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How can we involve Jimmy Graham more?


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Dec 28, 2014
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Just the inevitable that will happen to any player in the NFL who plays a lot. DB's get burned, LB's miss tackles, O-linemen give u sacks, QB's throw INT's.

They've made a conscious decision to limit the amount he throws, and the sample size for games where he throws a LOT is really, really small (Atlanta game?)

Early on his career, yes, the offensive approach was designed with a rookie starter's limitations in mind. Then it morphed to PC stating on many occasions "we want to be the scrambling team in the NFL" and putting the game in RW's hands when it appeared that was how we would get the W, even as early as the Chicago game his rookie year that happened. We play to the scoreboard and don't chuck it up 50 times a game, and we've had a lead in every game RW has played in. We play a style that we believe gives us the best chance to win, not necessarily a "conscious decision" to limit RW's passing attempts. Just my opinion anyway.
But there WILL be some growing pains, some lessons along the way.
Hmm, I guess we'll soon see. Saying there will be doesn't make it so, however. So far after 3 years of watching him play, I haven't seen anything of RW that makes me think he can't handle 10 more attempts a game without seeing his effectiveness fall off.
If GB had won in last year's NFCCG, we'd be talking about how those pains had already started. The incredible result glossed that over, and the fainting couches in here didn't come out until this year. :)
And one more yard gained in the SB, and what are we talking about then? That cuts both ways.


Feb 3, 2014
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By throwing it to him?

lol, I dunno. The one downfield pass I saw that was thrown to him (his missed target) was down low and an EASY play for the defender. The guy is 6'7"... throw it UP to him... there's not many corners that have that reach.

Bevell and Carroll need to stop the conservative crap and just have Wilson chuck it a few more times. Seattle (since Carroll/Bevell have been here) have never had a Graham type threat. You just gotta air it out to him. If you see a one on one match up, you throw it. No questions asked. ANY time 1/1 throw it. And STOP having him block. Graham should be blocking on like 10% of plays.... that's not the type of weapon he is.
^^^^^^ this!!! We traded for one of the games best playmaking TEs, throw it up and let him make plays!!


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And one more yard gained in the SB, and what are we talking about then? That cuts both ways.


That's why I haven't gotten on one of the damp fainting couches yet.

Even if we go 0 and 3, I won't be finding one, because we get the pleasure (barring injury) of watching Wilson develop for another 10 years or so.


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I think the Seahawks will find a way to JG more targets, it's a work in progress.


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
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Graham will be targeted plenty. I don't know why anyone is freaking out about this after one bad game. In case anyone forgot he also had a very good game two weeks ago. We just don't have enough games played with Graham yet to know if he's going to be effective or not. My bet is he will be fine. He's had plenty of games with Drew Brees where his stat line wasn't any better than his last game with Wilson so lets not over react based on a single game.

Anointed One

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Jimmy's new in town... Jimmy, uh, doesn't really no anyone...



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Me and my co-worker watched some of the pack game on NFL game pass (or whatever it's called) and there were at least 3 plays where Graham was wide open for a potential big gain and either the pass rush was in Wilson's face or Wilson decided where to go with the ball before the snap. The one the ball went to Kearse he cleared his guy and had at least 20 yards of open space. I could see why he was pissed after watching that. Wilson just needs to have him higher on his progression.


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The issue i see is Wilson doesn't "understand" when Graham is covered he is open 99% of the time. When Drew was throwing to Graham he was normally blanketed but that does not mean he is covered. Wilson shy's away from throwing to Graham even if he has a step or two on the Defender because of the talent he has had to work with his first 3 seasons. When those guys had only a step on someone they were "covered" if you get what i am saying. Wilson just has to get it through his head that even if he looks covered you got to give him a chance because 90% of the time he makes the catch.

During the last game Wilson threw to Graham and he had a DB i think or a LB all over him and Wilson under through it a little. When the Defender turned to find the ball which went past him at waist hight Graham stuck out a hand and almost caught it. had he caught that he scores because the Defender turned back to locate the ball and never saw it. Thats what i am saying that even when he is covered he isn't.


Wilson has always played extremely conservative in our offense and rarely takes chances. The whole offense has been about protecting the ball at all cost and letting the D dominate to win the field position battle and create turnovers.

Adding Graham to this mix is a bit of an issue because Wilson needs to take these chances to get him the ball. If he see Graham is covered he still needs to consider tossing it up to him instead of checking off or tossing it away as he standardly does.


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Wilson has always played extremely conservative in our offense and rarely takes chances. The whole offense has been about protecting the ball at all cost and letting the D dominate to win the field position battle and create turnovers.

Adding Graham to this mix is a bit of an issue because Wilson needs to take these chances to get him the ball. If he see Graham is covered he still needs to consider tossing it up to him instead of checking off or tossing it away as he standardly does.

I see Russ progressively getting more comfortable with throwing more, and Pete and co slowly taking the wraps off him for taking more risks, but I don't get where anybody thinks that we're going to suddenly go all Mike Martz and chuck it up 50 times a game.

Not going to happen.


Jul 2, 2013
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throw to him


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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I see Russ progressively getting more comfortable with throwing more, and Pete and co slowly taking the wraps off him for taking more risks, but I don't get where anybody thinks that we're going to suddenly go all Mike Martz and chuck it up 50 times a game.

Not going to happen.
Who's saying that? I think after 2 games, RW is on pace for about 100 more attempts than last year, which is a shade over 8 per game. I think we are at the point of transition from run heavy to more pass, but the number I threw out there was 10 more attempts a game. Nowhere close to 50.
Sep 11, 2015
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Bevell needs to adjust the playbook to accommodate for how much TIME Russ has in the pocket. I heard a couple days back Mitch mentioned that Clayton said Seattle could use the PASS to open up the RUN game. We need to Force their D to respect our passing game. Force them to drop back into coverage, instead of them spamming blitz plays against us.

Start passing to Graham in single coverage, toss that shit up there and watch him come down with it. Isn't that his bread & butter after all?

In fact, I want to see what Wilson can do. He got payed the big bucks, now lettuce see what he can REALLY do! We all know he is more than capable, take some shots down the field. #GoHawks


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Bevell needs to adjust the playbook to accommodate for how much TIME Russ has in the pocket. I heard a couple days back Mitch mentioned that Clayton said Seattle could use the PASS to open up the RUN game. We need to Force their D to respect our passing game. Force them to drop back into coverage, instead of them spamming blitz plays against us.

Start passing to Graham in single coverage, toss that shit up there and watch him come down with it. Isn't that his bread & butter after all?

In fact, I want to see what Wilson can do. He got payed the big bucks, now lettuce see what he can REALLY do! We all know he is more than capable, take some shots down the field. #GoHawks
I agree the play calls need to be adjusted for quick passes, considering how green this OL is. Perhaps Russell should actually not go to his next read if Graham is covered. Sounds crazy, I know, but I think part of the problem is that Graham may not be opened when Russell looks at him, so Russell moves on to the next read, yet Graham could be open moments later. IDK just tossing ideas out.


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
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If Wilson starts throwing to Graham even though he's well covered are all of you going to come back here and be OK with it if he starts getting picked off? Honestly I don't know what you all want. Wilson is playing smart and not forcing things. I remember all too well Hasselbeck forcing throws that were picked off at key moments and how our fans accepted that. It wasn't good. Hell, just in February in the Superbowl Wilson did exactly what you are all asking for and threw to a guy who was covered and we haven't heard the end of that play since, and likely never will because it wasn't the "smart" play. Is the only "smart" play the one that works? Wilson has set an NFL record for any QB in his first 3 years by being smart with the ball, we've won a Superbowl, and gone to one more, but it seems like some people aren't satisfied unless week after week Wilson is putting up Madden numbers. It's only been 2 weeks with Graham people, and one was great. What the hell is the problem??? Let's give this some time and see how Graham does over the course of a year in Seattle before we start declaring doom and gloom.


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Who's saying that? I think after 2 games, RW is on pace for about 100 more attempts than last year, which is a shade over 8 per game. I think we are at the point of transition from run heavy to more pass, but the number I threw out there was 10 more attempts a game. Nowhere close to 50.

My bad JMR, just using a wee bit o' hyperbole.

Goodness knows it's in style here.


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If Wilson starts throwing to Graham even though he's well covered are all of you going to come back here and be OK with it if he starts getting picked off? Honestly I don't know what you all want. Wilson is playing smart and not forcing things. I remember all too well Hasselbeck forcing throws that were picked off at key moments and how our fans accepted that. It wasn't good. Hell, just in February in the Superbowl Wilson did exactly what you are all asking for and threw to a guy who was covered and we haven't heard the end of that play since, and likely never will because it wasn't the "smart" play. Is the only "smart" play the one that works? Wilson has set an NFL record for any QB in his first 3 years by being smart with the ball, we've won a Superbowl, and gone to one more, but it seems like some people aren't satisfied unless week after week Wilson is putting up Madden numbers. It's only been 2 weeks with Graham people, and one was great. What the hell is the problem??? Let's give this some time and see how Graham does over the course of a year in Seattle before we start declaring doom and gloom.
Not in favor of throwing to Graham even if he's covered. However I'm in favor of Russell not moving on to his next read real quick. Let him linger his gaze on Graham a bit longer. When you got a stud receiver, I don't think that a terrible idea.


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
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Not in favor of throwing to Graham even if he's covered. However I'm in favor of Russell not moving on to his next read real quick. Let him linger his gaze on Graham a bit longer. When you got a stud receiver, I don't think that a terrible idea.

Ya, that is fine and I think as time goes by we'll get there. Wilson is no dummy by any measure. He'll figure out how to use Graham. But people need to turn the stove from 10 down to simmer for a couple weeks. By every measure Graham and Wilson had a great first game together. For some reason people have amnesia about that. The next game wasn't very good. Oh well. Graham had shit games with Brees too. Lets see how this thing develops is all I'm saying. We live in too much of a "now" society. Nobody has any patience anymore.


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Sorry if we do no trust bevell to get the best out of his talent, he has a history of failing in that regard.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I would like to see JG down field more. Bevell needs to do this so that the LB's can move a bit off the line to create some running space. Plus chuck a few 10 to 20 yds down field to JG like Brees did.