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I'll even give the Lakers credit


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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if the Lakers miss the playoffs this year- it will be the 5th year in a row they have failed to win a playoff game.

Russell is 20, Randle is 21, Ingram is 19. In your opinion- what is the soonest those 3 guys will be ready to lead a team into the playoffs and be able to reasonably have a chance at winning a series?--- obviously if they are the 8 seed and 22 years old- thats not a reasonable shot.

If i were to guess- i would say a minimum of 2 years after this one- and a maximum of 4 years....2 years from now when Russell is 22, Randle is 23, and Ingram is 21- it would be tough for me to see them having a reasonable shot at winning a playoff series because of their extreme youth.

Can the Lakers mgmt. really be patient enough to see these guys grow into their primes somewhere between ages 23 and 25 (and thats even early- i think the true prime of an NBA player probably starts about 25-27 and prob runs through 30-31) if it means not winning a playoff series for 7-9 years? Thats a tough ask. Its really a good question and it should be interesting to see how it goes.

I think management is prepared to be patient just as Lakers fans are being patient. Management was up front with fans when they did the Dwight/Nash deal. They said that with what they were giving up, if things didn't work out, they were going to be in dire straits for several years.

As long as we continue to see improvement every year, Lakers fans will remain patient. As long as the fans are patient, management will be too.

All things considered, when one looks at what they had to work with, the fact that they have ended with the players they have is pretty remarkable.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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it will be interesting to see....the Lakers have been eyeing big time free agents for their rebuild for years now. I wonder if they will be able to pull off getting one.....looking at the free agent landscape next summer Ihave my doubts- but it is by far the best chance they have had in the last few years. Combining both the free agent crop and the Lakers cap - im not sure what major free agent is a reasonable and logical option for the Lakers.

Deng- 18
Mozgov- 17
Clarson- 13
L. Williams- 7
Tarik Black- 7 (WTF?!)
Nick Young- player option of 6
Russell- 6
Ingram- 6
Randle- 4
Nance- 1
Zubac- 1

= 86 million.

the predicted salary cap for the '17-'18 season is 102. That gives the Lakers 16 million- clearly not enough to sign a major free agent. That means some kind of trades would have to be executed to open up the cap room necessary to sign a major free agent. A max contract for an established player will probably run about 25M. I would imagine it would not be hard to find a taker for Lou Williams. Maybe they can convince Nick Young not to take that player option for 6M....that would open up 13M and get them to 29M in cap space which would be sufficient for their purposes.

i just threw up in the trash can under my desk after reading that the Lakers will pay Luol Deng, Timo Mozgov and Jordan Clarkson almost 50M combined---- and thats for 3 years AFTER this year...in the '19-'20 season the Lakers will be paying those 3 a combined 49M.

Cap space can always be created. We see teams do it every single year. Depending on how the young guys develop, they may not need a max guy anyway. Depending on what their needs are, $16 million could get an FA that could help put them over the top assuming the young guys continue developing and playing at at high level.

If they decide they need a max FA, they will have to look at making some trades (hopefully not the young guys) to create the additional space.


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I think management is prepared to be patient just as Lakers fans are being patient. Management was up front with fans when they did the Dwight/Nash deal. They said that with what they were giving up, if things didn't work out, they were going to be in dire straits for several years.

As long as we continue to see improvement every year, Lakers fans will remain patient. As long as the fans are patient, management will be too.

All things considered, when one looks at what they had to work with, the fact that they have ended with the players they have is pretty remarkable.

It's been fun to watch the Lakers so far this year. They had a good win last night.

Will Jim Buss be gone if they don't make a deep run in the playoffs ?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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It's been fun to watch the Lakers so far this year. They had a good win last night.

Will Jim Buss be gone if they don't make a deep run in the playoffs ?

I don't know if he will be or not. Honestly, at this point, it really doesn't matter. Judging by what they have been able to put together, either he has learned to his job, or he has finally gotten smart enough to get the hell out of the way and let Mitch Kupchak do his.

Either way, things look better going forward.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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Cap space can always be created. We see teams do it every single year. Depending on how the young guys develop, they may not need a max guy anyway. Depending on what their needs are, $16 million could get an FA that could help put them over the top assuming the young guys continue developing and playing at at high level.

If they decide they need a max FA, they will have to look at making some trades (hopefully not the young guys) to create the additional space.
im just saying that those guys are so young its sitll gonna be years before they are ready to make a legit playoff push....

I do remember a very good 6 game series between the Lakers and OKC when Durant and RW were very very young for the success they managed- but that is definitely the exception to the rule.

I mean- like we are saying- Russel is 20, Ingram 19, Randle 21...those are the Lakers most important players without a doubt. When will those guys be ready?--- im saying anywhere between 2-4 years....

2 years from now Russell will be 22, Ingram 21, and Randle 23...that is still just so freaking young. My concern is that the Lakers mgmt. might not want to wait an additional 3-4 years to be a factor in the Western Conference....im sure you know better than anyone- trying to sell the fans on not winning a playoff series for 7-8 years is a LONG time- especially for the Lakers.


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Jul 17, 2014
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lebron with 13 points, 12 assists, 5 boards and 3 steals- in teh first half...LOL.....

he is just freaking unreal.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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im just saying that those guys are so young its sitll gonna be years before they are ready to make a legit playoff push....

I do remember a very good 6 game series between the Lakers and OKC when Durant and RW were very very young for the success they managed- but that is definitely the exception to the rule.

I mean- like we are saying- Russel is 20, Ingram 19, Randle 21...those are the Lakers most important players without a doubt. When will those guys be ready?--- im saying anywhere between 2-4 years....

2 years from now Russell will be 22, Ingram 21, and Randle 23...that is still just so freaking young. My concern is that the Lakers mgmt. might not want to wait an additional 3-4 years to be a factor in the Western Conference....im sure you know better than anyone- trying to sell the fans on not winning a playoff series for 7-8 years is a LONG time- especially for the Lakers.

Oh, I agree. If they are just allowed to progress, with no real changes as far as top level FA's, trades, etc., I have them at 2-4 years away as well. I'm fine with that and from what I hear and read out here, it seems that most Lakers fans feel the same way. 7-8 years is a long time, but we knew this was going to happen when the Dwight/Nash deal blew up.

As I said in another post, the patience of Lakers fans will go a long way to determining the patience of the front office. As long as the fans are willing to be patient and watch the kids develop, so will the front office. Unless something crazy falls into their laps, I expect they won't be looking to make any moves any time soon. Especially when it comes to the youngsters.

That 6 game series was when I knew for sure that the Thunder were going to be a force. They kind of announced their presence in that one.


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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Oh, I agree. If they are just allowed to progress, with no real changes as far as top level FA's, trades, etc., I have them at 2-4 years away as well. I'm fine with that and from what I hear and read out here, it seems that most Lakers fans feel the same way. 7-8 years is a long time, but we knew this was going to happen when the Dwight/Nash deal blew up.

As I said in another post, the patience of Lakers fans will go a long way to determining the patience of the front office. As long as the fans are willing to be patient and watch the kids develop, so will the front office. Unless something crazy falls into their laps, I expect they won't be looking to make any moves any time soon. Especially when it comes to the youngsters.
hiring Walton- someone that brought a style of play that was both fun to watch and to play--- definitely helps--- with the fan base and with the young guys.

after watching Kobe pound the ball into the ground for so long and Scott just push an archiac offense- this has to be such a breath of fresh air.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2013
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it will be interesting to see....the Lakers have been eyeing big time free agents for their rebuild for years now. I wonder if they will be able to pull off getting one.....looking at the free agent landscape next summer Ihave my doubts- but it is by far the best chance they have had in the last few years. Combining both the free agent crop and the Lakers cap - im not sure what major free agent is a reasonable and logical option for the Lakers.

Deng- 18
Mozgov- 17
Clarson- 13
L. Williams- 7
Tarik Black- 7 (WTF?!)
Nick Young- player option of 6
Russell- 6
Ingram- 6
Randle- 4
Nance- 1
Zubac- 1

= 86 million.

the predicted salary cap for the '17-'18 season is 102. That gives the Lakers 16 million- clearly not enough to sign a major free agent. That means some kind of trades would have to be executed to open up the cap room necessary to sign a major free agent. A max contract for an established player will probably run about 25M. I would imagine it would not be hard to find a taker for Lou Williams. Maybe they can convince Nick Young not to take that player option for 6M....that would open up 13M and get them to 29M in cap space which would be sufficient for their purposes.

i just threw up in the trash can under my desk after reading that the Lakers will pay Luol Deng, Timo Mozgov and Jordan Clarkson almost 50M combined---- and thats for 3 years AFTER this year...in the '19-'20 season the Lakers will be paying those 3 a combined 49M.
If it comes down to it, we can move some things around such as Lou, and Nick would be a sucker if he took that 6 mill. given how well he's played so far. As for the other contracts, we gotta unfortunately eat the Deng and Mozgov deals....although Mozgov has been what we said he'd be in the summer which is pretty much our version of Bogut. Clarkson's deal was a STEAL, and I like Tarik Black as our backup even at 7...now he may be expendable for us at some point because Zubac is looking like he's going to be a monster in future uears. We'd have enough money, but then again, we're not in a spot to where we NEED to get a max guy right at the moment, as opposed to getting a solid player. For me, unless a no brainer situation comes along, I'm good with going the long haul route. When Dwight left, I was the leader of the Tank for Wiggins(obviously we didn't get him) movement, with the idea that we had to get BAD before getting better. At this point, I think we should take it step by step. There's been considerable improvement so far, and strangely enough, the no patience Laker fans have come to an understanding of letting these young guys develop


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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im just saying that those guys are so young its sitll gonna be years before they are ready to make a legit playoff push....

I do remember a very good 6 game series between the Lakers and OKC when Durant and RW were very very young for the success they managed- but that is definitely the exception to the rule.

I mean- like we are saying- Russel is 20, Ingram 19, Randle 21...those are the Lakers most important players without a doubt. When will those guys be ready?--- im saying anywhere between 2-4 years....

2 years from now Russell will be 22, Ingram 21, and Randle 23...that is still just so freaking young. My concern is that the Lakers mgmt. might not want to wait an additional 3-4 years to be a factor in the Western Conference....im sure you know better than anyone- trying to sell the fans on not winning a playoff series for 7-8 years is a LONG time- especially for the Lakers.
Ehh, I may or may not be going out on a limb, but I feel extremely confident in saying that we'll win already A playoff series before 7-8 years.

My biggest dread is that we blow it up, and end up with a team that can "give Golden st. a run for it's money". If we blew it up, it had better been for a team that was unequivocally better than GS, and I'm not sure if we can pull that off. If we can't do that, we end up with a team that ages with GS , and we'd eventually be back to trying to rebuild.

I'd rather wait for GS to get older, and see if we can take em when our guys(with a possible addition to the team) gets some experience

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Ehh, I may or may not be going out on a limb, but I feel extremely confident in saying that we'll win already A playoff series before 7-8 years.

My biggest dread is that we blow it up, and end up with a team that can "give Golden st. a run for it's money". If we blew it up, it had better been for a team that was unequivocally better than GS, and I'm not sure if we can pull that off. If we can't do that, we end up with a team that ages with GS , and we'd eventually be back to trying to rebuild.

I'd rather wait for GS to get older, and see if we can take em when our guys(with a possible addition to the team) gets some experience
Yeah - It might not happen in 2017, but so I think it's on the table in 2018 for sure. If the Lakers make the plays this season then they will be prepared to improve the team and take it to the next year. It's not that far away

Mr Sandman

Nov 26, 2016
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I admit the Lakers has exceeded my exceptions so far, this year with Luke Walton in his first year. He is doing one heck of a job coaching, and the players are buying in. I expected a start like this one next year. Can't sleep on Showtime.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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I don't know if he will be or not. Honestly, at this point, it really doesn't matter. Judging by what they have been able to put together, either he has learned to his job, or he has finally gotten smart enough to get the hell out of the way and let Mitch Kupchak do his.

Either way, things look better going forward.

I think it matters a lot. The young players look very promising, but Buss' free agent acquisitions or lack thereof have been terrible during the Buss era. If they can't get him out, I think that changes.

I agree with Sushi that LA needs a couple quality free agent signings to get to the next level. The Warriors fortunes really changed when they got Igoudala. He and Green were the final two pieces to the championship core.

Regardless of how well the kids develop over the next two years, they will need a couple more pieces to help them get over the top. I don't think Buss can take them there.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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I think it matters a lot. The young players look very promising, but Buss' free agent acquisitions or lack thereof have been terrible during the Buss era. If they can't get him out, I think that changes.

I agree with Sushi that LA needs a couple quality free agent signings to get to the next level. The Warriors fortunes really changed when they got Igoudala. He and Green were the final two pieces to the championship core.

Regardless of how well the kids develop over the next two years, they will need a couple more pieces to help them get over the top. I don't think Buss can take them there.

I disagree. I said that he has either learned to do his job properly, in which case, FA's will be more willing to sign because he's no longer incompetent. Or, he has learned to do like his Dad and stay the hell out of the way, so Mitch Kupchak can do his. In either case, the Lakers FO won't be seen as incompetent anymore.

The Lakers got the FA's they could get, not necessarily the ones they wanted. That had more to do with the fact that they weren't going to be winning in anything. Top FA's today want to go to a place where they can have a chance to win right away, that hasn't been the Lakers.

I expect that once the young core has developed enough to show they are close and if Luke continues to show himself to be a coach that players want to play ofr, they will have more luck regardless of Jim Buss' position in the organization.

As for whether or not they will actually need a couple of FA's to put them over the top, time will tell. I think they are probably still a season from needing to worry about it.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I disagree. I said that he has either learned to do his job properly, in which case, FA's will be more willing to sign because he's no longer incompetent. Or, he has learned to do like his Dad and stay the hell out of the way, so Mitch Kupchak can do his. In either case, the Lakers FO won't be seen as incompetent anymore.

The Lakers got the FA's they could get, not necessarily the ones they wanted. That had more to do with the fact that they weren't going to be winning in anything. Top FA's today want to go to a place where they can have a chance to win right away, that hasn't been the Lakers.

I expect that once the young core has developed enough to show they are close and if Luke continues to show himself to be a coach that players want to play ofr, they will have more luck regardless of Jim Buss' position in the organization.

As for whether or not they will actually need a couple of FA's to put them over the top, time will tell. I think they are probably still a season from needing to worry about it.

Serious question to the Laker fans:

If you know that Buss is out for good if they miss the playoffs, or here to stay if they make the playoffs this year, which option do you prefer:

1) 7th/8th seed and first round exit
2) 9th/10th seed


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Serious question to the Laker fans:

If you know that Buss is out for good if they miss the playoffs, or here to stay if they make the playoffs this year, which option do you prefer:

1) 7th/8th seed and first round exit
2) 9th/10th seed

If I'm forced to choose, I prefer the 9th/10th seed. The reason is that there is always the chance that he's just been staying out of Mitch's way and will get full of himself and start getting in the way again if they make the playoffs. Plus, even if he's actually learned to do his job properly, there may still be some residual cynicism from FA's about the Lakers FO if he's still involved.

In the end, it probably doesn't matter. As the Lakers have improved, he hasn't been heard from, which is a good thing. My hope is that he finally has learned what Dr. Buss seemed to know naturally, hire good people, then get out of the way and let them do their jobs.
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True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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If I'm forced to choose, I prefer the 9th/10th seed. The reason is that there is always the chance that he's just been staying out of Mitch's way and will get full of himself and start getting in the way again if they make the playoffs. Plus, even if he's actually learned to do his job properly, there may still be some residual cynicism from FA's about the Lakers FO if he's still involved.

In the end, it probably doesn't matter. As the Lakers have improved, he hasn't been heard from, which is a good thing. My hope is that he finally has learned what Dr. Buss seemed to know naturally, hire good people, then get out of the way and let them do their jobs.
Won't make a difference on the first round draft pick because the pick is gone already thanks to being top three protected this year. So I say we go for the playoffs and show the world we are ready


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 11,700.00
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Won't make a difference on the first round draft pick because the pick is gone already thanks to being top three protected this year. So I say we go for the playoffs and show the world we are ready

Right. Buss implied he would resign if they did not make the playoffs though. The Lakers might get rid of him if they struggle this year.