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If 'Bronbron had played in the 80's...


Big Red in the Big Ten!
Feb 10, 2011
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On the flip side Larry Brown has stated that MJ would average 50 with these patty cake rules today. Brown has stated that the college game is tougher today, physically speaking...


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On the flip side Larry Brown has stated that MJ would average 50 with these patty cake rules today. Brown has stated that the college game is tougher today, physically speaking...

Physical play does not equal good defense. It just means you get more bruises.

And I doubt MJ would get 50 per game. The same zone rules that stop Lebron and Kobe from just driving it down all the time would be there for MJ. And considering that MJ wasn't a great 3 point shooter, he'd have a hard time finding those extra points. He'd still likely fall somewhere in the 30s. His assist totals would skyrocket though because he'd draw a hell of a lot of help defense.


Big Red in the Big Ten!
Feb 10, 2011
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Physical play does not equal good defense. It just means you get more bruises.

And I doubt MJ would get 50 per game. The same zone rules that stop Lebron and Kobe from just driving it down all the time would be there for MJ. And considering that MJ wasn't a great 3 point shooter, he'd have a hard time finding those extra points. He'd still likely fall somewhere in the 30s. His assist totals would skyrocket though because he'd draw a hell of a lot of help defense.

You are right. You know more than hall of fame coach Larry Brown. My bad...


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He would be a cross between Bob McAdoo and Bernard King, and about as remembered in history.


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You are right. You know more than hall of fame coach Larry Brown. My bad...

Or Brown just made a flippant comment in a radio interview without really thinking about it. 50 a game is really freaking hard under any set of rules


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If you look at Lebron's skillset and have him play under the pre 2000 rule changes like in the 80s/90s with handchecking and all that stuff, honestly, he'd probably be even better. He's so big handchecking would barely bother him. Good luck keeping him out of the paint since you can't use any of the modern NBA defense that allows for zone principles. You're only choice is to defend him one on one (good luck) or hard double him once he's posted up but he's such a gifted passer, he'll make you pay for sure on that hard double. You could hard foul him but he'd likely adjust and get tougher. You remember how prime Barkley could go coast to coast and just bully fools? Now imagine that with Magic Johnson's passing skills. That's Lebron under those rules. My guess is his assists numbers would drop some because he'd be harder to cover and thus wouldn't need to pass as often. His scoring average would go up, probably somewhere between 33 to 35pts per game.

"Like, no way man! Lebron's barely on dominique's leve"-bwahHAHAAH cant even finish that sentence with a straight face:pound:

A+, trolls:thumb:


Big Red in the Big Ten!
Feb 10, 2011
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Or Brown just made a flippant comment in a radio interview without really thinking about it. 50 a game is really freaking hard under any set of rules

If LBJ can increase his scoring, according to you, 10 points a game playing in the 80s, then Jordan could increase his by 20 playing in this current watered down, patty cake rules league.

See, I can do it to...


Big Red in the Big Ten!
Feb 10, 2011
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Or Brown just made a flippant comment in a radio interview without really thinking about it. 50 a game is really freaking hard under any set of rules

Phil Jackson says 45, Alonzo Morning says almost 50.

Here is Brooklyn Nets Star Joe Johnson on how the rule changes helped him, from an interview in the summer of 2010: "It benefits me," said Johnson, who was one of three Hawks players that season who averaged 20 or more ppg that season. (Mike Bibby & Jamal Crawford were the other two) Johnson continues: "It definitely changes the game because it gives every guy that extra step. If we could hand check now, the game would be totally different. If they couldn't hand check back in the day, there are some guys that would have been even better than they were. It would have been nuts for some of the big-time scorers and perimeter players from the 1980's and 1990's. Can you imagine what Michael Jordan would have done in a league where you couldn't hand check."

Tim Grover, (who has trained Jordan, LeBron, and Kobe) was asked who would win a 1-on-1 battle with Jordan vs. either Kobe or LeBron:

Grover: "Oh, Michael. No question. From a physical and mental standpoint, he's the best I've ever seen. If he were playing now, with the way the refs call everything, and with all the padding these guys wear, he'd average 40 or 50 a night if he wanted."

See, I isn't just me. The SMEs think so too.

But you, random message board guy, say otherwise so, clearly, you must be the one that is correct...


Nov 11, 2013
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It looks to me like recent events have a lot of people getting defensive:dhd:


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Jul 9, 2013
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where would he have ended up?

I'm putting him solidly in between Xavier McDaniel and Dominique.

Slightly better than X-man but not nearly as good as 'Nique.


PS - Yes, I think he could have eclipsed Thurl Bailey.

80s? Probably would've played 3 and some 4 maybe...better handle than most 3s of that era...I have to disagree...he's better than Nique...way better off the dribble facing the basket as a facilitator or finisher....Magic imo is the closest comparison...Magic was truly a PG, but LBJ is really a hybrid of a 1, 3, & 4.


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Best in history

No star from the 80's was turning Matt Dellavadupo into a star


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Aug 30, 2011
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Ill answer the question honestly even though HD is just having fun with this one. LBJ would have had more troublein the 80's for sure because defenders were allowed to be much more physical than they are now. The flip side of that is that zone D wasnt allowed so he would have had much more 1 on 1 defense played on him and lets be frank, there isnt a guy who played in the 80's ( or maybe ever ) that is the physical specimen LBJ is. The game was much more offensive in the 80's so I think Lebroon would have flourished in the more up tempo offenses. I see him more as a magic type guy than a Michael type guy. While Lebron isnt as good of a ball handler, passer or shooter as Magic he is definitely more physical and a better attacker to the rim. I would guess he would have challenged Michael and Nique for the scoring title and probably been a top 10 type assist guy as well. Definitely a top tier guy even in the greatest era of the NBA ever.


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Basketball is unique in that it is really the only sport ( save MAYBE baseball ) where we think guys that played 30/340/50 years ago could compete with guys that play now. In the NFL for example we look back at the size and speed difference we see and naturally assume the guys that played decades ago would get crushed by the guys that play now. In basketball we really dont do that. While the sports are different I think we dont credit todays guys enough with the vastly superior athleticism and physical training they have as compared to older generation guys. The only reason I see that we dont is that basketball is also a game of fundamentals ie shooting, ball handling and intelligence. I think we could mostly agree that guys in the 80's were overall much better shooters and fundamentally sounder than guys that play now. It would be an interesting dynamic to see a guy like Dwight Howard go up against Kareem, or a guy like Derrick Rose go up against Dennis Johnson etc etc. Would the clearly superior athleticism from todays generation be too much for those guys or would the overall better basketball acumen be too much for the athletes of todays age??


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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The only reason I see that we dont is that basketball is also a game of fundamentals ie shooting, ball handling and intelligence. I think we could mostly agree that guys in the 80's were overall much better shooters and fundamentally sounder than guys that play now. It would be an interesting dynamic to see a guy like Dwight Howard go up against Kareem, or a guy like Derrick Rose go up against Dennis Johnson etc etc. Would the clearly superior athleticism from todays generation be too much for those guys or would the overall better basketball acumen be too much for the athletes of todays age??

This is the difference, imo. Kareem likely would have destroyed Dwight because he had a far more well rounded than Dwight does. Plus, as athletically gifted as Dwight is, he would have had no answer for the skyhook.

Even a guy like Dennis Johnson would like give a guy like D-Rose fits because of, as you mentioned, his better basketball acumen. Players back then were more interested in "making the routine play" than they were in "making the spectacular play."


Apr 20, 2010
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Comparing Lebron to Jordan is ridiculous. They play entirely different games. The player his game most resembles is Magic. The problem for Lebron is he will likely never be anywhere near as good a player as Magic was. Magic even played Center in the Finals against Philly. He dominated that game & so many others. I still remember the sky hook he made to beat the Celtics & basically win the title for the Lakers. Magic was CLUTCH.


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Comparing Lebron to Jordan is ridiculous. They play entirely different games. The player his game most resembles is Magic. The problem for Lebron is he will likely never be anywhere near as good a player as Magic was. Magic even played Center in the Finals against Philly. He dominated that game & so many others. I still remember the sky hook he made to beat the Celtics & basically win the title for the Lakers. Magic was CLUTCH.

"Anywhere near as..."? I have a revelation for you, friend: He already is "near" Magic, dont be ridiculous


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Jul 9, 2013
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Basketball is unique in that it is really the only sport ( save MAYBE baseball ) where we think guys that played 30/340/50 years ago could compete with guys that play now. In the NFL for example we look back at the size and speed difference we see and naturally assume the guys that played decades ago would get crushed by the guys that play now. In basketball we really dont do that. While the sports are different I think we dont credit todays guys enough with the vastly superior athleticism and physical training they have as compared to older generation guys. The only reason I see that we dont is that basketball is also a game of fundamentals ie shooting, ball handling and intelligence. I think we could mostly agree that guys in the 80's were overall much better shooters and fundamentally sounder than guys that play now. It would be an interesting dynamic to see a guy like Dwight Howard go up against Kareem, or a guy like Derrick Rose go up against Dennis Johnson etc etc. Would the clearly superior athleticism from todays generation be too much for those guys or would the overall better basketball acumen be too much for the athletes of todays age??

The low post game has change the most imo for the worst...Euro bigs have always been perimeter players...kids coming out of HS go straight to the NBA basically with the one and done so they don't have the down low moves developed nearly a well as the bigs from the 70s/80s...you mentioned a D. Howard going up against Kareem...he would've gotten schooled imo.

Shaq would've survived just on his shear size, but imo would not have been as dominant in that era.

To answer your question...imo the fundementals would win out over the athleticism in a best of 7 series.


Apr 20, 2010
Lost in the ABYSS that is Islanders Hockey.
Hoopla Cash
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"Anywhere near as..."? I have a revelation for you, friend: He already is "near" Magic, dont be ridiculous


Why is it that some people give zero credit to the players of yesterday? The NBA of today is an absolute joke in comparision in terms of competition & rules. Heck the Milwaukee Bucks of the 80's with guys like Lanier, Moncrief, Pressey & Lucas would destroy the league today. Back then they never made the NBA finals.