My niece recommended Antlers, so now I'm confused.
I guess I'll have to watch it myself to decide!
I was really excited for that movie but it kind of fell flat.
It's a bit of a drama mixed in with some horror elements and about a Wendigo. I REALLY wish a Wendigo movie would come out like the video game Until Dawn. I've watched basically every Wendigo movie I can find and nothing comes CLOSE to that game's story. No surprise it was good as Larry Fessenden writes, produces, directs, and even acts (he was the flamethrower guy in Until Dawn) almost exclusively horror films (mostly Indy/smaller projects).
Anyway, the pacing in the movie is pretty slow... couple guys are salvaging a mine and something attacks them. One guy's kid is the focus of the movie and there's a drama story between him, fine ass Keri Russell, and the poor mans Matt Damon from Breaking Bad.
Long story short, the Dad got bit and infected by some creature (we assume?) and wants human flesh. This all happens pretty early and it's obvious what's happening so I really don't feel like I'm spoiling anything here. Anyway, the wendigo/goat/antler thing then attacks a few people and retreats back to the mines. Keri figures out what's going on and goes to discover and kill it to save the poor boy from his demon goat Dad. Meh and meh. The final monster reveal is pretty cool but largely impractical and pretty underwhelming with the ending and 'fight' scene. It's kind of a 'yawn' watch but I like the dreary/cold town and cinematography. Keri and the actors here really seem to just be mailing it in lol.