VVITCH : 7 of 10
I liked it but, it could have been a lot better.
They are more exciting than your shitty posts...Rings and Split will be boring movies, in fact, today's horror movies are boring. Theyll get you lost
Pretty close, it could definitely be compared to a lot of 1st person films of that nature. Biggest difference is The Tunnel doesn't rely on the supernatural (moving objects, ghost appearances, etc) to get its suspense, rather real terrifying creature(s).
They are more exciting than your shitty posts...
That was a good article! Thanks for sharing! Just goes to show what we already know, that originality in Hollywood is damn near extinct.@FaCe-LeE-uS , pretty good article here.
http://www.vulture.com/2017/02/japanese-horror-american-remakes.html?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Vulture - February 1, 2017&utm_term=Subscription List - Vulture (1 Year)
What J-Horror Loses When It Crosses the Pacific
Don't Knock Twice (2017)
Release date: International release is on January 12th. But I heard it had limited releases elsewhere (UK?).
Synopsis: A mother desperate to reconnect with her troubled daughter becomes embroiled in the urban legend of a demonic witch.
UK horror film comin atcha! Surprised I hadn't heard about this one? Probably overlooked it at some point. But this looks pretty legit. Obviously a ripoff of movies like The Ring, amongst others, but it will be interesting to see how the Brits do it. Always been a fan of UK horror. Read that this was filmed entirely in Wales. Director is Caradog James. Loved his film The Machine (sci-fi thriller). Fingers crossed!
Thoughts? My review if you're interested:Oh, what the hell...stuck in bed with a shitty virus; what better time to watch
The Girl With All the Gifts (2016)
Been out the Z-horror game for a while mainly due to how exhausted the genre was getting, but somehow I managed to stumble upon a few gems recently. I call them gems mainly because they don't necessarily follow the same old tired traditional scripts, instead they add some new originality. This film, however, I have to admit is better than my recently reviewed Open Graves. This is probably one of the better made Z-flicks that I have ever seen. And yes I have to point out that its a UK film, because they deserve credit for making brilliant movies. @jakedog56 I hope you're reading this, because as a fellow Z-film enthusiast I'd love to get your opinion on it. As for the technical aspects... The apocalyptic landscape on display is one of the most convincing apocalyptic landscapes that I've seen since I Am Legend or 28 days later (even TWD). That setting gives us excellent cinematography with some awe-inspiring imagery created with interesting uses of composition, lighting, angles, etc. The score goes a long way towards setting each and every scene as well. To put it simply, this is quite the beautifully made movie. The use of CGI is subtle and sparingly used, and the makeup fx is superb. Plenty of gore as one would expect. The zombs are unique in that they stand perfectly still when not lured (sort of like the IAL zombs during daytime), which I thought was a very creepy and unique twist. In the acting department we got some great performances from Arterton, Nanua, Close & Considine. This is a solid movie in it's own right, but it stands amongst the very best zombie movies IMO. It certainly gives 28-DL a run for its money, both in it's use of it's low-budget and it's re-invention of the zombie trope. It's a fresh take on an otherwise stale genre, and I certainly recommend it!
A gift for zombie fans... 8.5/10
Also, I watched a bit over half of the South Korean zombie movie The Train to Busen the other day with my friend before I had to leave to the airport for the return flight. It was pretty good also if you can handle dubs or subtitles.
I can't post a trailer from my work as youtube is blocked here. The story and execution were decent but the zombies were pretty damn good! I need to watch the rest of it at some point.
This has a serious Shutter Island & AHS: Asylum vibe to it... Love it
This looks freaking awesome. Shoutout to @BusSport for pointing it out in the Entertainment section.
Forgot to give a shoutout to @R.J. MacReady for recommending this movie previously... So if @jakedog56 is interested in his review:
Saw this trailer a while ago but shied away from it due to the subtitles... Just have a hard time staying focused on the plot with those movies.
Train to Busan 2016 Korean Zombie movie (with sub titles)
Yea, another Korean horror movie from me (You got a problem with that?)
I would give it a 7, no problem.
For a Zombie movie this is different. They really make you love the cast and the zombies are a bit different. But they could have used some more CGI.
just saw Ouija- the 2016 movie last night... Was pretty good... Not great... But I am also not a HOrror movie fan... so there...
Will watch the girl with all the gifts some time soon, as you gave it good reviews and it did well on rotten tomatoes...
Really, I will only see horror movies with a 75 or better on rotten tomatoes... all else is not worth it for me... since I am not a horror movie fan...