Since this is here... Somebody on the Packers board made a post in the style of BerksireBull. I don't know if any of you remember that guy, but he was embarrassing to any Wisconsin sports fan.
What I mean by in Berk's style, he posted "is it time to end the MLF and Love experiment", which was his specialty on the team boards like the Packers or Brewers.
A little story about him, on the mens college hoops board in the summer of 07 he would come on and post about things his girlfriend would put in his butt. It was both horrifying and hilarious at the same time. What a man does in the privacy of his bedroom is his private info, until you share it on a national sports message board, and he posted some ridiculous stuff.
Only thing is Berk would spell names incorrectly ("Jonathan LaCroix") and call divisions the wrong name (i.e. the Brewers played in the "NL North")