Yes, reffing is a tough ass job. But, so is my job, and I'm sure there are countless others on this board who can claim that, as well. I'm not given any free passes at work... That's inexcusable.
That umpire deserves to be suspended. That was as bas as the Galarraga call last season.
as far as stakes go, the galaraga (sp? sorry) call was worse.. but as far as actual calls go, last night was much worse.. lugo wasn't even close to the plate when he got tagged, and the ball beat lugo by a good 2 seconds.. mckenry had time to field the ball and turn before lugo even entered his slide
the call at first was a much quicker play and if it weren't for the circumstances it would've passed with very little comment.. calls like that are missed all the time
After looking at the replay a few times, I still believe the runner was out...but I am also thinking that it is not so easy to see the tag. Also making it difficult is that the glove makes no noticeable motion after applying the tag.
After looking at the replay a few times, I still believe the runner was out...but I am also thinking that it is not so easy to see the tag. Also making it difficult is that the glove makes no noticeable motion after applying the tag.
The galaraga call doesn't even compare to this call. That call erased an individual performance and a chance for 1 player to ink his name in the history books. Yea, it sucks and it is a shame but it did not effect the outcome of the game/season.
This call can potentially impact the NL Central, NL East, and even the NL Wildcard spot. Odds are, this missed call won't mean shit. Who is to even say the Pirates would win the game? But it can potentially impact who makes the playoffs and ultimately who goes to the World Series. These are calls that cannot be missed and need instant replay for.
At worst, he swiped his pants which would cause no radical change in motion. That is still an out.
After looking at the replay a few times, I still believe the runner was out...but I am also thinking that it is not so easy to see the tag. Also making it difficult is that the glove makes no noticeable motion after applying the tag.
At worst, he swiped his pants which would cause no radical change in motion. That is still an out.
...but like elo has pointed out, there are 162 games in a baseball season
I'm glad someone is appreciative of my incredible depth of knowledge on baseball.I didn't even have to look it up... okay, maybe I Googled just to be sure.
I understand you want umpires to be accountable but you cannot have them fearing for their job with every call they may. As bad as it was, MLB has stated it likes the human element in their game so occasionally things like this happen.
I understand you want umpires to be accountable but you cannot have them fearing for their job with every call they may. As bad as it was, MLB has stated it likes the human element in their game so occasionally things like this happen.