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Interesting Thoughts On AP


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Jul 15, 2013
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You should be very concerned about the Seahawks, they were the NFC Champs for the last two seasons, and just got a lot better with the Graham trade lol. :scratch:

This team also lost some players to FA , and just lost their workhouse RB that set the tempo for them all of last year also???

Good luck with your drafting a rookie RB to replace him theory, and their "fiscal restraint" mantra...

Every Season is different and you only worry about the Seahawks if you play them In the playoffs if they and the Cowboys make it.

Boys lost players in FA I agree

As far as the Draft and the fiscal restraint to not over pay you obviously disagree and think that the Cowboys should overpay and give up Picks For Peterson ?

We disagree and that's fine lets c how it plays out. Lots of time and interesting stuff before its all over


Feb 26, 2015
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Every Season is different and you only worry about the Seahawks if you play them In the playoffs if they and the Cowboys make it.

Boys lost players in FA I agree

As far as the Draft and the fiscal restraint to not over pay you obviously disagree and think that the Cowboys should overpay and give up Picks For Peterson ?

We disagree and that's fine lets c how it plays out. Lots of time and interesting stuff before its all over

Really? So if the Giants or Eagles won the division the last two years, there would be no need at all to worry about them as well until we play them again?? Ok

Overpay? We don't even know what any of his demands would be yet, or what type of restructure and guaranteed dollars it would be at this point (was Murray and McCoy "overpaid" in this market - very debatable), or even what AP would be willing to take to come here in order to get out of Minny? That was an old contract that he was he playing under before, with no guaranteed money remaining as well (the Vikes could cut him tomorrow with no serious cap hits). A 2-3 year cap friendly performance incentive deal for AP, will not break this team now...just going cheap in the draft doesn't equate to team success either. Obviously things have changed a lot since his last contract, his age, off-the-field baggage, RBs devaluation in the marketplace, his desire to play for the Cowboys and leave Minny, etc. Giving up a pick or two to get the proven best RB in the game to play with one of the best OLs in the game, QB, and WR, with no more 8-9 in box defensive looks, is nothing to sneeze at while we're coddling some complete unknown draft pick or picks. Let's just agree to disagree here.
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Jul 15, 2013
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Really? So if the Giants or Eagles won the division the last two years, there would be no need at all to worry about them as well until we play them again?? Ok

Overpay? We don't even know what any of his demands would be yet, or what type of restructure and guaranteed dollars it would be at this point (was Murray and McCoy "overpaid" in this market - very debatable), or even what AP would be willing to take to come here in order to get out of Minny? That was an old contract that he was he playing under before, with no guaranteed money remaining as well (the Vikes could cut him tomorrow with no serious cap hits). A 2-3 year cap friendly performance incentive deal for AP, will not break this team now...just going cheap in the draft doesn't equate to team success either. Obviously things have changed a lot since his last contract, his age, off-the-field baggage, RBs devaluation in the marketplace, his desire to play for the Cowboys and leave Minny, etc. Giving up a pick or two to get the proven best RB in the game to play with one of the best OLs in the game, QB, and WR, with no more 8-9 in box defensive looks, is nothing to sneeze at while we're coddling some complete unknown draft pick or picks. Let's just agree to disagree here.

Apples and Oranges here
We play the Giants and Eagles 2 times a year every year We played the Seahawks once last year and beat snot out of them right? If we had played them in the Championship game "IF" I think we would have beat them. JUST my opinion Oh and going cheap in the Draft as you call it is how Seattle built that team by the way ! just saying

If AP wants to come to Dallas on a Team friendly deal if Cut I'm all ears! But if the Vikings want to trade for #1 picks forget it. Never said if he came he would not tear it up for a couple of years. Just concerned about cost. And I am not willing to give up Draft picks for a 30 year old running back PERIOD! we are not 1 player away from a Super Bowl.

We will agree to disagree that's fine. God made Vanilla Chocolate Strawberry and Ben and Jerry make Gerry Garcia ice cream different flavors for all none better or worse than any other just different



Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
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If we gave up a first round pick for AP it would be one of the worst moves any team made this offseason and that we've done in as long as I can remember. All the good that we thought happened in Dallas with GArrett, McClay and the coaches (not Stephen like a lot of you are saying) making decisions for this team would be gone in one desperate Jerry action. The rational decision to not give Murray $8M per year and focus on the big picture and the long term would be trumped with that one impulsive act.

In what world would AP AND a 1st be better for this team than Murray??? Add to that we would need to give AP even more per year (he is due $45M for the next 3 years) than Murray and its not something we would consider...I can only hope. AP isn't going to be traded IMO, but if he is, he isnt going to be looking to renegotiate with a team that trades for him and give up much if any of that money. Yeah he may accept a guaranteed year one salary with giving up some in future years, but how does that work with our cap?


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Jul 22, 2013
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We will agree to disagree that's fine. God made Vanilla Chocolate Strawberry and Ben and Jerry make Gerry Garcia ice cream different flavors for all none better or worse than any other just different

LOL....You remain far and away the best person I've ever had the pleasure of posting with.
I bout fell over when I read this....My Grandmother said this often when I was a kid.
Certainly made this thread worthwhile


Goodell is a polesmoker
Aug 3, 2013
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Just say no to ap unless he is cut and we get him cheap.


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Aug 14, 2013
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Greg, I don't even know where to begin with you. You put words in peoples mouths that were never said/typed. It seems you cherry pick points from posts and ignore the larger arguments being made so you can hammer home your point. You accuse of me of selective memory when naming capable rookie RB's, but you ignored the large majority of what I have posted. I'm not even going to get into the rest of it with you, CowboyColors, Jarntt, and others have pretty much covered my sentiments.

Trading a high pick and then picking up the tab for AP would be extremely foolish. The only way AP wears a Dalas uniform next year is if he is cut. No team is going to trade for that contract, and trade a valuable draft pick for AP. Who wants to pay a 30 year old RB 12+ million?


Feb 26, 2015
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Greg, I don't even know where to begin with you. You put words in peoples mouths that were never said/typed. It seems you cherry pick points from posts and ignore the larger arguments being made so you can hammer home your point. You accuse of me of selective memory when naming capable rookie RB's, but you ignored the large majority of what I have posted. I'm not even going to get into the rest of it with you, CowboyColors, Jarntt, and others have pretty much covered my sentiments.

Trading a high pick and then picking up the tab for AP would be extremely foolish. The only way AP wears a Dalas uniform next year is if he is cut. No team is going to trade for that contract, and trade a valuable draft pick for AP. Who wants to pay a 30 year old RB 12+ million?

That would be your logic, not any reported by this team. I believe that giving up a 2nd rounder in this year's draft when you might spend it on a crap-shoot RB rookie anyway in this draft, would not hurt this team for all eternity as you and some others here might suggest, lol. Enough with the fan draft pick coddling dramatics and hysterics here already. Especially with the probability of them recouping some of their draft picks in next year's draft (with compensatory picks), they must operate under a two to three year Romo win-now window, and not just in developing rookie draft picks down the road. I also think several teams would be willing to do that as well, (give up a 2nd for AP), the Cards, Bucs, Raiders, come to my immediate mind. When you say "extremely foolish" you are only speaking for yourself here, let's be real....Cards' have already publicly stated that they would give up a high pick also (you know, the two time NFL coach of the year). You don't own an NFL team nor are you a GM for any team in this league. As far as what others here have to say on this matter, I could care less what their opinions are here also...you know what they, opinions are like butt-holes, everyone has one. I have my own thoughts also, and no one has already been proven right about anything concerning AP before it has even happened, so let's all just cut with the bull shit here and finally grow up? I have heard numerous sports personalities say for weeks that they would trade a high draft pick for AP seeing what he could do behind this OL and with Romo and Dez to lighten defensive fronts....this is not just some fantasy talk you know. AP is still widely considered the best RB in football lol. Bryan Broaddus has even thrown that out there on occasion, about having AP in this backfield is worth this team visiting and giving up a high draft pick...and he's a former NFL scout. I'm sure knowing Jerry's psyche (he brought in McFadden because of personal reasons), he has considered the AP option as well versus his only other possible option, of drafting a complete unknown rookie RB to possibly be his lead dog and team tempo setter to replace murray....just because they have drafted better recently, doesn't mean that EVERY single draft pick will strike gold for them again, and is simply it is frankly not the best way to risk your team's season and team identity heading into a season (which could also b considered foolish by some lol). Or even worse, depending on McFadden as your lead dog (he hasn't been able to stay healthy his entire career as a workhorse type back). What are you professional references sir other then posting on a football message board just like the rest of us here?? :noidea:

As far as money goes, you obviously didn't read my previous post here. Who knows what type of money they would be able to get him for?? Certainly not you or I lol. You can't just through out there silly old contract numbers like $12Mil per for AP. Today's market for RBs has changed, and any new deal would obviously have to be reduced and restructured before any trade can happen for a 30 year old RB...heck, the Cards just came out and said that they wouldn't even trade for AP at his current salary (don't really see ANY other team doing that as well). AP knows already I'm sure that he would have to restructure his deal if truly wanted out of Minny, which I believe he does according to AP's and team's recent actions, or lack thereof....as of now.
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Aug 14, 2013
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Reports out of Arizona are saying that AP's contract is a non starter, and that they will not do a deal at AP's current salary. Apparently it's not just my logic, Greg.


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BTW Greg, since you have called into question my qualifications to make such statements, what exactly are your qualifications? Pot meet Kettle...

You don't seem to get it. I am posting my opinions, same as you. But you sit here and continually hammer the same point over and over. I don't know how many times you have regurgitated this same shit on this board for the past week or two. Not many people agree with you, get over it. AP is not the savior of this organization. And next time you try and nitpick someones arguments, don't cherry pick certain statements and ignore the larger message. It makes you look dumb.

R.J. MacReady

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That would be your logic, not any reported by this team. I believe that giving up a 2nd rounder in this year's draft when you might spend it on a crap-shoot RB rookie anyway in this draft, would not hurt this team for all eternity as you and some others here might suggest, lol. Enough with the fan draft pick coddling dramatics and hysterics here already. Especially with the probability of them recouping some of their draft picks in next year's draft (with compensatory picks), they must operate under a two to three year Romo win-now window, and not just in developing rookie draft picks down the road. I also think several teams would be willing to do that as well, (give up a 2nd for AP), the Cards, Bucs, Raiders, come to my immediate mind. When you say "extremely foolish" you are only speaking for yourself here, let's be real....Cards' have already publicly stated that they would give up a high pick also (you know, the two time NFL coach of the year). You don't own an NFL team nor are you a GM for any team in this league. As far as what others here have to say on this matter, I could care less what their opinions are here also...you know what they, opinions are like butt-holes, everyone has one. I have my own thoughts also, and no one has already been proven right about anything concerning AP before it has even happened, so let's all just cut with the bull shit here and finally grow up? I have heard numerous sports personalities say for weeks that they would trade a high draft pick for AP seeing what he could do behind this OL and with Romo and Dez to lighten defensive fronts....this is not just some fantasy talk you know. AP is still widely considered the best RB in football lol. Bryan Broaddus has even thrown that out there on occasion, about having AP in this backfield is worth this team visiting and giving up a high draft pick...and he's a former NFL scout. I'm sure knowing Jerry's psyche (he brought in McFadden because of personal reasons), he has considered the AP option as well versus his only other possible option, of drafting a complete unknown rookie RB to possibly be his lead dog and team tempo setter to replace murray....just because they have drafted better recently, doesn't mean that EVERY single draft pick will strike gold for them again, and is simply it is frankly not the best way to risk your team's season and team identity heading into a season (which could also b considered foolish by some lol). Or even worse, depending on McFadden as your lead dog (he hasn't been able to stay healthy his entire career as a workhorse type back). What are you professional references sir other then posting on a football message board just like the rest of us here?? :noidea:

As far as money goes, you obviously didn't read my previous post here. Who knows what type of money they would be able to get him for?? Certainly not you or I lol. You can't just through out there silly old contract numbers like $12Mil per for AP. Today's market for RBs has changed, and any new deal would obviously have to be reduced and restructured before any trade can happen for a 30 year old RB...heck, the Cards just came out and said that they wouldn't even trade for AP at his current salary (don't really see ANY other team doing that as well). AP knows already I'm sure that he would have to restructure his deal if truly wanted out of Minny, which I believe he does according to AP's and team's recent actions, or lack thereof....as of now.

If I get on the AP bandwagon, will you put in some more God damn paragraphs.


Feb 26, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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Reports out of Arizona are saying that AP's contract is a non starter, and that they will not do a deal at AP's current salary. Apparently it's not just my logic, Greg.

Can you even read? I said that NO TEAM would want him at his current salary, and that he would have to restructure his deal to accommodate ANY trade. We were also debating about giving up a high draft pick for him??...something that the Cards have said publicly they are more then willing to do. I think he wants to go to Dallas, just don't know what the Vikes want to do here. AP can refuse to restructure his deal unless he is traded to Dallas, or threaten a hold out if the Vikes don't want to deal him there. Who really knows??

I know one thing, if the NFL loses their appeal, if I were AP, I would sue the pants off the league and Vikes for loss of wages and damages.


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Can you even read? I said that NO TEAM would want him at his current salary, and that he would have to restructure his deal to accommodate ANY trade. We were also debating about giving up a high draft pick for him??...something that the Cards have said publicly they are more then willing to do. I think he wants to go to Dallas, just don't know what the Vikes want to do here. AP can refuse to restructure his deal unless he is traded to Dallas, or threaten a hold out if the Vikes don't want to deal him there. Who really knows??

I know one thing, if the NFL loses their appeal, if I were AP, I would sue the pants off the league and Vikes for loss wages and damages.

Yes, Greg, clearly I can read. The better question is, do I read your crap? The answer is No.

How many ways are you going to sing the praises of AP? I get it, we all get it, you love AP. Get over it, it's a bad idea. Your logic has failed to sway me (and many others). The kind of shit you want to pull off are the kinds of moves that put Dallas in a whole for so many years.

As another poster put in another thread: "I don't see how this team can possibly feel that we'd be better off with AP than Murray, a 2nd rounder and some extra cap room." -- pretty much sums it up for me.


Feb 26, 2015
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Yes, Greg, clearly I can read. The better question is, do I read your crap? The answer is No.

How many ways are you going to sing the praises of AP? I get it, we all get it, you love AP. Get over it, it's a bad idea. Your logic has failed to sway me (and many others). The kind of shit you want to pull off are the kinds of moves that put Dallas in a whole for so many years.

As another poster put in another thread: "I don't see how this team can possibly feel that we'd be better off with AP than Murray, a 2nd rounder and some extra cap room." -- pretty much sums it up for me.

My bad, never try to have a serious debate here with a moron (whole?). Rule number 1
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My bad, never try to have a serious debate here with a moron. Rule number 1

Everyone is entitled to an opinion --just don't try and ram them down everyone's throat.

I broke rule #1 the moment I began responding to you. :L:L:L


Feb 26, 2015
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Due to future salary cap restraints, team could stick Dez with the franchise tag heading into the 2015 season and again heading into the 2016 season, if they were able to bring in AP (I'm thinking for around $8Mil to $10Mil a season)... but is that such a bad thing considering Dez's volatility and serious character issues and concerns?? No huge long-term dollar commitments past the Romo era over the next 2 years as well (except for Romo). To even consider this possible, auto triggers in Romo's contract would have to be instituted to reduce Romo's ridiculously high cap number (highest in the league), this season.

"6. No non-quarterback will be tagged more than twice.

Former Seahawks tackle Walter Jones once spent three straight years under the franchise tag, pocketing a total of $20 million and then signing a long-term deal that paid him $20 million more guaranteed, back when $20 million was a very big deal for NFL purposes.

Jones rolled the dice on bearing the injury risk for the three franchise years, and he won. Most players prefer the certainty of a long-term deal.

That’s why the 2006 CBA changed the formula to pay a non-quarterback the quarterback franchise tender if he’s tagged a third time.

Quarterbacks are protected, too. In the third year of the franchise tag, they get at least a 44-percent raise over their cap number in the prior year.

7. Arguably, no player can be tagged more than three times."
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Aug 19, 2013
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My bad, never try to have a serious debate here with a moron (whole?). Rule number 1

Yup, you sure have drilled that point home to the rest of us...


Feb 26, 2015
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My point here. There is no "magic wand" or "magic formula" obviously when it comes to the draft. Just placing all your eggs in one basket, is truly what is "foolish" here. I just prefer something that has already been proven as being successful, over something that "might be" successful down the road (a rookie RB still has to prove that he can be successful in the pros behind ANY OL).

Will be interesting to see what really happens here however. I have yet to hear or see one report coming from this team about them not being interested in acquiring AP, and until that happens, or he is not put on the trading block, I will continue to speculate. If you don't like it, don't read or respond to my comments here. It's just that simple. No one person owns the internet. I mean for crying out loud, people are still posting about Murray on this message board....talk about meaningless.
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