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Is this our best draft class since 2012?


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2014
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I think there is a pretty compelling argument that this draft class has been the best since that wonderful draft. Now it would be very hard to beat that draft given that we got Wilson in the 3rd but this class is shaping up to be pretty special.

1. Frank Clark - He has really started to show what we all saw in the preseason. He has great burst and speed. 3 sacks in the past 2 games plus a bunch of other big tackles.
2. Tyler Lockett - One could argue that our team's improvement is directly tied to his rise up the depth charts.
3. Thomas Rawls - Leads the league in YPC and arguably would be the presumptive leader of the OROY award if he started at the beginning of the season.

Now I guess we can temper this by pointing out that the rest of the draft has done very little. But that isn't shocking given that it was mostly offensive lineman who were raw. It was expected that they would need time to develop.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Nope. Rawls wasn't even a draft pick, he was acquired post draft.

2012 wasn't even our best draft. 2010 was. Okung is a pro bowler (some health issues), ET is the top FS in the league, Tate is one of the best if not the best returners in the NFL and a good WR, Thurmond is a starting CB (just couldn't stay healthy), Chancellor best SS in the league, and McCoy was a beast of a TE...

Just because some of those guys got injured, are now with different teams, etc. doesn't stop that from being a ridiculous draft. You basically had non-stop pro bowlers at every level if they stayed healthy.


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The question was "is this class better that the '13 and '14 classes?", which it looks to be, but with the caveat that it's a pretty low bar to hurdle.

(And McCoy was a beast...wtf?)


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McCoy was a beast if the definition of beast is physical talent with occasion flashes and tons of injuries. C'mon man.

This rookie crop definitely is starting strong. '12 is going to be tough to beat mainly on the strength of finding a franchise QB with the 75th pick, but no denying the big talent we have in Clark & Lockett. I read this morning that Rawls has the most yards rushing for an undrafted rookie since the merger.


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Aug 18, 2014
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Nope. Rawls wasn't even a draft pick, he was acquired post draft.

2012 wasn't even our best draft. 2010 was. Okung is a pro bowler (some health issues), ET is the top FS in the league, Tate is one of the best if not the best returners in the NFL and a good WR, Thurmond is a starting CB (just couldn't stay healthy), Chancellor best SS in the league, and McCoy was a beast of a TE...

Just because some of those guys got injured, are now with different teams, etc. doesn't stop that from being a ridiculous draft. You basically had non-stop pro bowlers at every level if they stayed healthy.

Okung and Thomas were great picks. Of course they were both top 15 picks so that helps. Kam was a great pick as well. Tate is good solid player. McCoy has done nothing but get injured. Thurmond had one good year for us and gets hurt every year.

Of course we have 5 years of hindsight to judge that draft. We are only 75% into their first season.

Also, there are a lot fewer spots for rookies to fill on this team. The 2010 team was basically a blank slate.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I have never felt that Okung gave us a solid value at his selection at #6.
1 Probowl appearance.
Leads OL in penalties.
Overall, unreliable due to health issues.
If the OL continues to grow the rest of this year, I would let Okung walk. We will have lots of depth players to resign this offseason and we will need as many resources as we can get.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
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Never liked the Okung pick that much, I was OK with it because we needed a LT but i did not like the pick. Okung has regressed since his rookie season if you ask me and yes i believe that is on cable. Who knows he might be the best damn LT in the game had he had competent coaching ( Which Cable does not provide ).

i like to theory craft on the whole Cable thing. He likes the players with no Experience because there is no issue with seeing growth and improvement with them making himself look better than he is. It's much easier to teach someone to play a position better when they have never played it before and you see growth. He takes a blank sheet turns it into a doodle but he can't take a doodle and turn it into a work of art. It takes a special coach to take a special talented player and improve him. Cable is not special or talented lol, easier for him to take nothing and make something than take something and make greatness.

Hope i didn't lose to many people lol


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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Never liked the Okung pick that much, I was OK with it because we needed a LT but i did not like the pick. Okung has regressed since his rookie season if you ask me and yes i believe that is on cable. Who knows he might be the best damn LT in the game had he had competent coaching ( Which Cable does not provide ).

i like to theory craft on the whole Cable thing. He likes the players with no Experience because there is no issue with seeing growth and improvement with them making himself look better than he is. It's much easier to teach someone to play a position better when they have never played it before and you see growth. He takes a blank sheet turns it into a doodle but he can't take a doodle and turn it into a work of art. It takes a special coach to take a special talented player and improve him. Cable is not special or talented lol, easier for him to take nothing and make something than take something and make greatness.

Hope i didn't lose to many people lol
Fair enough. Convince me. Specifically, how has Cable's coaching regressed Okung?


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
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Heh, so we finally get the O-line (with all the replacements) figured out, and are playing well, we all agree on O, BECAUSE OF THE IMPROVED LINE PLAY.

And yet we're back to Cable sucking, having trouble walking and chewing gum in fact.