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I'll even give the Lakers credit


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Considering all this - yes, Jim Buss deserves credit for actually hiring the right coach this time but he wasn't the reason that the Lakers have the type of talent they do today and he could be blamed for the worst seasons in franchise history. At this point, I don't care if he stays or goes as long as he lets Mitch and the coaching staff do their jobs.

I don't know about blame for the last 2 seasons. Seasons like that were coming no matter what. That die was cast when the Dwight/Nash deal blew up.

I'm not saying Buss intentionally hired crap coaches to ensure the Lakers kept their lottery picks (I don't think he's that smart). But the fact is, the only thing better coaches would have done is coat them their lottery picks.

True Lakers Fan

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I don't know about blame for the last 2 seasons. Seasons like that were coming no matter what. That die was cast when the Dwight/Nash deal blew up.

I'm not saying Buss intentionally hired crap coaches to ensure the Lakers kept their lottery picks (I don't think he's that smart). But the fact is, the only thing better coaches would have done is coat them their lottery picks.
Well At least he got the coaching part right this season - I will always believe that making the best choices comes from learning from your first choices. Brown and D'antoni were complete disasters but Luke Walton is a keeper and we got a good core of young players that's the most fun to watch in three or four years.


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I don't know about blame for the last 2 seasons. Seasons like that were coming no matter what. That die was cast when the Dwight/Nash deal blew up.

I'm not saying Buss intentionally hired crap coaches to ensure the Lakers kept their lottery picks (I don't think he's that smart). But the fact is, the only thing better coaches would have done is coat them their lottery picks.

The decision to hire D'Antoni in the middle of courting Phil for a return I think was a huge turning point. The triangle would have lessened the load on Nash and would have easily compensated for him when he got hurt. Obviously you like your chances at the time with a starting 5 that included Dwight, Gasol, Kobe and Nash. You have to hire a coach with an ideal system and D'Antoni's system sank the Lakers for years to come. Dwight hated it and after Nash went down, Kobe was just trying to keep the team afloat. Kobe willed them to the playoffs that year.

That's all in the past now and things are looking good for the franchise. I'm just pointing out the fact that simply hiring Luke doesn't absolve Buss of his boneheaded decisions.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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The decision to hire D'Antoni in the middle of courting Phil for a return I think was a huge turning point. The triangle would have lessened the load on Nash and would have easily compensated for him when he got hurt.

Hindsight is 20/20. It's like when people bash the FO for making the Dwight/Nash deal after saying it put the Lakers right back in the title hunt when it happened. There was no way to know that Nash would suffer a couple of freak injuries that would ultimately end his career or that Dwight would be a bitch from literally the day he showed up.

Also, D'Antoni was not Jim's hire, he was Dr. Buss' hire. Dr. Buss wanted a return to a Showtime style offense, which D'Antoni brought and Nash was supposed to be the veteran point guard, who would have the respect of both Dwight and Kobe and keep them happy.

Dwight hated it and after Nash went down, Kobe was just trying to keep the team afloat. Kobe willed them to the playoffs that year.

Dwight is a bitch and him complaining means nothing. He complained from day one about literally everything. His bitch about D'Antoni's offense was that it used too much pick and roll. Then, when he left, he chose Houston. A team running a D'Antoni style offense that ran a lot of..........pick and roll.

In fact, D'Antoni's offense was ideal for Dwight because of the pick and roll and because he's an athletic big who can run the floor. It would have led to lots of run outs, dunks and 1-2 footers. Dwight is too limited offensively and not nearly smart enough to run the triangle which requires a post player with a solid basketball i.q.

That's all in the past now and things are looking good for the franchise. I'm just pointing out the fact that simply hiring Luke doesn't absolve Buss of his boneheaded decisions.

The problem is, he's being blamed for decisions that weren't made by him. Hiring Mike Brown was on him, not D'Antoni. Hiring Byron was also on him, although I'm with you and am starting to think Byron was hired to babysit the Kobe retirement party so the Lakers could send Kobe out in the best way possible (considering their situation) and then start over completely this year.

Btw, I'm no fan of Jim Buss. He made plenty of mistakes (gutting the training staff for one). As I've said, based on where the Lakers are now and as good as the youngsters and Luke seem to be, he's either learned his job or has gotten smart enough to get the hell out of Mitch's way. I don't care which it is (although I lean heavily towards him just staying out of Mitch's way), I'm just happy with the direction the team is headed in.


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I would of said 2 before the season(and may still feel that way at some point), but looking at how fast we've taken off, I think starting the process of getting into the playoffs, getting pushed around, and gaining that experience this year is pretty important.
As for Jim, I guess I could be fine with it, so long as he continues to take a backseat, but he screwed himself when he set that deadline on himself
i doubt they can contend for the 8 seed this year....we shall see though

I think we can agree that at least GSW, SAS, LAC, MEM, HOU, OKC are all likely or almost locks for hte playoffs in the West....i dont see LAL with much chance in hell of passing any of those 6 teams.

So that leaves us with 2 spots for the rest: The two MOST LIKELY teams are UTah and Portland. Can the Lakers finish above one of those two--- and also stay ahead of the rest of the West?---

we shall see...but i dont think that would be very easy or likely....who knows. I personally think the Pels and will likely even finish ahead of the Lakers this year despite currently being behind them-- and the Mavs and Twolves are certainly options as well.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
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Lakers are still a couple years away. They still need that star player. Even with those lottery picks I dont see any of the young players being a star. Good players yes. Good pieces to build around. 76ers took a longer road but they might of found a star in Embiid and maybe simmions. Time will tell.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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The decision to hire D'Antoni in the middle of courting Phil for a return I think was a huge turning point. The triangle would have lessened the load on Nash and would have easily compensated for him when he got hurt. Obviously you like your chances at the time with a starting 5 that included Dwight, Gasol, Kobe and Nash. You have to hire a coach with an ideal system and D'Antoni's system sank the Lakers for years to come. Dwight hated it and after Nash went down, Kobe was just trying to keep the team afloat. Kobe willed them to the playoffs that year.

That's all in the past now and things are looking good for the franchise. I'm just pointing out the fact that simply hiring Luke doesn't absolve Buss of his boneheaded decisions.
A person learns to make sound decisions though most of the time by trial and error. We Can only hope he is past the bonehead years


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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i doubt they can contend for the 8 seed this year....we shall see though

I think we can agree that at least GSW, SAS, LAC, MEM, HOU, OKC are all likely or almost locks for hte playoffs in the West....i dont see LAL with much chance in hell of passing any of those 6 teams.

So that leaves us with 2 spots for the rest: The two MOST LIKELY teams are UTah and Portland. Can the Lakers finish above one of those two--- and also stay ahead of the rest of the West?---

we shall see...but i dont think that would be very easy or likely....who knows. I personally think the Pels and will likely even finish ahead of the Lakers this year despite currently being behind them-- and the Mavs and Twolves are certainly options as well.

Haven't looked at the standing today, but as of yesterday, the Lakers were sitting in exactly the 8th spot. I agree though, I don't see them making the playoffs this year. They will stop sneaking up on teams and they are still very young. With the inconsistency in their playing time under Byron Scott and Ingram being a rookie, they aren't used to an 82 game NBA regular season. Those 2 things will catch up to them and keep them out of the playoffs.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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They still need that star player. Even with those lottery picks I dont see any of the young players being a star.

Actually, many "experts" say that both Russell and Ingram have star potential. Also, no one saw Steph or Klay becoming stars either.


Apr 17, 2013
Appleton, Wisconsin
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Actually, many "experts" say that both Russell and Ingram have star potential. Also, no one saw Steph or Klay becoming stars either.

Agreed there may still be a star on this Lakers team. Time will tell but Russell getting his knee looked at isn't a good sign. Peace.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
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Actually, many "experts" say that both Russell and Ingram have star potential. Also, no one saw Steph or Klay becoming stars either.
Very true. That's why time will tell. Let's go Bulls beat the lakers


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Very true. That's why time will tell. Let's go Bulls beat the lakers

Thought the Bulls were gonna blow them out. But the Lakers came back and tied it at the half. Should be a fun 2nd half.


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Apr 24, 2013
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i doubt they can contend for the 8 seed this year....we shall see though

I think we can agree that at least GSW, SAS, LAC, MEM, HOU, OKC are all likely or almost locks for hte playoffs in the West....i dont see LAL with much chance in hell of passing any of those 6 teams.

So that leaves us with 2 spots for the rest: The two MOST LIKELY teams are UTah and Portland. Can the Lakers finish above one of those two--- and also stay ahead of the rest of the West?---

we shall see...but i dont think that would be very easy or likely....who knows. I personally think the Pels and will likely even finish ahead of the Lakers this year despite currently being behind them-- and the Mavs and Twolves are certainly options as well.
Yeah, it's gonna be beyond tough to pull off, and it doesn't help that we're dealing with the injury bug as well...but however it finishes, I see enough progress to where it looks like we're on an upward path, and that's all I initially wanted to see before the season started

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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Yeah, it's gonna be beyond tough to pull off, and it doesn't help that we're dealing with the injury bug as well...but however it finishes, I see enough progress to where it looks like we're on an upward path, and that's all I initially wanted to see before the season started


wasn't like anyone was predicting playoffs for this season anyhow...


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Nice win by lakers. Had fought win

It was an ugly game. I think both teams will be burning the video on this one.

Good win for a young team though. You have to learn to win the ugly games too.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Nice win by lakers. Had fought win
I am extremely happy that the Lakers have made it to 20 games and have 50% wins. A loss here wouldn't have surprised anyone at all and would have put them 9-11 which would have been a 36 win ratio for the season. This win gives them a shot at 42 wins and they are only 4 games away from last year's record, This is really a good turn around for the Lakers this season