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How long do you wait to hire your Head Coach


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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With alot of the top coordinator candidates going this weekend. Ive seen reports that both Bevell and Quinn from Seattle, McDaniels from Ne, Gase from Denver are on basically every team with an openings short list.

The thing is, how long will they wait?

I was listening to John Clayton on local radio in seattle saying that waiting until after the superbowl is never done, and even waiting until after the CG's is rare.

Reason for that, is more about the available assistants more then anything. If you wait to hire Gase after the superbowl, he's left picking at crumbs for his coaching staff.

How long would you wait? Would you rather have a hot stuff coordinator like Quinn, if it meant having sub par coaches around him. Or would you rather make a hire now and get a better staff.
