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Interesting Thoughts On AP


Feb 26, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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I'd rather the Cowboys draft a RB if Murray leaves in free agency. AP is 30 years old and will want at least 12 million per year.

I think it's possible for AP to want less with the understanding that he could make up some of his lost endorsement money by playing for a winner that not only has a strong supporting cast, but for a team with the highest profile in the National Football League, our Dallas Cowboys (which could expedite the repair of his image). If he and his agent were to seriously look at what the market is saying now today for RBs, and especially at AP's most recent stats, it's just not handing out $12-$13Mil a season guaranteed contracts anymore... not even for younger RBs in their prime, much less one that is 30 years old with a declining skill set possibly playing for a lesser contending and higher profile team. It's also always about the guaranteed dough with performance incentives and the ability (and rightfully so), to make even more. You simply can't put a 2 year price tag on what winning a SB would do for a team in a win now mode under Romo, especially one Like Dallas, that would automatically be favored to win the NFC if they somehow were able to trade for AP. You just can't say the same for them and for this team if they were to re-sign Murray. Further, don't underestimate the Texas homecoming and no state taxes aspect of this trade scenario as well for AP, and his willingness to take less to come to Dallas. I also believe that Vikings' management over-estimation of AP's true trade value at this stage of his career and in today's RB market, would or could, be the main sticking point to any possible trade here. Regardless of what Murray fans here want to believe or not, I believe that a lot of these moves, or lack thereof, by this team in re-signing or not re-signing some of it's players now, has something to do with Jerry and team waiting on the AP situation to play it self out. Will it ever happen? Who really knows.


Feb 26, 2015
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...as of now. He's only getting $12.75 from the Vikes to play in 2015. Anything after that is a dream since it's not guaranteed, and no one is taking on his current contract without any guarantee and reassurance of a restructure from AP upon his trade.


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...as of now. He's only getting $12.75 from the Vikes to play in 2015. Anything after that is a dream since it's not guaranteed, and no one is taking on his current contract without any guarantee and reassurance of a restructure from AP upon his trade.

Why would he agree to restructure? He either gets paid the 12M, or gets released making him a FA allowing h to negotiatate with multiple teams. Now unlike when Free willingly took a pay cut it is known that multiple teams are interested in AP.


Feb 26, 2015
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Why would he agree to restructure? He either gets paid the 12M, or gets released making him a FA allowing h to negotiatate with multiple teams. Now unlike when Free willingly took a pay cut it is known that multiple teams are interested in AP.

The Vikes will try to get something for him. Releasing him now is just not an option for them. If they wanted to just release him, they would entertain offers after FA and drag it out (reports are already out there there that the Vikes have been trying to trade him for weeks), but by doing this, you seriously risk diluting any real trade value remaining for him, as many teams will have already signed players in FA (in fact driving down any real trade value remaining for AP and some of his guaranteed money, as he would not like I'm sure, and thereby hampering any restructure trade deals that Vikes might be hoping for). Also, it has been previously reported that AP is willing to restructure his deal to facilitate a trade for a bus out out of Minny. It would be wishful thinking here to suggest that after all that was said by AP and his camp about wanting a change, that he would just miraculously change his mind and have a change of heart, and just go back to Minny. AP will make up for the $13Mil without a problem after leaving Minny, as he has no remaining guaranteed money left with them, and could make over twice that in guarantees with another team.
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Jul 15, 2013
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Bottom Line on AP going anywhere is the NFL has to drop their appeal of his reinstatement by Judge Doty. So I don't think Peterson can be traded officially until reinstated and even if Cut signing anywhere until that little piece of Legal Wrangling is over is a moot point as he wont be allowed to participate in any team activities. My money is on the league holding out till April 15 Herr Goodell's original reinstatement date thus limiting where AP may go as most teams will have spent their FA dollars by then.



I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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The Vikes will try to get something for him. Releasing him now is just not an option for them. If they wanted to just release him, they would entertain offers after FA and drag it out (reports are already out there there that the Vikes have been trying to trade him for weeks), but by doing this, you seriously risk diluting any real trade value remaining for him, as many teams will have already signed players in FA (in fact driving down any real trade value remaining for AP and some of his guaranteed money, as he would not like I'm sure, and thereby hampering any restructure trade deals that Vikes might be hoping for). Also, it has been previously reported that AP is willing to restructure his deal to facilitate a trade for a bus out out of Minny. It would be wishful thinking here to suggest that after all that was said by AP and his camp about wanting a change, that he would just miraculously change his mind and have a change of heart, and just go back to Minny. AP will make up for the $13Mil without a problem after leaving Minny, as he has no remaining guaranteed money left with them, and could make over twice that in guarantees with another team.

I'll ask one more time.
W h y - w o u l d - A P - a g r e e - t o - a p a y - c u t ??????
Agreeing to a pay cut for a trade removes all his money making options.


Feb 26, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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Bottom Line on AP going anywhere is the NFL has to drop their appeal of his reinstatement by Judge Doty. So I don't think Peterson can be traded officially until reinstated and even if Cut signing anywhere until that little piece of Legal Wrangling is over is a moot point as he wont be allowed to participate in any team activities. My money is on the league holding out till April 15 Herr Goodell's original reinstatement date thus limiting where AP may go as most teams will have spent their FA dollars by then.


You're completely wrong here. He can be traded just not activated from Commish's exempt list until April 15th.

"The market opens with the new league year March 10, at which time the Vikings could trade Peterson if they so decide. If they cut him, they'd owe him no more money and take only a $2.4 million hit to their salary cap."

Adrian Peterson cleared by judge to be reinstated; will Vikings keep him? | Dallas Morning News


Feb 26, 2015
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"That source said a comment then by Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton that Peterson is a "public embarrassment" really hurt the running back."

Yeah I'm sure AP can't wait to go back to Minny.


Feb 26, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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Bottom Line on AP going anywhere is the NFL has to drop their appeal of his reinstatement by Judge Doty. So I don't think Peterson can be traded officially until reinstated and even if Cut signing anywhere until that little piece of Legal Wrangling is over is a moot point as he wont be allowed to participate in any team activities. My money is on the league holding out till April 15 Herr Goodell's original reinstatement date thus limiting where AP may go as most teams will have spent their FA dollars by then.


"Free agency will start on Tuesday, which is the earliest the former MVP can be traded. Even though a federal judge ruled for him to be reinstated for 2015, the NFL has appealed the verdict, leaving him in limbo for the time being."

Other | Adrian Peterson's father: Vikings may want him back to increase trade value | SPORTAL


Feb 26, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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One option. Draft a RB and wait for AP to hold out. Vikings front office is just dumb enough to hold onto to AP until camp opens and force him to hold out. Our Boys could then draft a RB (say Gurley-love his pass catching and play-making ability), and have an inexpensive RB option heading into season....find a cheap vet option as well until he is ready. Then once the thirsty franchise known as the Vikings waits until there is very little trade value remaining in AP after trying to call his bluff for months, Vikes will either be forced to release him with no compensation (after holding onto him because of fear from their fan-base and backlash I'm sure), or try and get what they can for him by that time. Why hold onto to player that doesn't want to play for you is beyond me, but then again they are the Vikings. If AP really wants to play for Dallas they can still acquire him after his release without even having to give up anything. Holding onto a player that holds out and not accommodating his trade request, is probably just another reason why AP will never play for them again.


Feb 26, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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"It's Going To Rain Compensatory Draft Picks For Dallas Cowboys In 2016 - And Not The Cheap Kind Either

Nobody knows what the exact cutoff points are in the annual value of a contract that determine which draft round a compensatory draft pick is awarded for. But going off of a table I put together in 2013, and combining it with an estimate by OverTheCap.com, this could be the annual contract value required for each round, though salary cap inflation may push the thresholds a bit higher next year:

    • 3rd-round pick: $8 million or more
    • 4th-round pick: $5.5 million
    • 5th-round pick: $4.2 million
    • 6th-round pick: $2.5 million
    • 7th-round pick: $1 million

UFAs lost

Comp Pick Potential

Murray Eagles 5 $42 million $8.4 million--- 3rd
Parnell Jaguars 5 $32 million $6.4 million---4th
Carter Bucs 4 $17.1 million $4.3 million---5th
Melton Bucs 1 $3.75 million $3.75 million---6th
Durant Falcons 3 $10.8 million $3.6 million---6th
Harris Giants 5 $17.5 million $3.5 million---6th

Dallas: I haven’t talked about the Cowboys that much, but I should have. The layman fan’s perception of Jerry Jones is that he loves making big splashes in free agency and elsewhere to build the Cowboys. But when it comes to compensatory picks, Jones knows how to be patient to work the system. Since 2014 the Cowboys are actually tied for second in all time comp picks awarded. This year is really a perfect storm for Dallas in this regard, as a tight salary cap and high-stakes franchise tagging of Dez Bryant led to several Cowboys UFAs leaving, not least of who included DeMarco Murray jumping to a division rival. However, two 4ths (one for Murray), a 6th, and possibly one more could ease that pain next offseason.


Keep in mind that every compensatory free agent signed cancels out a compensatory free agent lost. But so far, the Cowboys haven't signed any compensatory free agents, and have lost six of their own. So right now, the Cowboys would stand to receive four comp picks (the maximum), with a good chance of getting one pick each in rounds 3 through 6. However, the comp picks for Murray and Carter could end up a round lower, depending on where exactly the thresholds for each round will be in 2016.

Right now, the Cowboys could go out and sign two unrestricted free agents to contracts of up to $4 million dollars each per year and still be left with four high comp picks in the 2016 draft."

All compensatory picks are awarded at the ends of Rounds 3 through 7. With the Cowboys expected to go into the 2015 season as a serious contender and playoff team (especially if they can acquire AD-AP with a McFadden rotation and the best RB combo in football behind the best OL, they would be auto favorites of making the SB in front of the Seahawks-currently the favs with Graham trade, imo), and will be picking towards the end of rounds anyway in the 2016 draft. Losing any high pick (or any combo of picks), to trade for AP and outbid the Cardinals (only real serious contender for his services imo), if he became available before or during the draft, would give Jerry added leverage in replacing any lost draft picks in any possible AP trade now. With an excellent scouting dept., jewels can be found in the later rounds for them as already proven.
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UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
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"It's Going To Rain Compensatory Draft Picks For Dallas Cowboys In 2016 - And Not The Cheap Kind Either

Nobody knows what the exact cutoff points are in the annual value of a contract that determine which draft round a compensatory draft pick is awarded for. But going off of a table I put together in 2013, and combining it with an estimate by OverTheCap.com, this could be the annual contract value required for each round, though salary cap inflation may push the thresholds a bit higher next year:

    • 3rd-round pick: $8 million or more
    • 4th-round pick: $5.5 million
    • 5th-round pick: $4.2 million
    • 6th-round pick: $2.5 million
    • 7th-round pick: $1 million

UFAs lost

Comp Pick Potential

Murray Eagles 5 $42 million $8.4 million--- 3rd
Parnell Jaguars 5 $32 million $6.4 million---4th
Carter Bucs 4 $17.1 million $4.3 million---5th
Melton Bucs 1 $3.75 million $3.75 million---6th
Durant Falcons 3 $10.8 million $3.6 million---6th
Harris Giants 5 $17.5 million $3.5 million---6th

Dallas: I haven’t talked about the Cowboys that much, but I should have. The layman fan’s perception of Jerry Jones is that he loves making big splashes in free agency and elsewhere to build the Cowboys. But when it comes to compensatory picks, Jones knows how to be patient to work the system. Since 2014 the Cowboys are actually tied for second in all time comp picks awarded. This year is really a perfect storm for Dallas in this regard, as a tight salary cap and high-stakes franchise tagging of Dez Bryant led to several Cowboys UFAs leaving, not least of who included DeMarco Murray jumping to a division rival. However, two 4ths (one for Murray), a 6th, and possibly one more could ease that pain next offseason.


Keep in mind that every compensatory free agent signed cancels out a compensatory free agent lost. But so far, the Cowboys haven't signed any compensatory free agents, and have lost six of their own. So right now, the Cowboys would stand to receive four comp picks (the maximum), with a good chance of getting one pick each in rounds 3 through 6. However, the comp picks for Murray and Carter could end up a round lower, depending on where exactly the thresholds for each round will be in 2016.

Right now, the Cowboys could go out and sign two unrestricted free agents to contracts of up to $4 million dollars each per year and still be left with four high comp picks in the 2016 draft."

All compensatory picks are awarded at the ends of Rounds 3 through 7. With the Cowboys expected to go into the 2015 season as a serious contender and playoff team (especially if they can acquire AD-AP with a McFadden rotation and the best RB combo in football behind the best OL, they would be auto favorites of making the SB in front of the Seahawks-currently the favs with Graham trade, imo), and will be picking towards the end of rounds anyway in the 2016 draft. Losing any high pick (or any combo of picks), to trade for AP and outbid the Cardinals (only real serious contender for his services imo), if he became available before or during the draft, would give Jerry added leverage in replacing any lost draft picks in any possible AP trade now. With an excellent scouting dept., jewels can be found in the later rounds for them as already proven.
All this is really good stuff. At this point though, I would give AP to Dallas a .000001% chance of happening. The Vikings would ask for at least a #1, and AP would never play for less than the Cowboys could have had Murray for, who is 3 years younger. TBH, that % may be a little high. Still, all these comp picks are great news for the Boys


Feb 26, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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All this is really good stuff. At this point though, I would give AP to Dallas a .000001% chance of happening. The Vikings would ask for at least a #1, and AP would never play for less than the Cowboys could have had Murray for, who is 3 years younger. TBH, that % may be a little high. Still, all these comp picks are great news for the Boys

Let's just agree to disagree here. I think that it's a strong possibility that the Vikes will have to move AP either by or during the draft. If they wait any longer then that, there is a very good possibility that teams will have filled their RB needs either in the draft or via FA by then, and any potential bidders/suitors for AP would either be gone, or not willing to give up the same compensation for him after that time (in a dried up RB market....further diluting any real trade value that he may have remaining). IF, and only IF, AP is serious about wanting out that is, and tells his team that he will hold out if not traded with no chance of him changing his mind and wanting to stay there. Remember, there is really no serious financial stability remaining for him in Minny after receiving all of his guaranteed money already. Sure AP could make $12.7Mil in 2015, but without any salary restructure or any future guaranteed money, AP could be cut next season without any repercussion whatsoever for the Vikes (if he under-performs for any reason after being unhappy and held over a barrel by his team, which is never a remedy for success in this league). AP will surely want more guaranteed money now towards the end of his career, and I just don't see him extending with this Vikes organization now under any circumstances after he and his family comments about how they were treated by team (would be hypocritical). Giving up a 1st rounder to put you in serious contention to win a SB (or two) under a Romo o 2-3 year window with the best RB in football currently, behind this OL and with these weapons (QB/WR and no 8-9 man Def. fronts), versus drafting a complete unknown rookie RB to fill that same void after losing Murray, or worse, McFadden alone to replace Murray, is just not reasonable logic imo. I would still see the Seahawks in the SB again next season coming out of the NFC with that logic. IMO, AP would take less to play in Dallas, and would be willing to restructure his deal and make it cap friendly to play in Texas with no state taxes and a chance to rebuild his image and a chance to regain some of his lost endorsement deals by playing for the the highest profiled sports team in America. I would also hang the threat of suing the Vikes and league for lost compensation and damages in 2014 for an unjustified suspension (league suspended AP under NFL policy that was revised prior to his incident-which lead to the NFLPA lawsuit being successful), which would hold merit if the league loses their appeal.

Btw, comparing Murray to AD-AP is simply ridiculous imo.
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Jul 7, 2013
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Right now, the Cowboys estimated compensation picks are two 4th rounders & a 6th round before any other FA signing/loses.


Feb 26, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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Let's just agree to disagree here. I think that it's a strong possibility that the Vikes will have to move AP either by or during the draft. If they wait any longer then that, there is a very good possibility that teams will have filled their RB needs either in the draft or via FA by then, and any potential bidders/suitors for AP would either be gone, or not willing to give up the same compensation for him after that time (in a dried up RB market....further diluting any real trade value that he may have remaining). IF, and only IF, AP is serious about wanting out that is, and tells his team that he will hold out if not traded with no chance of him changing his mind and wanting to stay there. Remember, there is really no serious financial stability remaining for him in Minny after receiving all of his guaranteed money already. Sure AP could make $12.7Mil in 2015, but without any salary restructure or any future guaranteed money, AP could be cut next season without any repercussion whatsoever for the Vikes (if he under-performs for any reason after being unhappy and held over a barrel by his team, which is never a remedy for success in this league). AP will surely want more guaranteed money now towards the end of his career, and I just don't see him extending with this Vikes organization now under any circumstances after he and his family comments about how they were treated by team (would be hypocritical). Giving up a 1st rounder to put you in serious contention to win a SB (or two) under a Romo o 2-3 year window with the best RB in football currently, behind this OL and with these weapons (QB/WR and no 8-9 man Def. fronts), versus drafting a complete unknown rookie RB to fill that same void after losing Murray, or worse, McFadden alone to replace Murray, is just not reasonable logic imo. I would still see the Seahawks in the SB again next season coming out of the NFC with that logic. IMO, AP would take less to play in Dallas, and would be willing to restructure his deal and make it cap friendly to play in Texas with no state taxes and a chance to rebuild his image and a chance to regain some of his lost endorsement deals by playing for the the highest profiled sports team in America. I would also hang the threat of suing the Vikes and league for lost compensation and damages in 2014 for an unjustified suspension (league suspended AP under NFL policy that was revised prior to his incident-which lead to the NFLPA lawsuit being successful), over team's head, which would hold merit if the league loses their appeal.

Btw, comparing Murray to AD-AP is simply ridiculous imo.

I would also hang the threat of suing the Vikes and league for lost compensation and damages in 2014 for an unjustified suspension (league suspended AP under NFL policy that was revised AFTER his incident-which lead to the NFLPA lawsuit being successful), over team's head, which would also hold some merit if the league loses their appeal.

Corrected typo from my previous post.


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Aug 19, 2013
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N5, So you are saying that basically trading Murray for AP makes us automatic SB contenders?


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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I truly wish this one man love affair for AP would end. Let this nonsense of a thread die.


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Comp picks are a little more complicated than being made out to be. First off you need to lose more guys than you sign and the offseason isn't over. Remember the deal Hstcher signed last year and we have no comp picks this year.