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I get annoyed with the "12s".......


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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strike season QB, dude sucked but was one of the better "strike" QB's but that has everything to do with Largent if you ask me. Guy completed UNDER 50% of his passes if i remember correctly and that was good for those Strike QB's lol. Stuck on the team when the strike ended one of the only strike players that did for the Hawks.

That was the season Freddy Young had the INT in Houston in the wildcard game that they said was not a INT and the Hawks lost by a fieldgoal. 20-23
and IIRC Largent was one of the 1st guys to cross the strike line and play.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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and IIRC Largent was one of the 1st guys to cross the strike line and play.

yep, it was Largent crossing that opened the doors. every week more and more crossed and i believe it was because of him. I think there was like 4 or more full time players that finally crossed for the Hawks before the strike ended that year and many MANY more across the league.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah a string like that can actually start to get you to believe in stuff like fate. You'd assume they'd get 'lucky' and at the very least draft a good talent once in a while who'd rock for a bit, then get hurt or something. Not unending suckitude.

For a while there, the Hawks had their own little streak going.

Zorn was actually pretty decent for a new franchise starting out though. Got us off on the right foot.

It can't get much worse for Browns fans knowing that their owner is a Steelers fan and couldn't get a piece of that pie and took the Browns cause they happen to be for sale.

That pile of shit in the 90's is hard to forget but it also makes you appreciate Zorn, Krieg, Hass and Russ.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.12
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Gotta remember a TON of Seattle 'fans' are bandwagoners because there is nothing else to do in that f'ing city and the Seahawks have never been a HUGE part of the culture in Seattle.

Where were all these '12th men' when I was watching the Seahawks play mediocre year in and out in the mid 90s (born mid 80s, so gimme a break)? Oh yah, nowhere.

I feel like a lot of the die hard Seahawks fans (I'd consider myself) rarely bring up the '12th' man. I just don't hear it referenced a lot. When I hear some Seattle people say to the effect of, "OH you're a Seahawks fan? 12th MAN RIGHT!" or like you're wearing a jersey and they go for the high five and scream, "12TH MAN!" I kind of cringe and want to auto deck them.

I mean I get it's a marketing thing and gets people amped and makes the stadium loud which if it helps Seattle I'm all for... but I dunno, it kind of annoys me too lol. Bunch of bandwagoning hippies.
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