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How bad does the Wiggins for Love trade look now?

How bad does the love for wiggins trade look now?

  • Still pretty good

  • Just an average trade

  • Bad trade

  • Completely unnecessary, one of the worst ever.

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True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Yeah, I agree with the idea behind it, but this just isn't some rookie. This is a rookie that had had been hyped since before his first college game. They were saying this was going to be the best draft since Lebron and that wiggins was the Lebron of this class. This just isn't some prospect. This is probably the best wing prospect since Lebron. Even KD wasn't as hyped as wiggins was. And they traded him for Kevin Love who hasn't been able to get his teams to the playoffs and can't play defense any better than Carlos boozer. He will never be even close to an average defender.
I get what you're saying, but you still don't know until they have played an entire year and keep in mind that most rookies are going to learn faster and become considerably better when they are not connected to a super star like Lebron. Rookies will get thrown into the game when a team like Minnesota has nothing going on. That same Wiggins could easily have been only 50% of what he is if he had been in Cleveland. It's pretty easy to say it's a no brainer now - but back then - no one knew

Beengay fudgepackers

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Sep 12, 2013
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I get what you're saying, but you still don't know until they have played an entire year and keep in mind that most rookies are going to learn faster and become considerably better when they are not connected to a super star like Lebron. Rookies will get thrown into the game when a team like Minnesota has nothing going on. That same Wiggins could easily have been only 50% of what he is if he had been in Cleveland. It's pretty easy to say it's a no brainer now - but back then - no one knew
I think he could actually grow faster playing with Lebron. Lebron is a player coach that could show him how it's done and mentor him, then let him loose while Lebron is on the bench and wiggins is in. When the trade happened I thought it was stupid too. Love reminds me so much of Boozer. They both play below the rim, They are both 6-9, they both score mostly with jumpers and limited post moves, they both have bodies that prevent them from playing quality defense, and they both rebound like crazy. The only difference is love can shoot threes and his shot isn't as ugly looking.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I think he could actually grow faster playing with Lebron. Lebron is a player coach that could show him how it's done and mentor him, then let him loose while Lebron is on the bench and wiggins is in. When the trade happened I thought it was stupid too. Love reminds me so much of Boozer. They both play below the rim, They are both 6-9, they both score mostly with jumpers and limited post moves, they both have bodies that prevent them from playing quality defense, and they both rebound like crazy. The only difference is love can shoot threes and his shot isn't as ugly looking.
That's still speculation though because we haven't seen what the chemistry would have been. I agree it had the potential to be pretty good though.


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Mar 4, 2014
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Doesn't matter how bad the trade is. LeBron wanted Kevin Love.

If LeBron James wants to trade the #1 pick for Mike Miller in order to be happy, you trade the #1 pick for Mike Miller.


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Sep 2, 2014
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When the Cavs get swept this trade will look even better. Those douchy bitches had no business with another #1 pick. Glad they fucked it up again.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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When the Cavs get swept this trade will look even better. Those douchy bitches had no business with another #1 pick. Glad they fucked it up again.

How? lol. He isnt playing and it was a freak injury.

You make no sense and are awarded no points.


Jul 26, 2014
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cavs could of been a deeper and better team with wiggins and bennett


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
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I think he could actually grow faster playing with Lebron. Lebron is a player coach that could show him how it's done and mentor him, then let him loose while Lebron is on the bench and wiggins is in. When the trade happened I thought it was stupid too. Love reminds me so much of Boozer. They both play below the rim, They are both 6-9, they both score mostly with jumpers and limited post moves, they both have bodies that prevent them from playing quality defense, and they both rebound like crazy. The only difference is love can shoot threes and his shot isn't as ugly looking.
Great comparison. only difference Love can hit the 3 and spread the floor. Cavs is a lot weaker with Love in the game just like Boozer was with the bulls.

Texas Jefe

Come and take it
Jun 29, 2013
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it looks bad now. At the time, just meh

when all said and done, who knows?


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It, in my opinion is too early to tell. I was never really sure why the trade went though in the first in the first place. Wiggins was a once in a decade type talent (he probably won't ever be as good as LeBron, but he'll Still probably be a super star player), and they traded him for a injury prone player who's likely a rental? It just didn't seem really smart to me.


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Apr 17, 2013
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In his defense, this injury only occured because he was viciously attacked and mauled by that wanna be viking thug kelly olynyk :lol:

Yup, He did it on purpose... riiiight


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Sep 2, 2014
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cavs could of been a deeper and better team with wiggins and bennett

Bennett is TERRIBLE. Not just bad. But terrible. I am still pissed the Wolves took him back in that trade. We would have to give away a first round pick just to get someone to take his contract off our hands. We owe him $16M over the next two seasons for a guy that if he was a 2nd round pick would be playing in Israel right now because the better Euro and Turkey leagues wouldn't want him.

I was hoping he was getting shipped to 76ers in the Thad Young trade. It is a shame though because he does seem like a really good kid. Just not a good basketball player.

Bennett and Wiggins make the Cav's WORSE...not better this season. Wiggins is going to be great but he still is a negative player in this league. Like most rookies he is not always in the right spot on defense and he struggled with outside shooting big time this year and defense and outside shooting is all he would have been asked to do in Cleveland. With the Wolves this season he was most effective posting up or on ISO's. The Cav's would have never done either of those things for him if he was on the squad.

Edith A. Dikkuth

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Well, that and Kevin Love is a bitches bitch. He sure ain't no Pau Gasol.


Jul 26, 2014
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Bennett is TERRIBLE. Not just bad. But terrible. I am still pissed the Wolves took him back in that trade. We would have to give away a first round pick just to get someone to take his contract off our hands. We owe him $16M over the next two seasons for a guy that if he was a 2nd round pick would be playing in Israel right now because the better Euro and Turkey leagues wouldn't want him.

I was hoping he was getting shipped to 76ers in the Thad Young trade. It is a shame though because he does seem like a really good kid. Just not a good basketball player.

Bennett and Wiggins make the Cav's WORSE...not better this season. Wiggins is going to be great but he still is a negative player in this league. Like most rookies he is not always in the right spot on defense and he struggled with outside shooting big time this year and defense and outside shooting is all he would have been asked to do in Cleveland. With the Wolves this season he was most effective posting up or on ISO's. The Cav's would have never done either of those things for him if he was on the squad.

Bennett would be better under lebron

Edith A. Dikkuth

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Bennett was to the NBA what Alex Poythress was to college basketball.