype is over about Lakers having the distinct advantage in free agency. That rhetoric can stop, and the focus will be on finding talent to attract Love or others to the future in LA.

This is a wise deal, and I expect more in the times ahead. But Kobe has to be tradeable to someone in his final year/years