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I'll even give the Lakers credit

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Right. Buss implied he would resign if they did not make the playoffs though. The Lakers might get rid of him if they struggle this year.
If the Lakers hand around the 8th spot - even if they end up missing them, I think the Lakers got enough to spin it to keep Buss to be honest


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Serious question to the Laker fans:

If you know that Buss is out for good if they miss the playoffs, or here to stay if they make the playoffs this year, which option do you prefer:

1) 7th/8th seed and first round exit
2) 9th/10th seed

I thought he had to go on a "deep run in the playoffs" ?

Los Angeles Lakers president Jeanie Buss has said before that the team is rebuilding under a deadline. Specifically, she has said, the Lakers need to make a deep run in the playoffs within three years or her brother Jim will step down from his post as president of basketball operations.

Asked about that deadline in a radio appearance with KPCC on Thursday, Jeanie Buss reiterated that timeline is still in place and that if the Lakers don't reach their goals by then, she's ready for change.

"[Jim] understands that we have to continue to strive for greatness, and I think he would be the first one to feel that he would need to step down if he can't get us to that point," team president Jeanie Buss said Thursday.

Asked about that deadline in a radio appearance with KPCC on Thursday, Jeanie Buss reiterated that timeline is still in place and that if the Lakers don't reach their goals by then, she's ready for change.

"Yeah, absolutely," Buss said.


True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Either way it don't matter what I think, but my vote would be to keep Jim Buss. I have always said it would take the kids a few years to learn the ropes and they are getting the hang of it. Now that they are learning and developing a good team, I wouldn't want to start all over with a management that could be worse.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Either way it don't matter what I think, but my vote would be to keep Jim Buss. I have always said it would take the kids a few years to learn the ropes and they are getting the hang of it. Now that they are learning and developing a good team, I wouldn't want to start all over with a management that could be worse.

Wouldn't be starting over. Just getting rid of Jim. Mitch, Jeanie, etc. would all still be there.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Wouldn't be starting over. Just getting rid of Jim. Mitch, Jeanie, etc. would all still be there.
As much as the Lakers have improved already - I think you surely realize that the Jim is not walking away at the end of this season. This team could even get lucky with a trade even though I still prefer to see this team grow up.

My concerns is Russells knees - he's pretty young for that - I have concerns


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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I think it matters a lot. The young players look very promising, but Buss' free agent acquisitions or lack thereof have been terrible during the Buss era. If they can't get him out, I think that changes.

I agree with Sushi that LA needs a couple quality free agent signings to get to the next level. The Warriors fortunes really changed when they got Igoudala. He and Green were the final two pieces to the championship core.

Regardless of how well the kids develop over the next two years, they will need a couple more pieces to help them get over the top. I don't think Buss can take them there.

Iguodala wasn't seen at the time as a "splashy" free agent move, but he was the perfect fit for them and their identity. That's what the Lakers need. Not necessarily a max free agent, just quality players that will fill the gaps so to speak. The Lakers will bank on the progression of the young guys and have to position themselves to get a few guys who could help their core fit into natural roles with the team.

One guy who would have been ideal in Walton's system, especially with the way these guys are playing right now would have been Evan Turner. He would have been fantastic to run as a Point-Wing player with scorers off the bench in Clarkson and Williams. Too bad the Blazers went insane and gave him all that money.


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Apr 18, 2013
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Blewout Atlanta without Randle and Russell? Guys like Lou Williams and Larry Nance are proving just how good they can be. Nick Young has been damn near vital in that "3 and occasional D" role.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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Blewout Atlanta without Randle and Russell? Guys like Lou Williams and Larry Nance are proving just how good they can be. Nick Young has been damn near vital in that "3 and occasional D" role.

still will be happy to get 'em back, though. but agree...

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I thought he had to go on a "deep run in the playoffs" ?

Los Angeles Lakers president Jeanie Buss has said before that the team is rebuilding under a deadline. Specifically, she has said, the Lakers need to make a deep run in the playoffs within three years or her brother Jim will step down from his post as president of basketball operations.

Asked about that deadline in a radio appearance with KPCC on Thursday, Jeanie Buss reiterated that timeline is still in place and that if the Lakers don't reach their goals by then, she's ready for change.

"[Jim] understands that we have to continue to strive for greatness, and I think he would be the first one to feel that he would need to step down if he can't get us to that point," team president Jeanie Buss said Thursday.

Asked about that deadline in a radio appearance with KPCC on Thursday, Jeanie Buss reiterated that timeline is still in place and that if the Lakers don't reach their goals by then, she's ready for change.

"Yeah, absolutely," Buss said.
I hate to be a joy killer, but I googled the last article in which Jeannie Buss confirmed the deadline on Jim Buss and in April of 2014 he made the promise that if the Lakers are not contending for conference and NBA championship in three or four years. I have posted the link below so based on what I am seeing, I think they will be there by April of 2018. He still has one more season after this one is done. Furthermore the article indicates that he will not walk away from the Lakers, but just from his current position and there is a hint that he would take a different executive position in the Lakers organization so I still don't see Jim Buss walking away in 2017

Jeanie Buss says Jim Buss will keep his promise to resign if he can't right the Lakers

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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still will be happy to get 'em back, though. but agree...
The Lakers don't have a super-star out there to play hero ball in isolation - they do it by committee. That's the advantage when one is down. The others step up


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Apr 24, 2013
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Serious question to the Laker fans:

If you know that Buss is out for good if they miss the playoffs, or here to stay if they make the playoffs this year, which option do you prefer:

1) 7th/8th seed and first round exit
2) 9th/10th seed
I would of said 2 before the season(and may still feel that way at some point), but looking at how fast we've taken off, I think starting the process of getting into the playoffs, getting pushed around, and gaining that experience this year is pretty important.
As for Jim, I guess I could be fine with it, so long as he continues to take a backseat, but he screwed himself when he set that deadline on himself


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Apr 18, 2013
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I think changing his nickname to "Uncle P" has really helped Young more than people realize.


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I thought he had to go on a "deep run in the playoffs" ?

Los Angeles Lakers president Jeanie Buss has said before that the team is rebuilding under a deadline. Specifically, she has said, the Lakers need to make a deep run in the playoffs within three years or her brother Jim will step down from his post as president of basketball operations.

Asked about that deadline in a radio appearance with KPCC on Thursday, Jeanie Buss reiterated that timeline is still in place and that if the Lakers don't reach their goals by then, she's ready for change.

"[Jim] understands that we have to continue to strive for greatness, and I think he would be the first one to feel that he would need to step down if he can't get us to that point," team president Jeanie Buss said Thursday.

Asked about that deadline in a radio appearance with KPCC on Thursday, Jeanie Buss reiterated that timeline is still in place and that if the Lakers don't reach their goals by then, she's ready for change.

"Yeah, absolutely," Buss said.
i think Jeanie had a severe departure from reality when she made those comments. When she made them i believe she was of the mind-frame that hte Lakers were just an automatic draw and that free agency would be the way to rebuild the team quick. Once reality set in and none of those guys wanted to come to a losing situation they obviously switched to a more draft oriented strategy. I think she has to acknowledge that. Sure- if Jim Buss was gonna get fired at the end of the year wouldnt that give him incentive to do stupid things like trade away young players for vets to make himself look better?---- thats why i dont buy the firm deadline. because a. it wasnt done rationally to begin with and b. it creates a conflict of interest between the GM and the team which is never good.

With Walton being such an EARLY success and the team playing well I think Buss will be back---- but that of course depends on Jeanie Buss and whether she has come abck to reality. Of course- maybe she just wants to force him out for Phil to make his return. who knows.


Apr 17, 2013
Appleton, Wisconsin
Hoopla Cash
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If the Lakers can just stick around .500 I'd be happy with that. Great team ball so far this year with numerous injuries. Peace.


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Apr 18, 2013
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i think Jeanie had a severe departure from reality when she made those comments. When she made them i believe she was of the mind-frame that hte Lakers were just an automatic draw and that free agency would be the way to rebuild the team quick. Once reality set in and none of those guys wanted to come to a losing situation they obviously switched to a more draft oriented strategy. I think she has to acknowledge that. Sure- if Jim Buss was gonna get fired at the end of the year wouldnt that give him incentive to do stupid things like trade away young players for vets to make himself look better?---- thats why i dont buy the firm deadline. because a. it wasnt done rationally to begin with and b. it creates a conflict of interest between the GM and the team which is never good.

With Walton being such an EARLY success and the team playing well I think Buss will be back---- but that of course depends on Jeanie Buss and whether she has come abck to reality. Of course- maybe she just wants to force him out for Phil to make his return. who knows.

As more time goes on, I'm starting to believe Byron was just a mascot for Kobe's retirement party. Hiring Brown and D'Antoni were gigantic screw-ups on Jim's part. Even worse, hiring D'Antoni forced Kobe to become the full-time ball-handler in a run-and-gun offense which resulted in Kobe's torn Achilles. Let's be honest, Kobe was playing some of the best ball of his career that year, Kobe could have kept playing at a high level for years to come.

Considering all this - yes, Jim Buss deserves credit for actually hiring the right coach this time but he wasn't the reason that the Lakers have the type of talent they do today and he could be blamed for the worst seasons in franchise history. At this point, I don't care if he stays or goes as long as he lets Mitch and the coaching staff do their jobs.

Oh yeah, then there was begging Dwight Howard to stay and Aldridge openly displeased with their pitch to incoming free agents. Lots of embarrassment for Jim. He's lucky that Luke has the franchise in the position they're in today.

The funny thing about Dwight is that he whined like a baby all year about wanting to be the #1 option yet when the time came to prove his worth- he quit in the playoffs. I think he got himself ejected in the elimination game of the 1st round that year.
Last edited:


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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They just spent $35 Million on Deng and Mozgov, all long term deals who average a combined 14 pts. They will need to pay randle and clarkson soon russell the year after which will bring them to the max or close too. They have only one first round pick in the next 4 years.

Buss stays only of he signs westbrook or durant. If he does not get a star on the team next year buss should be judged accordingly. Those Deng/Mozgov deals made no sense


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Oct 10, 2016
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They just spent $35 Million on Deng and Mozgov, all long term deals who average a combined 14 pts. They will need to pay randle and clarkson soon russell the year after which will bring them to the max or close too. They have only one first round pick in the next 4 years.

Buss stays only of he signs westbrook or durant. If he does not get a star on the team next year buss should be judged accordingly. Those Deng/Mozgov deals made no sense

Actually ... you are "Logic Man".

(Although I disagree about Deng/Mozgov signings somewhat. They were all Lakers could sign ... and Lakers should move them in 1-2 years if they get better options.)

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
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Actually ... you are "Logic Man".

(Although I disagree about Deng/Mozgov signings somewhat. They were all Lakers could sign ... and Lakers should move them in 1-2 years if they get better options.)

4 years with a team option at 2 i personally would've had no problem with...