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Jeremy Lin to the Lakers


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I think its now clear Trojan that LA holds zero advantage over other teams anymore in free agency. Justify each opportunity as you may, but your org has been striking out on top free agents for over 10 years. Not one landing.

Is it the Buss's? Kobe? Coach du Jour? Who knows why they stay away, but grabbing Lin and his contract to play PG when you are already overpaying another PG is telling. Its about to get ugly in order to get pretty.

Yeah, you thought it was "clear" that Dwight leaving meant FA's wouldn't want to play for the Lakers. Turns out, most players don't think much of him.

You also thought it was "clear" that Kevin Love had little or no leverage in where he was traded to.

The Lin contract has been explained, but it doesn't fit your narrative, so whatever. Both his and Nash's contracts come off the books after the season. The Lakers aren't winning the title this year, so it really doesn't matter.

As far as FA's, it's pretty "clear" to everyone why the only 2 FA's that were difference makers in this class chose to go where they did. But then, it's never "clear" to you when it doesn't fit your narrative. Btw, which one of them did the Celtics get again? Maybe you guys can blame Pitino for that too.

You probably should pay more attention to your own franchise and all of those "assets" that Ainge is doing nothing with and enjoying the "Olynyk era".


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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:L Please tell me you don't still believe this dumb statement.

Leave him alone man. He's a Celtics fan. That dumb statement is all he's got left. I mean, as rule pointed out, the Lakers just had the worst season since they moved to L.A. and were still better than the Celtics.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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I never said Love had no leverage, just not the amount you suggest.

But the rhetoric that everyone wants to play in LA, that LA reloads with FA, etc etc, is shooting blanks.

With assets depleted and that route now dried up, they are turning to building long term by absorbing bad contracts short term. Thats the first step.

You cant start Nash and Lin..............right?

Now we can start to see the coach decision, the timeframe for the rebuild, and who/how they target ahead. It will take time, and they need to build a roster beyond a rookie and Kobe. They need LOTS of bigs and LOTs of wing players.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Only an eternal optimist or pessimist wouldn't envision the Lakers exactly where they are now.
It is the residual of a series of several factors.
All their winning 4-6 years ago cost them their youth.
The trade that was vetoed.
Howard leaving.
Kobe being given 48M.

Give them a clean slate in 2016 with a competent coach, and they will easily be able to put together a good team.
Changing of the guard might happen that year anyway.
Spurs Big 3 will be done.
Durant could easily bolt.

I agree 100%. The Lakers have known this was coming for a few years. It's not the first time they've been through this.

In the 70's, the 69-13 team got old and they were average at best for about 5-6 years, then acquired Kareem, Magic and the rest of the Showtime era team.

When Showtime got old and retired, it was another 4-5 years of average teams and then they acquired Shaq and Kobe. Shaq leaves, they have 3 tough seasons and get Gasol. Now Gasol is gone and Kobe's time will be over very soon. The Lakers will re-build/re-load over the next couple of years or so. Might take a little longer than normal because of the CBA, but it is what it is.

The trade being vetoed and Howard leaving were bad luck, it happens. I'd have preferred that they paid Kobe less, but they felt it was worth it and I'm inclined to agree given the money he has made and continues to make for them just by being a Laker.


Generic line for rent here
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Jun 26, 2014
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I never said Love had no leverage, just not the amount you suggest.

But the rhetoric that everyone wants to play in LA, that LA reloads with FA, etc etc, is shooting blanks.

With assets depleted and that route now dried up, they are turning to building long term by absorbing bad contracts short term. Thats the first step.

You cant start Nash and Lin..............right?

Now we can start to see the coach decision, the timeframe for the rebuild, and who/how they target ahead. It will take time, and they need to build a roster beyond a rookie and Kobe. They need LOTS of bigs and LOTs of wing players.

1-Nash is what? 40? He isn't a starter anymore.

2-They are likely going to use the stretch provision on him.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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$ 16,709.00
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I never said Love had no leverage, just not the amount you suggest.

But the rhetoric that everyone wants to play in LA, that LA reloads with FA, etc etc, is shooting blanks.

With assets depleted and that route now dried up, they are turning to building long term by absorbing bad contracts short term. Thats the first step.

You cant start Nash and Lin..............right?

Now we can start to see the coach decision, the timeframe for the rebuild, and who/how they target ahead. It will take time, and they need to build a roster beyond a rookie and Kobe. They need LOTS of bigs and LOTs of wing players.

If you're gonna make crap up, there's no point in talking to you. You insisted all season long that Love had very little leverage and that Minny could trade him wherever they want. I told you that he has virtually all of the leverage because all he has to do is refuse to sign an extension and teams won't want him. The only way that changes is if a playoff contender is willing to risk renting him to help a playoff run. After all of the hysteria and the visits to Boston, etc. There he sits, still in Minny.

Face it, you're just desperately clinging to the notion that the Celtics will somehow avoid another 2+ decades of irrelevance and somehow be back in the hunt before the Lakers. Like I said in my other post. Go worry about your team and enjoying the "Olynyk era".


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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Simply a fact USC. Not one talented free agent has signed up for the Lakers in over a decade. (I think only Shaq in last 2 decades. The hype is over about Lakers having the distinct advantage in free agency. That rhetoric can stop, and the focus will be on finding talent to attract Love or others to the future in LA.

This is a wise deal, and I expect more in the times ahead. But Kobe has to be tradeable to someone in his final year/years

I hate throwing personal attacks, but sometimes you make me wonder, why do you have "Logic" in your name? I really think you don't know how the salary cap works. How in the hell could the Lakers have got a big time FA, the last decade plus, when they were always over the cap?

This was explained to you plenty of times, but your agenda against the Lakers is so strong, that you let it go out the other ear.


Generic line for rent here
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Jun 26, 2014
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I agree 100%. The Lakers have known this was coming for a few years. It's not the first time they've been through this.

In the 70's, the 69-13 team got old and they were average at best for about 5-6 years, then acquired Kareem, Magic and the rest of the Showtime era team.

When Showtime got old and retired, it was another 4-5 years of average teams and then they acquired Shaq and Kobe. Shaq leaves, they have 3 tough seasons and get Gasol. Now Gasol is gone and Kobe's time will be over very soon. The Lakers will re-build/re-load over the next couple of years or so. Might take a little longer than normal because of the CBA, but it is what it is.

The trade being vetoed and Howard leaving were bad luck, it happens. I'd have preferred that they paid Kobe less, but they felt it was worth it and I'm inclined to agree given the money he has made and continues to make for them just by being a Laker.

Great post. He makes them about 80millon a season.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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1-Nash is what? 40? He isn't a starter anymore.

2-They are likely going to use the stretch provision on him.

I'll be surprised if they stretch him. I think that only happens if they need it to land someone like Lance Stephenson. Otherwise, they likely just eat the contract so that they free up the whole $9 million for the next FA class.


Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
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Rule and Trojan, it is you who continue to insinuate others aren't very smart because we disagree... There is a HUGE difference in rebuild and reload... We were sold the reload version and some how the shit doesn't add up... I think we ALL agree the Lin and pick move was excellent, if you're rebuilding... I read when they signed Kobe to a ridiculous contract there was a plan to win now... That's what the Lakers said that is what Kobe cosigned to when justifying his contract...

Yet everything since has shown the exact opposite... No coach, no free agents, allowing our free agents to walk, keeping a pick to select a player who is going to be borderline all-star, adding an overpayed player we don't need to gain a pick... This all sounds like rebuilding not reloading, sounds like Logic sees the same thing...


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Those Laker teams never bungled away assets Trojan, they collected them and then traded them. Are you aware the two great deals that netted them Magic and Kareem? Thats why I argue Kobe must be sent along. They cannot afford to waste this time away. Jerry Buss was a horse trader, and a damn good one.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I agree 100%. The Lakers have known this was coming for a few years. It's not the first time they've been through this.

In the 70's, the 69-13 team got old and they were average at best for about 5-6 years, then acquired Kareem, Magic and the rest of the Showtime era team.

When Showtime got old and retired, it was another 4-5 years of average teams and then they acquired Shaq and Kobe. Shaq leaves, they have 3 tough seasons and get Gasol. Now Gasol is gone and Kobe's time will be over very soon. The Lakers will re-build/re-load over the next couple of years or so. Might take a little longer than normal because of the CBA, but it is what it is.

The trade being vetoed and Howard leaving were bad luck, it happens. I'd have preferred that they paid Kobe less, but they felt it was worth it and I'm inclined to agree given the money he has made and continues to make for them just by being a Laker.

All very true....and you have stayed pretty consistent with what your expectations were.

Others here got bent all out of shape though when Vegas predicted 36 wins and a 12 seed.

We discussed best case, worst case and probable case.

It played out pretty much exactly how it usually does, somewhere in the middle.
If anything , closer to worst case because of all the injuries. Although, they shouldn't have been that unexpected.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Rule and Trojan, it is you who continue to insinuate others aren't very smart because we disagree... There is a HUGE difference in rebuild and reload... We were sold the reload version and some how the shit doesn't add up... I think we ALL agree the Lin and pick move was excellent, if you're rebuilding... I read when they signed Kobe to a ridiculous contract there was a plan to win now... That's what the Lakers said that is what Kobe cosigned to when justifying his contract...

Yet everything since has shown the exact opposite... No coach, no free agents, allowing our free agents to walk, keeping a pick to select a player who is going to be borderline all-star, adding an overpayed player we don't need to gain a pick... This all sounds like rebuilding not reloading, sounds like Logic sees the same thing...

I have a question. What did you expect the Lakers to do this off season, to win now? Im asking, because this off-season is going just how everybody thought it was going to go. So what did you expect different?


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Thanks WLK3, you are not a lemming. I see Lakers fans on here constantly defending the stupidity. At one point as Berlin falls do they blame the decision maker?

Knowing their past, and how they rebuilt, its clear Kobe's departure is the only answer, or at least a way to keep the pain to a few more years versus still struggling as a .500 ball club over the next 5.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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1-Nash is what? 40? He isn't a starter anymore.

2-They are likely going to use the stretch provision on him.

No way.
Just take your beating all at once and erase him moving forward.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Rule and Trojan, it is you who continue to insinuate others aren't very smart because we disagree... There is a HUGE difference in rebuild and reload... We were sold the reload version and some how the shit doesn't add up... I think we ALL agree the Lin and pick move was excellent, if you're rebuilding... I read when they signed Kobe to a ridiculous contract there was a plan to win now... That's what the Lakers said that is what Kobe cosigned to when justifying his contract...

Yet everything since has shown the exact opposite... No coach, no free agents, allowing our free agents to walk, keeping a pick to select a player who is going to be borderline all-star, adding an overpayed player we don't need to gain a pick... This all sounds like rebuilding not reloading, sounds like Logic sees the same thing...

All you've done throughout this season is bitch and complain about things that can't be changed and have offered nothing about what they can do now or what moves may be coming.

As for Logic, if you're buying into his line of nonsense, there's probably not much that can be said to help you.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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I hate throwing personal attacks, but sometimes you make me wonder, why do you have "Logic" in your name? I really think you don't know how the salary cap works. How in the hell could the Lakers have got a big time FA, the last decade plus, when they were always over the cap?

This was explained to you plenty of times, but your agenda against the Lakers is so strong, that you let it go out the other ear.

Still waiting to hear who all these FAs were that the Lakers couldn't sign when they were capped out and winning titles.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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On a friendly side note, I will become a Wizards fan this year. because of the Truth, and the deal that nets us 5 1st rounders when you factor the Cleveland deal (arguably 6 if you feel Zeller is a valid 1st rounder), and, they just got the trade exception BACK today from Wizards they use on Cleveland. Thats Jerry Buss style if you can all remember his deals


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Rule, Cleveland was just capped out, but they made it work...............hmmmm, I wonder how?

Learn about your previous owner Jerry Buss. Read his deals. Study. He was the Master


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Those Laker teams never bungled away assets Trojan, they collected them and then traded them. Are you aware the two great deals that netted them Magic and Kareem? Thats why I argue Kobe must be sent along. They cannot afford to waste this time away. Jerry Buss was a horse trader, and a damn good one.

The assets that the Lakers gave up for Dwight and Nash weren't bungled either. When the trade was made, everyone was all but handing the Lakers the title. When it didn't work out, all of the sudden everyone started revising history and saying how stupid it was.

Hell, Magic Johnson actually reversed course and said the exact opposite of what he said when the trade happened. That's why the Lakers finally told him to shut the fuck up and he started backtracking and offering to "help".

Not even going to get into Kobe with you. You are either incapable or unwilling to understand how it doesn't handcuff the Lakers nearly as badly as you think. I mean, you do realize that it's only a 2 year deal, right?

As turnup pointed out, worst case, they go into 2016 with a completely clean slate and a whole lot of money.