Dad, World Traveler, Investor, college football
I've always said the university made the correct choice. It just looks like with the addition of MD and Rutgers it looks like it was at the expense of the football team. How's the brand benefit? Outside of the monetary gain.
Move to Nebraska. You tell me how the brand is affected.
Forbes calls Nebraska the 10th most valuable. That is better than USC, Tennessee, A&M, and Auburn.
How many athletic departments run in the black, don't accept any state money, and actually pay money to the school. About 22, Nebraska is one of those.
How can the state with the lowest population of any AQ school, have a brand that is making money?
Top Selling Universities Nebraska is at 13th. Not bad considering that Nebraska has only 1/30th the population of California and 1/15th the population of Texas.
The Collegiate Licensing Company - - Top Selling Universities and Manufacturers for Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2012-13