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How can we involve Jimmy Graham more?


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Jul 2, 2013
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Why trade for such an asset and such a weapon on the offense if we're not going to utilize it?

It's like if you buy an Aston Martin but only decide to drive the speed limit on the back roads. Why not use it to its full potential?

What can Russell and the offense do to get Jimmy Graham more involved?

1) Take advantage of 1 on 1 match ups
- This is advantage Jimmy Graham every time. Even if Jimmy isn't open and you force it to him the worst thing that could happen is an incomplete pass. Russ and Jimmy need to find that understanding of where to throw the ball and where to place it so Jimmy and only Jimmy can catch it.

2) Be selfish and look more Jimmy's way
- I like Russell's overall philosophy of spreading the ball around and not forcing it to anyone unless they are open...but for once I will forgive you for being selfish Russell. On early throwing downs and on important throwing downs I would like Jimmy to be Russell's main focus. Even if you have to stare him down, look his way, and exploit the mismatches he creates.

There were a few instances in the GB game and in the first half of the Rams game where Jimmy was 1 on 1 and Russell didn't even look his way. It was almost like he was a decoy. Jimmy beat his man most of those times too, but Russell's eyes never even veered his way. If Jimmy isn't the first look on the passing play shouldn't he at least get a look at some point? Why was Russell staring down Jermaine Kearse week 1?

3) Line up Jimmy Graham as WR more
- Alright Pete and Bevell can stop pretending now. Jimmy Graham is obviously not a blocking tight end. Sure we'd like him to get acclimated to the team and contribute in that way, but not at the expense of what makes him truly great. Line Jimmy up as WR more and move him around. On the outside where he will likely see 1 on 1s. In the slot where he run slants or deep post routes and use his big frame to body the linebacker/safety covering him.

Those are just some ideas off the top of my head. How do you guys think we can utilize Jimmy in the offense more? Is it Bevell's play calling that is holding back Jimmy's production or is the offensive line just not giving Russell enough time for the plays to develop to take advantage of Jimmy Graham?


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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I think we just have to take more chances and rely on him to win the 1 on 1 matchups and come down with the 50/50 passes. He didnt get many 1st half targets last week but then it started coming his way a lot more when we opened things up in the 2nd half. I was expecting something similar last night but it just didnt happen that way.

So far the offense clearly has been better when more is put on RW and less of the "ground Chuck" stuff. Maybe that bodes well for Graham's involvement the rest of the way.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Yep, he needs to get involved more, NO doubt about it...


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
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Well if you are DC playing the Seahawks which receiving threat is the most pressing to you? Graham obviously. Expect teams to put extra coverage on him or at least their best coverage guy. Seattle's WR's don't frighten anyone so teams will focus on Graham. It's no wonder he gets less targets.

By the way, last year with New Orleans Graham had 5 games where he was targeted 6 times or less. He had a three target game, a two target game and zero target game last year so it's not like this is just a Seattle issue. Just look at his game logs over the past couple years and you'll see he has lots of game like the one last night. Sometimes Brees targeted him 11 times and sometimes only twice. It happens. His first game against the Rams was decent with 6 receptions for about 60 yards and a TD. Lets not panic just because GB played us differently this week.


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Aug 15, 2014
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I think they as a coaching staff have to make a decision to take the wraps off of Wilson, and live with the inevitable growing pains.


Go Army!
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I think they as a coaching staff have to make a decision to take the wraps off of Wilson, and live with the inevitable growing pains.
What kind of growing pains do you foresee? It's only been 2 games, but so far our O has been best when it's put in RW's hands. He took over that game in the 3rd qtr last night and got us the lead in Lambeau in the 4th qtr. I'm not saying he wouldn't make a single mistake if we asked him to throw 40 times a game, but we are talking about a guy with a 100 career passer rating.... who now has Jimmy Graham to throw to.


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May 22, 2013
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I think a lot comes down to the Oline. They were atrocious in the Rams game but looked better in passing situations last night.

If Russell can find some time and see Graham in 1 on 1 he needs to force him the ball. The guy is just physically bigger and more talented than almost anyone on defense. Let him make the play. If Graham is constantly being doubled though, getting safety help, I want to see him take those defenders underneath and let Mr Tyler Lockett show what he can do when the safety help is focused on Graham.


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Apr 25, 2013
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its not that wilson didnt have time to find him. it seemed that on the majority of plays graham stayed in to block them broke from the line only to go out about 2 yards then turn around. is that really what you want the second best TE in football to be doing? make willson run that route and let graham play WR. fucking ridiculous.


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Aug 15, 2014
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What kind of growing pains do you foresee? It's only been 2 games, but so far our O has been best when it's put in RW's hands. He took over that game in the 3rd qtr last night and got us the lead in Lambeau in the 4th qtr. I'm not saying he wouldn't make a single mistake if we asked him to throw 40 times a game, but we are talking about a guy with a 100 career passer rating.... who now has Jimmy Graham to throw to.

Just the inevitable that will happen to any player in the NFL who plays a lot. DB's get burned, LB's miss tackles, O-linemen give u sacks, QB's throw INT's.

They've made a conscious decision to limit the amount he throws, and the sample size for games where he throws a LOT is really, really small (Atlanta game?)

I fully believe that due to his smarts and intangibles (work ethic etc), that Russel will manage more passes, just like he's managed starting, with aplomb.

But there WILL be some growing pains, some lessons along the way.

If GB had won in last year's NFCCG, we'd be talking about how those pains had already started. The incredible result glossed that over, and the fainting couches in here didn't come out until this year. :)


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Aug 15, 2014
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its not that wilson didnt have time to find him. it seemed that on the majority of plays graham stayed in to block them broke from the line only to go out about 2 yards then turn around. is that really what you want the second best TE in football to be doing? make willson run that route and let graham play WR. fucking ridiculous.

They were upfront with Graham and with fans that he was going to have to block in this offense.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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By throwing it to him?

lol, I dunno. The one downfield pass I saw that was thrown to him (his missed target) was down low and an EASY play for the defender. The guy is 6'7"... throw it UP to him... there's not many corners that have that reach.

Bevell and Carroll need to stop the conservative crap and just have Wilson chuck it a few more times. Seattle (since Carroll/Bevell have been here) have never had a Graham type threat. You just gotta air it out to him. If you see a one on one match up, you throw it. No questions asked. ANY time 1/1 throw it. And STOP having him block. Graham should be blocking on like 10% of plays.... that's not the type of weapon he is.


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Aug 15, 2014
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And STOP having him block. Graham should be blocking on like 10% of plays.... that's not the type of weapon he is.

The WR's in our 'system' are required to block too.

Why everyone expected that to change, I dunno. It's not going to change until the 'system' stops working.


Jul 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The WR's in our 'system' are required to block too.

Why everyone expected that to change, I dunno. It's not going to change until the 'system' stops working.

The only thing that irks me the most about all of is that we've seen several two TE's spread the last two games, but instead of having Willson block and send Graham down field or shortage gain, it is the exact opposite. Graham is doing the blocking instead. Willson was targeted 4 times on Sunday.


KFFL Refugee
Sep 2, 2014
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I counted 36 passing plays (some ended with Wilson scrambling):
2x Jimmy wasn't on the field
4x Jimmy stayed in to block
5x Jimmy ran a 1-2 yard out route (sometimes he chipped the end first on these)
1x Jimmy ran out to block for a bubble screen
1x was the ill-fated screen to Lynch

4x Jimmy ran ~10 yard out
1x Jimmy ran a short pick play and came open on 3rd down (Wilson threw to falling down Luke)
5x Jimmy ran shallow-ish crossing routes
2x Jimmy ran an out-and-up
6x Jimmy attacked the seam/post/cleared out
5x Jimmy runs a hook/settles in middle of field


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
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According to Carroll's press conference yesterday they are trying to get Graham more involved. He says they actually had designed for four out of the first five passes to go to Graham but it just didn't work out that way. I think it's smart football to not try and force something if it isn't there. I like how they planned to use Graham more, but I also like how RW is willing to scrap the plan if it has to be and not risk doing something that would give Rodgers a short field. We might want to see Graham more but I think its smart football to take what the defense gives you instead of being tempted by our shiny new toy.


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Apr 22, 2013
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The issue i see is Wilson doesn't "understand" when Graham is covered he is open 99% of the time. When Drew was throwing to Graham he was normally blanketed but that does not mean he is covered. Wilson shy's away from throwing to Graham even if he has a step or two on the Defender because of the talent he has had to work with his first 3 seasons. When those guys had only a step on someone they were "covered" if you get what i am saying. Wilson just has to get it through his head that even if he looks covered you got to give him a chance because 90% of the time he makes the catch.

During the last game Wilson threw to Graham and he had a DB i think or a LB all over him and Wilson under through it a little. When the Defender turned to find the ball which went past him at waist hight Graham stuck out a hand and almost caught it. had he caught that he scores because the Defender turned back to locate the ball and never saw it. Thats what i am saying that even when he is covered he isn't.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
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The WR's in our 'system' are required to block too.

Why everyone expected that to change, I dunno. It's not going to change until the 'system' stops working.

The only thing there is with Lynch being a guy that usually runs it between the tackles the blocking of an inline TE is a lot more important than an outside receiver. I think you Seahawks fans are starting to see that because of his lacking of blocking ability it actually has hurt the run game this year because teams know that either Graham is going to blow his block so whoever he is blocking will get a shot on Lynch in the backfield or they are going to try and run it opposite side of him so then a defense just has to load up that side and good chance they stop Lynch. Throw in a big part of what Lynch loves to do is a back door cut but if Graham can't hold his block then that huge play just doesn't work.

To me I would line him up at least more in the slot if not more on the outside. Wilson is going to have to learn to trust that Graham is going to come down with it even if it doesn't look like he is open. That kind of trust takes time though. I think by the end of the year you see that connection happening a lot more than you do here at the beginning of the year. At this point I wouldn't worry too much. They will get it all worked out.


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Aug 15, 2014
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At this point I wouldn't worry too much. They will get it all worked out.

Oh, if there's one thing that Hawks fans a great at, it's worrying.

You'd think that we're the Gelbaugh era 2 and 14 squad, not the most successful team in franchise history. :)


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And ffs people, Wilson DOES get the concept of 'he's big, throw him the damn ball and let him go get it,' we saw that with him trusting Matthews in the superbowl.

He's just thinking too much, and trying to avoid the biggest cardinal sin in Pete's book, turnovers.

It'll come.


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Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Oh, if there's one thing that Hawks fans a great at, it's worrying.

You'd think that we're the Gelbaugh era 2 and 14 squad, not the most successful team in franchise history. :)

Haha Oh believe me my team is 2-0 and Bronco fans are still freaking out about how terrible our team is. I listen to Broncos radio most days and some of the callers that call in are worst than some of the trolls on this board with how much the sky is falling.