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I'd rather have Tristan or Whiteside Poll

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Jul 17, 2014
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I need that to be true?
You're certifiably insane, if you don't think James got him all that cash.
He's worth prob 55-60% of it, at very best.
how does lebron "get him all that cash" please explain this to me.

i think you are in denial and need some kind of reason for LeBron leaving other then Dwade is going downhill, Bosh is getting up there- and Riley is over 70 and lost his fastball a couple years ago


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February 18th is the trade deadline....part of me hopes Whiteside stays just so if by chance the HEat dont trip on their own dick again- the Cavs can give him a nice send off....


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again- the majority of the people on here? watch what? a game a night? the most hardcore watch what? 2-3?

What I have been saying by and large- is in lock step with what guys that get paid to cover the league say. The guys that have practically unlimited access. The guys that have been around the game their entire lives- many as coaches, gm's, or players- or just plain reporters. I ACTUALLY take the time to educate myself and listen and read- and some i agree with, some i dont- but what I have posted here today is by and large EXACTLY what a majority of those guys that cover the league on a daily basis have wrote. And like I said- I CERTIANLY do not have the ego required to say- I watch a couple games a night so I know better then the people that get paid and are given access to cover the game. THAT is what makes me fail to lose sleep at night. I cannot believe the audacity of people that watch a game or two a night and think they know better then the pros. ITs a mixture of sad and pathetic.

Don't cry. Facts still won't change.

I'll bet you me and BK watch more games then anyone you're referencing.

I can't speak for the other 23 votes.

Plus, what " those guys" say, is OPINION, and changes nightly.
When the Cavs lost to the Warriors they had them buried.
When they beat the Spurs, they elevated them to serious threat,

Truth is their chances didn't go up or down because of either game.
Nothing changed.
The results were irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Don't cry. Facts still won't change.

I'll bet you me and BK watch more games then anyone you're referencing.

I can't speak for the other 23 votes.

Plus, what " those guys" say, is OPINION, and changes nightly.
When the Cavs lost to the Warriors they had them buried.
When they beat the Spurs, they elevated them to serious threat,

Truth is their chances didn't go up or down because of either game.
Nothing changed.
The results were irrelevant.
wow.....dude....you gotta check yourself...you seriously sound seriously self-deluded if you think your opinion carries anywhere near the weight of guys that are in locker rooms everyday, that travel with the team, that talk to sources, that get paid to cover the league and have been around the nba for years, that have played the game etc. etc.....just wow.... i dont think i truly knew until this moment exactly the type of person i was dealing with but i think i finally (WAY PAST DUE) realized i have wasted some SERIOUS SERIOUS FUCKING TIME....lol.

all though- i do have to say- being both a fan of baseball and basketball- i am someone that has actually embraced the stats revolution and believes in it- (as have all the good organizations in both sports)- there are still a few stragglers- God I hope this is more of a difference in "Moneyball" philosophies between the old and stodgy and young and adaptable- but unfortunately i think its more than that. lol.


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Apr 16, 2013
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You're prob right.
We'll know soon enough.
We need a shooter though to even think about possibly making any type of playoff run.

Yeah no doubt. If we get a shooter we would be really dangerous in April and May. Otherwise our ceiling is probably 2nd round


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Apr 17, 2013
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how does lebron "get him all that cash" please explain this to me.

i think you are in denial and need some kind of reason for LeBron leaving other then Dwade is going downhill, Bosh is getting up there- and Riley is over 70 and lost his fastball a couple years ago

You want the conversation?

James: ' Hey Gilbert, remember our secret meeting on the plane where you handed over the team to me?'

Gilbert : 'yes Mr.James, how could I forget'?

James: ' T.T.'s part of my team, and I say he's worth 80M/5, so give it to him or else'...

Gilbert. ' yes Mr. James', 'just let me drag it out for a bit so I don't look like I'm that much of your bitch,


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Apr 16, 2013
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Don't cry. Facts still won't change.

I'll bet you me and BK watch more games then anyone you're referencing.

I can't speak for the other 23 votes.

Plus, what " those guys" say, is OPINION, and changes nightly.
When the Cavs lost to the Warriors they had them buried.
When they beat the Spurs, they elevated them to serious threat,

Truth is their chances didn't go up or down because of either game.
Nothing changed.
The results were irrelevant.

I know we watch more games than Haberstroh. If this was Ethan, Ira, or even Jason Lieser he may have a point. Those are guys who are at the games, in the locker room, and etc


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Jul 17, 2014
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I know we watch more games than Haberstroh. If this was Ethan, Ira, or even Jason Lieser he may have a point. Those are guys who are at the games, in the locker room, and etc
Skolnick was the guy in the freaking interview!!! LOL hes the guy i agreed with MOST!


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Jul 17, 2014
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and maybe the argument is best framed like this- and unsurprsingly so...

most of the people on here- have grown up- and watch basketball, and look at the stats- Fg. asists, rebounds, blocks, points etc....and rely on those to tell them a story about a player. I do too- i think those numbers can without a doubt hold a lot of value in letting people know how good a player is.

However- this is 2016. A long time ago the best organizations moved away from these stats which while are without a doubt positively correlated for success, are still not very good indicators of a players true worth. When i see the advanced statistics- that FUCKING YALE PHD's have worked on and done all the statistical analysis and model building over thousands upon thousands of games of data- i tend to put stock in it.

Some people dont- usually they are either dumb people, or stubborn people, or lazy people- because refuting these advanced stats is as asinine as denying global warming.

When i read that the advanced stats over the vast majority of Whitesides career- BESIDES A TEN GAME SPAN IN JANUARY-say that the Heat actually play better defense without him- I put stock in that. you guys dont have to- but it makes you look stupid and old and stubborn and refusing to accept the times you live in.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Skolnick was the guy in the freaking interview!!! LOL hes the guy i agreed with MOST!

It was Skolnick radio show. It was Haberstroh who criticized him. A guy who barely is at games or watch Heat games


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Apr 16, 2013
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and maybe the argument is best framed like this- and unsurprsingly so...

most of the people on here- have grown up- and watch basketball, and look at the stats- Fg. asists, rebounds, blocks, points etc....and rely on those to tell them a story about a player. I do too- i think those numbers can without a doubt hold a lot of value in letting people know how good a player is.

However- this is 2016. A long time ago the best organizations moved away from these stats which while are without a doubt positively correlated for success, are still not very good indicators of a players true worth. When i see the advanced statistics- that FUCKING YALE PHD's have worked on and done all the statistical analysis and model building over thousands upon thousands of games of data- i tend to put stock in it.

Some people dont- usually they are either dumb people, or stubborn people, or lazy people- because refuting these advanced stats is as asinine as denying global warming.

When i read that the advanced stats over the vast majority of Whitesides career- BESIDES A TEN GAME SPAN IN JANUARY-say that the Heat actually play better defense without him- I put stock in that. you guys dont have to- but it makes you look stupid and old and stubborn and refusing to accept the times you live in.

You keep saying you read this and that. What have you seen with your own two eyes? Nothing because you only watch Cav games.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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But who will the Cavs blame when they don't win it this year - or next for that matter?

In this order:

1. Refs
2. Injuries
3. Tyronn Lue
4. Lebron not getting enough help

You forgot cramps.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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I know we watch more games than Haberstroh. If this was Ethan, Ira, or even Jason Lieser he may have a point. Those are guys who are at the games, in the locker room, and etc

When your at games, it prevents you from watching most of the others.

I'm not going to get into it again, and it's not what this thread was about, but I've seen reporters run with totally false info, just because they wanted to try to be the first to report it.
NBA writers are like weathermen, if they put out a % on something, nothing happens if they are wrong.

There isn't a Heat player on the roster that doesn't understand the upsides of playing with Whiteside.

There sometimes are also downsides, as there are with ANY player with his skillset.

Regardless, and once again, nothing will change the fact that his skill level leaves Tristan in the dust.


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Jul 17, 2014
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You keep saying you read this and that. What have you seen with your own two eyes? Nothing because you only watch Cav games.
i dont watch a lot of NBA besides the Cavs- i will here and there- but being both a law student and working full time- i kinda get/got shit on OBVIOUSLY.

Of course there are things that can be picked up on by watching the games- but there are guys that are paid a ton of money to report on this for a reason. You might be able to watch a game and tell me how a guy played a player- but i can go on a website and find a statistics that are just mind blowing- things like stats that show exactly how many times a guy has scored against a certain player in whatever situation you can dream of. The exact impact a player is making over the course of MONTHS of basketball aggregated into a stastic. There is no way in hell by watching the game you could tell me that the Heat give up X number of points LESS when the NBA blocks leader is riding the pine- that is freaking AMAZING information for GMs to work from- and is CERTAINLY extremely informative to the fans.

you can give me some anecdote about how Whiteside had a great block. I can quote you the field goal percentage he gives up to shooters in the paint as compared to the rest of the league over the course of a statistically significant sample size. One paints an awfully brighter picture of ACTUAL performance and gives you an objective piece of information- the other one is subjective and prone to be ego driven and represents the old time mentality that is dying in the nba and is ALREADY DEAD in baseball.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Don't cry. Facts still won't change.

I'll bet you me and BK watch more games then anyone you're referencing.

I can't speak for the other 23 votes.

Plus, what " those guys" say, is OPINION, and changes nightly.
When the Cavs lost to the Warriors they had them buried.
When they beat the Spurs, they elevated them to serious threat,

Truth is their chances didn't go up or down because of either game.
Nothing changed.
The results were irrelevant.

I watch plenty myself. Pretty much, if there's a game on, it's on my tv.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Whiteside fer Swaggy P. We'll even throw in Sacre. :heh:

I'll give you Whitside if you also take Wiggy ( if he'll leave The Land) off my hands, and all I want in return is the roster spot for Beasley round 4.