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How bad does the Wiggins for Love trade look now?

How bad does the love for wiggins trade look now?

  • Still pretty good

  • Just an average trade

  • Bad trade

  • Completely unnecessary, one of the worst ever.

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Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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it looks like the Cavs didn't even need Love to get to the finals. They would also have a player that could be top 5 in the NBA some day gaining valuable experience in the finals and playing next to Lebron. Instead they have a possible rental who wasn't even necessary to get to the finals. I think it could go down as one of the worst trades ever.


Surprise Motherfucker
Apr 17, 2013
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If the cavs had Wiggins right now they would probably be favorites in this series :lol:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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As of right now, it looks like a bad trade. Love had trouble fitting in and is injured......again. Meanwhile, Wiggins looks like he is going to fulfill the promise that most thought he had when he was drafted.

However, it's also too early to make a final determination. Regardless of what happens in this seasons finals, if Love heals up, stays with the Cavs and contributes to a title or 2, then it will be upgraded to a good/very good trade.

However, if he leaves, or even if he stays but spends the rest of his time in Cleveland in and out of the lineup and not really contributing, then it will rival the Lakers trade for Dwight/Nash for trades that looked good at the time, but blew up in the teams face.

Also, how good Wiggins becomes will play a role in how the trade is ultimately viewed.


Go Local Sports Team
Jun 28, 2014
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As of right now, it looks like a bad trade. Love had trouble fitting in and is injured......again. Meanwhile, Wiggins looks like he is going to fulfill the promise that most though.
In his defense, this injury only occured because he was viciously attacked and mauled by that wanna be viking thug kelly olynyk :lol:


Aug 4, 2011
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I still like the trade. You can't expect LeBron to be dominant past year 15 or so. Cleveland had to take steps to win in the short-term, and Love gave that to them before his injury. All you need to do is check his +/- and then check the Cavs' +/- without him. Thompson has been great, but Love would have brought them closer to a title (I expect GS beats them in 5 or 6).

Cleveland had to sell out for a win in the next 2-3 years, and Love gave them a better chance to win for the next 2-3 years. Minnesota had to rebuild, and Wiggins gave them a chance to do that for the long-term. Good deal for both of them.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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As of right now, it looks like a bad trade. Love had trouble fitting in and is injured......again. Meanwhile, Wiggins looks like he is going to fulfill the promise that most thought he had when he was drafted.

However, it's also too early to make a final determination. Regardless of what happens in this seasons finals, if Love heals up, stays with the Cavs and contributes to a title or 2, then it will be upgraded to a good/very good trade.

However, if he leaves, or even if he stays but spends the rest of his time in Cleveland in and out of the lineup and not really contributing, then it will rival the Lakers trade for Dwight/Nash for trades that looked good at the time, but blew up in the teams face.

Also, how good Wiggins becomes will play a role in how the trade is ultimately viewed.

The Nash trade was bad.

But, it wasn't Gilbert Arenas horrible.

As for Howard?

Look at it like this:

How much worse would it have been if they didn't make that trade and paid Bynum instead?

The Love trade was a bad one that seemed like a solid move for the present.

But, if they win without Love or if he walks this Summer, it could end up being Vlade for Kobe the remix if Wiggins builds on his great start.

I give it an incomplete for now.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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The Nash trade was bad.

But, it wasn't Gilbert Arenas horrible.

As for Howard?

Look at it like this:

How much worse would it have been if they didn't make that trade and paid Bynum instead?

The Love trade was a bad one that seemed like a solid move for the present.

But, if they win without Love or if he walks this Summer, it could end up being Vlade for Kobe the remix if Wiggins builds on his great start.

I give it an incomplete for now.

Yeah, that's kind of what I'm getting at. Right now, it looks like a bad trade or at best, an unnecessary trade given that the Cavs are in the finals without him. But, depending on what happens with him, the Cavs and Wiggins in the future, that could change. So, like you say, incomplete.

Given how the trade turned out, I'd have rather paid Bynum. Obviously not because Bynum had had such a great career, but because the Lakers ended up giving up assets for Dwight/Nash and got nothing out of it. They tried to fast track the re-build that they knew was coming. It ended up adding a couple of additional years to the re-build that likely would have been avoided if they didn't make the trade.

However, that's complete hindsight, because at the time the consensus was that the trade put the Lakers right back in the title hunt. It just blew up in their face. That's why Lakers fans haven't been too upset with the past couple of seasons. Everyone knew going in that if things didn't work out, they were going to be in trouble for a couple of seasons or so. But at the time, any team that had the opportunity to make that trade kind of had to.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
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I said it from the start that they should of kept him. Imagine Irving, Thompson, LBJ and Wiggins for the next 5-8 years. WOW


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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If the cavs had Wiggins right now they would probably be favorites in this series :lol:
I stated this was a bad trade when it was announced prior to the season. I guess I was right.


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Sep 2, 2014
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If wiggins is in Cleveland right now, Lebron isn't.

Lebron went there knowing that the Cavs would trade him for immediate help. Trading wiggins was part of signing Lebron. Without one, you don't have the other.

When you realize that, it was a killer trade for Cleveland.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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Yeah, that's kind of what I'm getting at. Right now, it looks like a bad trade or at best, an unnecessary trade given that the Cavs are in the finals without him. But, depending on what happens with him, the Cavs and Wiggins in the future, that could change. So, like you say, incomplete.

Given how the trade turned out, I'd have rather paid Bynum. Obviously not because Bynum had had such a great career, but because the Lakers ended up giving up assets for Dwight/Nash and got nothing out of it. They tried to fast track the re-build that they knew was coming. It ended up adding a couple of additional years to the re-build that likely would have been avoided if they didn't make the trade.

However, that's complete hindsight, because at the time the consensus was that the trade put the Lakers right back in the title hunt. It just blew up in their face. That's why Lakers fans haven't been too upset with the past couple of seasons. Everyone knew going in that if things didn't work out, they were going to be in trouble for a couple of seasons or so. But at the time, any team that had the opportunity to make that trade kind of had to.

I get what you are saying and I agree.

But, our narrative could change again if the guy they pick #2 turns out to be a STUD.

Get another franchise guy to carry the torch for the next decade and the last 2 years of suffering will have been a neccessary evil.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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If wiggins is in Cleveland right now, Lebron isn't.

Lebron went there knowing that the Cavs would trade him for immediate help. Trading wiggins was part of signing Lebron. Without one, you don't have the other.

When you realize that, it was a killer trade for Cleveland.

Interesting point of view.

If true, you are correct.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Love trade was bad. Just James flexing cause Wiggins wouldn't sign with his 'team'. Apparently it was personal.

Drafting Bennett over Oladipo was worse. That was just the Cavs being the Cavs without having James to bail them out.

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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If wiggins is in Cleveland right now, Lebron isn't.

Lebron went there knowing that the Cavs would trade him for immediate help. Trading wiggins was part of signing Lebron. Without one, you don't have the other.

When you realize that, it was a killer trade for Cleveland.
I've heard this before, but it still doesn't make this trade not stupid. It just shifts the stupidity from the Cleveland front office to Lebron. If they manage to win without love, it just makes Lebron look really stupid in this deal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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If wiggins is in Cleveland right now, Lebron isn't.

Lebron went there knowing that the Cavs would trade him for immediate help. Trading wiggins was part of signing Lebron. Without one, you don't have the other.

When you realize that, it was a killer trade for Cleveland.

James signed before the Wiggins trade, so you can't factually say that.

I'm sure Gilbert promised James he would make every effort to acquire Love, if thats what James wanted, but the T Wolves had to ultimate power to say yes or no to any deal.

Also, looks like Wiggins was immediate help vs Love being a square peg trying to fit into a round hole all season ( and now being injured).

Ask James today if he'd rather have Love or Wiggins and we all know what the truthful answer would be.

Sgt Brutus

Nov 19, 2014
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A lot of assumption on how wiggins would fit in @cleveland

I still think it's too early to tell and if we get any championships out of it then the trade was worth it. Love was a win now trade.

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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A lot of assumption on how wiggins would fit in @cleveland

I still think it's too early to tell and if we get any championships out of it then the trade was worth it. Love was a win now trade.
It really doesn't matter how he would fit in right now. The team went through two tough teams to get to the finals without love. If wiggins were on the team, he would be gaining very valuable experience playing in the finals with the best player in the NBA as a mentor. A few years down the road, Lebron might've been able to chase a few rings with wiggins and Irving as the center pieces and him as a veteran player on his last legs. If Love stays and starts to fit in, then the trade could be argued to be a good one, but if he leaves after this year or next year, it will definitely be a stinker for Cleveland.