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I'll even give the Lakers credit


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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They're certainly a surprise in the early part of the season, let's see if they keep it up.

I've been saying that I think things will "even out" as the season progresses and some of the better teams start getting serious about playoff position and teams realize that they can't depend on this Lakers team quitting when things are going south on them. Last nights game is perfect example, considering the Spurs had a 16 point lead at a couple of points in the game, the Lakers of the last 2-3 years would have lost by 30.

Also, not that I want the winning to stop, but their next test to pass, imo, is how they handle the inevitable 3-5 game losing streak.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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To be fair, the Lakers kind of HAD to do what they did with Kobe. Once the Dwightmare/Nash deal blew up on them, they knew they were in for a tough road. Honoring Kobe with both the contract they gave him and his farewell tour put butts in seats while they drafted talented kids.

The Lakers caught a lot of shade over the contract they gave Kobe and doing the farewell tour thing. However, looking back at it now and considering where they were when everything fell apart, they actually handled it about as close to perfect as they could from both a business and basketball perspective.
I'm not blaming the front office for what they did, but it is what it is. They gave Kobe a nice farewell tour, and they got some nice public relations out of it and I expect they made a ton of money that they otherwise would have lost in losing seasons. Without those first round draft picks, free agents might have come to the Lakers without Kobe being there, but I doubt that. It is nice though to see the organization moving in the right direction


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I'm not blaming the front office for what they did, but it is what it is. They gave Kobe a nice farewell tour, and they got some nice public relations out of it and I expect they made a ton of money that they otherwise would have lost in losing seasons. Without those first round draft picks, free agents might have come to the Lakers without Kobe being there, but I doubt that. It is nice though to see the organization moving in the right direction

Yeah, pretty unlikely that they get top FA's without those draft picks. Players today want to go to a team that already has a shot at winning and just needs 1 more guy to put them over the top, rather being a guy that a team builds around. Hopefully, as the young guys continue to improve and Luke shows he can coach, the Lakers will become more attractive to top FA's.

On the other hand, if they improve enough, they may not need them.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Yeah, pretty unlikely that they get top FA's without those draft picks. Players today want to go to a team that already has a shot at winning and just needs 1 more guy to put them over the top, rather being a guy that a team builds around. Hopefully, as the young guys continue to improve and Luke shows he can coach, the Lakers will become more attractive to top FA's.

On the other hand, if they improve enough, they may not need them.
I honestly don't think the Lakers will need a free agent and it could mess them up. I don't think they planned it to work this way. I think their expectation was to win 30 games last year and attract free agents. Getting Ingram just may have been the best thing that happened to them and losing may have been well worth it. The part that many might disagree with me is that the quality free agents like Kevin Durant are usually older and have less time in their basketball life(in business we call it the shelf life) to wait for a young team to grow up and are jumping ship from their respective teams for that reason. Note that other teams like Miami and Dallas won titles quickly but fizzled out quickly. It seems to me that the free agents come quickly and jump ship quickly which is the nature of the beast. A young core like what the Lakers have could end up being unique and great for many years to come


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
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I honestly don't think the Lakers will need a free agent and it could mess them up. I don't think they planned it to work this way. I think their expectation was to win 30 games last year and attract free agents. Getting Ingram just may have been the best thing that happened to them and losing may have been well worth it. The part that many might disagree with me is that the quality free agents like Kevin Durant are usually older and have less time in their basketball life(in business we call it the shelf life) to wait for a young team to grow up and are jumping ship from their respective teams for that reason. Note that other teams like Miami and Dallas won titles quickly but fizzled out quickly. It seems to me that the free agents come quickly and jump ship quickly which is the nature of the beast. A young core like what the Lakers have could end up being unique and great for many years to come

This is true, the Warriors are proof: the young core of Curry, Green, and Thompson were all drafted by Golden State. Other key contributors they drafted were Barnes and Ezeli, who are gone now but were there for their championship.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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$ 16,709.00
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This is true, the Warriors are proof: the young core of Curry, Green, and Thompson were all drafted by Golden State. Other key contributors they drafted were Barnes and Ezeli, who are gone now but were there for their championship.

OKC is another good example. Young team that grew together and made the finals. One wonders what would have happened if they had just paid what it would have taken to keep that team together.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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OKC is another good example. Young team that grew together and made the finals. One wonders what would have happened if they had just paid what it would have taken to keep that team together.

OKC dodged a bullet with Green.

Harden? Not so much especially when they just paid Olidipo.

Reggie Jackson? Depends on how long they keep Westbrook.

Plus, He was a malcontent. So, he kinda took their choice away.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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OKC dodged a bullet with Green.

Harden? Not so much especially when they just paid Olidipo.

Reggie Jackson? Depends on how long they keep Westbrook.

Plus, He was a malcontent. So, he kinda took their choice away.

Yeah, I'm thinking more along the lines of them keeping Harden. The rest are role players who are pretty much interchangeable as long as the FO has some clue as to what they are doing.

A trio of Westbrook, Durant and Harden would be on par with Lebron, Kyrie, Love and Steph, Klay and Dray. Also, Lebron, D-Wade, Bosh and Paker, Duncan, Ginobili since they'd have overlapped those trios.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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OKC is another good example. Young team that grew together and made the finals. One wonders what would have happened if they had just paid what it would have taken to keep that team together.
They would have won one or two championships. We already know who and what they were too cheap to pay out the money and that is something where the Lakers have better understanding and execution. The Lakers know what the curve of supply vs demand is and they understand they have to pay to win. I have a friend who keeps saying he don't like the Lakers because they are always trying to buy championships, but that's the nature of the game. You got to pay if you want to play with the big boys


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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They would have won one or two championships. We already know who and what they were too cheap to pay out the money and that is something where the Lakers have better understanding and execution. The Lakers know what the curve of supply vs demand is and they understand they have to pay to win. I have a friend who keeps saying he don't like the Lakers because they are always trying to buy championships, but that's the nature of the game. You got to pay if you want to play with the big boys

True. The Lakes have always been pretty smart in that regard. They will always pay what is needed to keep a contender together, but also have had no problem saving when they don't have a contending roster.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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True. The Lakes have always been pretty smart in that regard. They will always pay what is needed to keep a contender together, but also have had no problem saving when they don't have a contending roster.

The Baby Lakers are fun to watch.

The kids have heart.

I know winning feels good.

But, it would be great if they could get just one more piece via the draft.

I hate y'all. But, I love the attitude from Randle and Clarkson.

Baxter Holmes: Jordan Clarkson on Lakers’ upcoming schedule (Chicago, OKC, then GSW twice): “We ain’t scared.”

– via Twitter Baxter


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Apr 18, 2013
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I have no quarrel with anything that Kobe did and no argument with what you said her. Note that I didn't say opinion because i think you stated the facts. I was merely pointing out that Kobe was done as a player and the new team was in a translation. I think it would have been nice for Kobe to have become a coach but we ended with a a good coaching staff now so no complaints of any kind.

Think you might be right.

Lakers News: Luke Walton Has Reached Out To Kobe Bryant About Roster

Maybe a few years down the line, I do honestly think Kobe has what it takes to become a coach but probably not right now. He'd be too tempted to challenge insubordinate players to 1 v 1's.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
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Why not?

Jordan is a owner and he still does it.

Truly epic great players almost never make good coaches, because their talent was so good they didn't have to really think about the game, it came by instinct, and thus they have a hard time translating that to players.

In any of the big 3 sports the only Hall of Fame level player I can recall being a good coach was Mike Ditka. And his coaching skill is debatable. Jordan would be a terrible coach. Magic Johnson gave it a try didn't he? Terrible.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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Truly epic great players almost never make good coaches, because their talent was so good they didn't have to really think about the game, it came by instinct, and thus they have a hard time translating that to players.

In any of the big 3 sports the only Hall of Fame level player I can recall being a good coach was Mike Ditka. And his coaching skill is debatable. Jordan would be a terrible coach. Magic Johnson gave it a try didn't he? Terrible.

All true.

Those that can, do.

Those who can't, teach.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Truly epic great players almost never make good coaches, because their talent was so good they didn't have to really think about the game, it came by instinct, and thus they have a hard time translating that to players.

This is part of the reason Magic's coaching career was so short lived. He couldn't understand why his players couldn't see what he saw on the court.


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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This is part of the reason Magic's coaching career was so short lived. He couldn't understand why his players couldn't see what he saw on the court.

Magic was my example too.


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Jul 17, 2014
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I honestly don't think the Lakers will need a free agent and it could mess them up. I don't think they planned it to work this way. I think their expectation was to win 30 games last year and attract free agents. Getting Ingram just may have been the best thing that happened to them and losing may have been well worth it. The part that many might disagree with me is that the quality free agents like Kevin Durant are usually older and have less time in their basketball life(in business we call it the shelf life) to wait for a young team to grow up and are jumping ship from their respective teams for that reason. Note that other teams like Miami and Dallas won titles quickly but fizzled out quickly. It seems to me that the free agents come quickly and jump ship quickly which is the nature of the beast. A young core like what the Lakers have could end up being unique and great for many years to come
if thats the case you are gonna have to wait a long time.

Russell is 20, Ingram 19, Randle 21....you wont be read to compete at a high level until they are at least close to their primes . I am not saying its bad way to go- if yo uhave the patience- but i would expect a trade or two and an attempted major free agent signing or two. Unless something unexpected happsn- this will be the 5th season in a row in which the Lakers fail to win a playoff game. If you want ti wait for Russell, Ingram and Randle, that could be another 2-3 years before they are ready to do so--- it seems like there will be more urgency then that.....

we shall see. Not saying it would happen - but say the Kings come calling with DeMarcus or the Spurs with Aldridge, or the Thunder with Westbrook or the Jazz with Heyward.....what would you give up?----

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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if thats the case you are gonna have to wait a long time.
They are competing now and in the mix already for. The playoffs so you is taking silly now
Russell is 20, Ingram 19, Randle 21....you wont be read to compete at a high level until they are at least close to their primes . I am not saying its bad way to go- if yo uhave the patience- but i would expect a trade or two and an attempted major free agent signing or two. Unless something unexpected happsn- this will be the 5th season in a row in which the Lakers fail to win a playoff game. If you want ti wait for Russell, Ingram and Randle, that could be another 2-3 years before they are ready to do so--- it seems like there will be more urgency then that.....

we shall see. Not saying it would happen - but say the Kings come calling with DeMarcus or the Spurs with Aldridge, or the Thunder with Westbrook or the Jazz with Heyward.....what would you give up?----

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You haven't been paying attention. Have you? They are competing now