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Horror Movies

Blackshirts BLVD

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You're Next - I had seen it before, but only once and it was a long time ago. The acting is sketchy and there are a few plot problems, but all in all it isn't terrible. The effects were solid, the build of the main protagonist worked, the ending was ok though it felt like it was put on there for a sudden twist/wow factor - it didn't feel genuine to the story to me (idk, just a feeling I guess), it felt more of an impulsive move in the writing. Solid movie, but the acting is very bothersome for me lol. 5.5/10

The Collector - First off, I forgot that movies used to have intro credits lol. This one seemed to last a while. Anyway, love the idea, though I feel like it is a little much. Boobytraps are always fun in horror movies, but this seemed too elaborate, cost-ineffective, time-ineffective, etc... I am sure you are like 'you're overthinking the movie' lol. I am not a fan of movies that attempt to pull on your heartstrings on both sides. On one side we have a little girl lost in the midst of all these horrible things and her entire family dying and on the other we have our protagonist who turns out to be a thief but is doing it to help his family. So right off of the bat, I know I am probably going to be disappointed story/ending-wise as either the little girl or the protagonist is going to die and we already know the likelihood of who that will be. Sure enough, the ending rolls around and we see the protagonist be carried away. This movie is called the Collector, he collects people... what does that even mean? We are never shown. He takes the protagonist, but was it because he was the last one he could get or was it because he was impressed by his tenacity? Is this an OCD thing? Not sure it matters. There is also the point with the Collectors eyes, what is going on there? Towards the end, in the mirror scene, it seemed like they had a POV shot and his vision was blurry, but might not have been a POV shot idk. Anyway, it seems as if the Collector should be blind and that makes it even more ridiculous, is there a point to that or is it just to make him look/seem scarier? The storm was very manufactured and cliched. This probably sounds like there is a lot I am complaining about, but I did enjoy the movie. I actually wanted to watch the sequel right after, but it wasn't being streamed. The acting was good, at least from the protagonist (who is the main one you see for 80% of the movie). It's got some nice boobs in the movie lol, no credit given there, but none taken away amirite lol. I think I will give it a 5.5/10 - much like with You're Next, it had a lot of good stuff (even if I didn't mention much) but it also had a lot of bad stuff, but the bad stuff showed potential if that makes sense (for both movies).

Both of these were decent, but could have been a lot better I feel.

Blackshirts BLVD

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Now I remember, do you guys think the movie Phone Booth could be considered horror? It is obviously a thriller, but in the scope of toying with a victim, torturing them psychologically and physically, terrifying circumstance of not knowing who or where your attacker is, etc...

It has been a while since I have seen it and I have not seen it since I started really reviewing and paying attention to movies, but I really liked it.



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Wife & I also watched Shadow In the Cloud (2020)... Not even going to dive into reviewing that mess. Logic was non-existent, and the "creature-feature" aspect was so displaced that it really served no purpose. This movie was more politically driven than anything... The "woke" feminist movement...

To recap... A woman with little prior training boards a plane as part of her own secret mission, impersonates & fools a full crew of men, shoots down an enemy plane that the men couldn't even touch, beats up a misogynist, scales the belly of a plane in midair with nothing more than her meat-hooks (hands), and ultimately bashes & kills a large flying bat creature with her bare fists before settling down on the beach to breastfeed her infant... Cool as a cucumber... All of this based on her mettle as a independent woman & mother? Yea this female empowerment went a little overboard here lol.

Basically came off as some bizarre feministic grindhouse film... Pass
I want to hear @Sharkonabicycle's thoughts on this movie... Pretty sure I'd pass out from laughter if we got a full review from him


Bipedal Sea Dog
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Don't get me started on that pile of bullshit (Shadows in the Cloud).

First off, the cartoon at the beginning was only one of two amusing parts... and I'm not sure why they showed it and then went back into the intro credits. The Kickass girl has completely bombed in terms of Hollyweird... going from a great film to shit like Carrie and now this. Chloe Grace... M... Mmmmsomething. "In association with New Zealand film commission." Who the fuck cares?

So we're introduced to our heroine walking down the middle of an ACTIVE RUNWAY and then the plane appears behind her like the velociraptor that killed Samuel L. Jackson. She gets on board like getting on a military plane is a fuckin' Uber/Lyft, and then we have a bunch of EVIL NASTY white males that make fun of our heroine because.... uh... apparently Hollywood is still pushing the vaginas can do anything agenda and we'll make the vagina do special things halfway through this film thing. Then, she hops in the bomber turret with a broken arm (or whatever that's all about) like it's no big deal. So you think the feminist push is over, right? NOPE, then we get the men all making fun of her and talking about her sexually while she puts on her best 'hurt face'. WE GET IT HOLLYWEIRD, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Alright, so if you've somehow survived the first 20 minutes of this film, we get to the bullshit this film promised us. Gremlins attacking a plane. The little fucker pops in and tries to snatch our sexually abused lead. She then spots an enemy plane and I guess.... gives birth to bullets or something? She was literally screaming like a chick in labor. So she shoots down the fuckin' enemy, and then the gremlin in full CGI greatness (lol) shows itself and she 'deals with it'. And then they open up the package she brought on (apparently?) which reveals her baby? And she's banged one of the other crew members who is the father? But her original husband she mentioned was like an abusive person or something? Or.... uh... I dunno, if you're not drinking and experimenting with multiple drugs at this point, seek therapy.

So the gremlin (yah that's still in the movie) captures the baby and then Chloe goes climbing around on the outside of the plane to rescue it and do stuff. And then the most hilarious thing in probably action history happens where she falls to Earth but then a Japanese plane (oh yah they are trying to survive against them) EXPLODES below the plane and ROCKETS her back up into the plane. LMFAO. I mean I was dying of laughter there, so at least the film did something right. What's even more funny? They show this IN the trailer, so you don't even have to watch the movie to get the only amusing part of the film.

So yah... then the plane crashes, the gremlin comes back and steals the baby, then Chloe MMA fights the monster and kills it. And the baby cries and queue credits. And then the father is like, "It's okay mom is here!" and she calms the crotch fruit down. And then all the evil sexist men are redeemed because of vagina power. And then roll credits, complete with actual footage of women in history doing aviation things.

Look, when a trailer has to put giant words that read, "INSANELY ENTERTAINING" an "ABSOLUTE BLAST" and then caps it all off with "A GO FOR BROKE PERFORMANCE" seriously what the fuck? Well at least the last part was true because Chloe Grace M.... uh... eh, whatever... WENT for broke and probably will be unless she takes her clothes off at some point. Hey it worked for Kate Mara.


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Now I remember, do you guys think the movie Phone Booth could be considered horror? It is obviously a thriller, but in the scope of toying with a victim, torturing them psychologically and physically, terrifying circumstance of not knowing who or where your attacker is, etc...

It has been a while since I have seen it and I have not seen it since I started really reviewing and paying attention to movies, but I really liked it.

I don't recall ever thinking it was horror but it is a horror type concept. However it has been a long time since I've seen it so maybe a rewatch would clarify.

Funny that you bring up these borderline cross-genre horror movies as I just watched one yesterday that seemed to horror at the start but was most certainly not after.

Zodiac (2007) started out as a straight up slasher flick. The first 40 minutes have at least 5 execution style killings/attacks via stabbings or gun shots. The lake scene is particularly brutal as he hog ties a couple and then proceeds to graphically stab them in their backs a bunch of times as they lay helpless on their bellys. However after that first 40 minutes it turns into a straight up mystery with thriller overtones for the remaining 2+ hours! (Long movie, but apparently Fincher cut 20 minutes despite having full final cut rights after the studio pleaded with him to get it under 3 hours). There are still some horror overtones with the letter content, and investigation but it is certainly not horror watching police procedure details, and the lead (Gyllenhaal) dig through cipher books at libraries and discuss details over lunch and such.

It reminded me a lot of S7ven with less darkness and graphic gore, which is somewhat understandable since both were directed by David Fincher. The flow, dialogue, and character interactions are very similar, not to mention all the camera work and editing which are very Fincher.

.......but no, not horror. Fincher could have added flashbacks or more horror type scenes but the dramatic shift worked because of how in reality the Zodiac Killer seemingly stopped. It followed the actual events pretty close, unlike the Dirty Harry movie that also covered the subject.

Zodiac is first and formost a mystery, and is a thriller-horror second. But it is a good movie and I'd say 8 out 10 if you can keep up with the details for the 2 hours 45 minutes or so runtime.


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Don't get me started on that pile of bullshit (Shadows in the Cloud).

First off, the cartoon at the beginning was only one of two amusing parts... and I'm not sure why they showed it and then went back into the intro credits. The Kickass girl has completely bombed in terms of Hollyweird... going from a great film to shit like Carrie and now this. Chloe Grace... M... Mmmmsomething. "In association with New Zealand film commission." Who the fuck cares?

So we're introduced to our heroine walking down the middle of an ACTIVE RUNWAY and then the plane appears behind her like the velociraptor that killed Samuel L. Jackson. She gets on board like getting on a military plane is a fuckin' Uber/Lyft, and then we have a bunch of EVIL NASTY white males that make fun of our heroine because.... uh... apparently Hollywood is still pushing the vaginas can do anything agenda and we'll make the vagina do special things halfway through this film thing. Then, she hops in the bomber turret with a broken arm (or whatever that's all about) like it's no big deal. So you think the feminist push is over, right? NOPE, then we get the men all making fun of her and talking about her sexually while she puts on her best 'hurt face'. WE GET IT HOLLYWEIRD, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Alright, so if you've somehow survived the first 20 minutes of this film, we get to the bullshit this film promised us. Gremlins attacking a plane. The little fucker pops in and tries to snatch our sexually abused lead. She then spots an enemy plane and I guess.... gives birth to bullets or something? She was literally screaming like a chick in labor. So she shoots down the fuckin' enemy, and then the gremlin in full CGI greatness (lol) shows itself and she 'deals with it'. And then they open up the package she brought on (apparently?) which reveals her baby? And she's banged one of the other crew members who is the father? But her original husband she mentioned was like an abusive person or something? Or.... uh... I dunno, if you're not drinking and experimenting with multiple drugs at this point, seek therapy.

So the gremlin (yah that's still in the movie) captures the baby and then Chloe goes climbing around on the outside of the plane to rescue it and do stuff. And then the most hilarious thing in probably action history happens where she falls to Earth but then a Japanese plane (oh yah they are trying to survive against them) EXPLODES below the plane and ROCKETS her back up into the plane. LMFAO. I mean I was dying of laughter there, so at least the film did something right. What's even more funny? They show this IN the trailer, so you don't even have to watch the movie to get the only amusing part of the film.

So yah... then the plane crashes, the gremlin comes back and steals the baby, then Chloe MMA fights the monster and kills it. And the baby cries and queue credits. And then the father is like, "It's okay mom is here!" and she calms the crotch fruit down. And then all the evil sexist men are redeemed because of vagina power. And then roll credits, complete with actual footage of women in history doing aviation things.

Look, when a trailer has to put giant words that read, "INSANELY ENTERTAINING" an "ABSOLUTE BLAST" and then caps it all off with "A GO FOR BROKE PERFORMANCE" seriously what the fuck? Well at least the last part was true because Chloe Grace M.... uh... eh, whatever... WENT for broke and probably will be unless she takes her clothes off at some point. Hey it worked for Kate Mara.
Sounds a bit like Sucker Punch, which I found enteraining but frustratingly flawed. Visually spectacular but so ridiculously put together that the story comes off very stupid and pandering.

On the otherhand, it isn't any more stupid than shit like the Mission Impossibles, or Taken 2 or 3 (the first one was good), or <insert generic action genre crap here> where the lead does ridiculous, physics defying crap and kills dozens while the bad guys miss their opportunities like drunken, blind Stormtroopers.

So, and I kinda don't want to bring it up, is it just because we are males that we accept the established Clint Eastwood / John Wayne tough guy stereotype but get annoyed when they try to force the same stereotype just with female leads? It sometimes feels that way, but the counter-point would be there are plenty of strong female leads in horror that are easily accepted with the well established Final Girl stuff. So why is it seemingly not accepted so much when the it is leaning towards or all in the action genre? Is it because we, as males, want to relate to being the action hero that kills all the baddies and saves the day, and we either don't want the females ruining such fantasies by filling that role, or we want to rescue them and not vice versa or having them save themselves? Or is it just because the female over-empowerment stuff is just too heavy handed?

Sorry to even discuss it because it does shit on my own perspectives somewhat also. But I do wonder why it is so prevalent and accepted in horror but it is generally not acceptable in action?

Yo Tee

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Unpopular Opinion time:

I just watched the 2019 remake of Child's Play and first thing's first, I despise the way they made Chucky look. However, despite that, I think that this was a well written movie for the day in age that we are in. Using the technological devices we currently have to make this, what is supposed to be, a children's toy, into a diabolical killer was just genius. I certainly like that storyline over the original Child's Play storyline. So, the unpopular opinion is....the 2019 remake of Child's Play is MUCH better than the 1988 original.

Let the hate commence!


Bipedal Sea Dog
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Sounds a bit like Sucker Punch, which I found enteraining but frustratingly flawed. Visually spectacular but so ridiculously put together that the story comes off very stupid and pandering.

On the otherhand, it isn't any more stupid than shit like the Mission Impossibles, or Taken 2 or 3 (the first one was good), or <insert generic action genre crap here> where the lead does ridiculous, physics defying crap and kills dozens while the bad guys miss their opportunities like drunken, blind Stormtroopers.

So, and I kinda don't want to bring it up, is it just because we are males that we accept the established Clint Eastwood / John Wayne tough guy stereotype but get annoyed when they try to force the same stereotype just with female leads? It sometimes feels that way, but the counter-point would be there are plenty of strong female leads in horror that are easily accepted with the well established Final Girl stuff. So why is it seemingly not accepted so much when the it is leaning towards or all in the action genre? Is it because we, as males, want to relate to being the action hero that kills all the baddies and saves the day, and we either don't want the females ruining such fantasies by filling that role, or we want to rescue them and not vice versa or having them save themselves? Or is it just because the female over-empowerment stuff is just too heavy handed?

Sorry to even discuss it because it does shit on my own perspectives somewhat also. But I do wonder why it is so prevalent and accepted in horror but it is generally not acceptable in action?

I have no problem with women being action stars. Terminator 1/2, and Alien/Aliens are probably my favorite movies... and they were 100% driven by women in an action role who were tough and led men around, but did it in a believable way. Even Finn Carter in Tremors very much was a strong character as the smartest of everyone in the town.

This movie (and a lot of the movies coming from Hollycrap today) is just fuckin' lazy about it. You really expect me to believe pilots would all act like a bunch of sexist pigs and CONSTANTLY (I mean it goes ON for like 20 minutes) ridicule another pilot licensed to operate a turret for that long? And then start making remarks like, "She's better than any of you!" in a crisis situation while some men still hate her? And then at the end it's all, "WOW... she sure showed us! HEH!" Give me a fuckin' break.

Not to mention, the general action itself was completely unbelievable (her climbing around on a plane mid flight like it's a McDonald's jungle gym), exploding back into the plane, along with the crashes, etc.

I've called plenty of movies with male tough guy shit dumb as fuck as well... at least there's no PC message slammed into my face 24/7 while watching it.

Oh... and when I saw this was made by the people that made Atomic Blonde... I knew it'd suck. I'm sorry ChaRLIZEE, I don't care if you're an martial arts master and expert assassin. You're not going to beat up two combat experienced men that weigh 250 lbs. SORRY, IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY.


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I have no problem with women being action stars. Terminator 1/2, and Alien/Aliens are probably my favorite movies... and they were 100% driven by women in an action role who were tough and led men around, but did it in a believable way. Even Finn Carter in Tremors very much was a strong character as the smartest of everyone in the town.

This movie (and a lot of the movies coming from Hollycrap today) is just fuckin' lazy about it. You really expect me to believe pilots would all act like a bunch of sexist pigs and CONSTANTLY (I mean it goes ON for like 20 minutes) ridicule another pilot licensed to operate a turret for that long? And then start making remarks like, "She's better than any of you!" in a crisis situation while some men still hate her? And then at the end it's all, "WOW... she sure showed us! HEH!" Give me a fuckin' break.

Not to mention, the general action itself was completely unbelievable (her climbing around on a plane mid flight like it's a McDonald's jungle gym), exploding back into the plane, along with the crashes, etc.

I've called plenty of movies with male tough guy shit dumb as fuck as well... at least there's no PC message slammed into my face 24/7 while watching it.

Oh... and when I saw this was made by the people that made Atomic Blonde... I knew it'd suck. I'm sorry ChaRLIZEE, I don't care if you're an martial arts master and expert assassin. You're not going to beat up two combat experienced men that weigh 250 lbs. SORRY, IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY.
I haven't seen Shadows in the Cloud, and I will avoid it because of what was discussed here. But the double standard does exist and has been ingrained in us.

I do role my eyes when they push the over-the-top ridiculousness of female empowerment. A big difference is that in Alien and Terminator the female leads were thrust into the situation and just survive with moments of badassery, while often in the "message is more important" movies they dominate the males at every turn. But it does beg the question of why it is accepted that, for example, the 5'2", 140# Tom Cruise can dominate to cheers while the female equivalent would possibly be greeted with disdain. Plenty of Rhonda Rousey type MMA chicks could kick 90%+ of the male populace's ass these days......so.......??

I don't want to beat this into the ground here but in regards specifically to horror, why is the Final Girl arch-type not only accepted but seemingly preferred, while it is just annoying in the action genre? Is it solely the heavy handedness of being force fed the message, or just us as males wanting to relate to/be the hero?

I'm not trying to rank on anyone about this. I am also just as "guilty" (if that is the case) of this mindset. I just find it weird that the opposite stereotype exists in horror where it could be argued to the point that it is "reverse sexism" (whatever!).

I guess the succinct question is: How and why did the horror Final Girl sterotype develop, and why is it generally accepted when the equivalent in some other genres isn't so much?


Bipedal Sea Dog
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Sounds a bit like Sucker Punch, which I found enteraining but frustratingly flawed. Visually spectacular but so ridiculously put together that the story comes off very stupid and pandering.

On the otherhand, it isn't any more stupid than shit like the Mission Impossibles, or Taken 2 or 3 (the first one was good), or <insert generic action genre crap here> where the lead does ridiculous, physics defying crap and kills dozens while the bad guys miss their opportunities like drunken, blind Stormtroopers.

So, and I kinda don't want to bring it up, is it just because we are males that we accept the established Clint Eastwood / John Wayne tough guy stereotype but get annoyed when they try to force the same stereotype just with female leads? It sometimes feels that way, but the counter-point would be there are plenty of strong female leads in horror that are easily accepted with the well established Final Girl stuff. So why is it seemingly not accepted so much when the it is leaning towards or all in the action genre? Is it because we, as males, want to relate to being the action hero that kills all the baddies and saves the day, and we either don't want the females ruining such fantasies by filling that role, or we want to rescue them and not vice versa or having them save themselves? Or is it just because the female over-empowerment stuff is just too heavy handed?

Sorry to even discuss it because it does shit on my own perspectives somewhat also. But I do wonder why it is so prevalent and accepted in horror but it is generally not acceptable in action?

Oh, and did want to add Sucker Punch really had a quite interesting idea. The girl created an alternate reality in her mind where she was strong/powerful and confident because she was under severe emotional distress.

It got backlash from Hollyweird and the feminazis because panties and upskirt shots, but it had FAR more substance than the pile of shit I watched you originally quoted me on.. what was it? The Air something? Up in the Air? Ah no, that was that movie with George Clooney and Anna Kendrick... eh whatever. The crappy air gremlin movie. There.

Blackshirts BLVD

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I don't recall ever thinking it was horror but it is a horror type concept. However it has been a long time since I've seen it so maybe a rewatch would clarify.

Funny that you bring up these borderline cross-genre horror movies as I just watched one yesterday that seemed to horror at the start but was most certainly not after.

Zodiac (2007) started out as a straight up slasher flick. The first 40 minutes have at least 5 execution style killings/attacks via stabbings or gun shots. The lake scene is particularly brutal as he hog ties a couple and then proceeds to graphically stab them in their backs a bunch of times as they lay helpless on their bellys. However after that first 40 minutes it turns into a straight up mystery with thriller overtones for the remaining 2+ hours! (Long movie, but apparently Fincher cut 20 minutes despite having full final cut rights after the studio pleaded with him to get it under 3 hours). There are still some horror overtones with the letter content, and investigation but it is certainly not horror watching police procedure details, and the lead (Gyllenhaal) dig through cipher books at libraries and discuss details over lunch and such.

It reminded me a lot of S7ven with less darkness and graphic gore, which is somewhat understandable since both were directed by David Fincher. The flow, dialogue, and character interactions are very similar, not to mention all the camera work and editing which are very Fincher.

.......but no, not horror. Fincher could have added flashbacks or more horror type scenes but the dramatic shift worked because of how in reality the Zodiac Killer seemingly stopped. It followed the actual events pretty close, unlike the Dirty Harry movie that also covered the subject.

Zodiac is first and formost a mystery, and is a thriller-horror second. But it is a good movie and I'd say 8 out 10 if you can keep up with the details for the 2 hours 45 minutes or so runtime.
I actually watched a youtube video the other day where a guy was listing his favorite horror movies and he actually did name this one as horror. I've seen it, it is really good, but I feel it is a little too long.

Blackshirts BLVD

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Unpopular Opinion time:

I just watched the 2019 remake of Child's Play and first thing's first, I despise the way they made Chucky look. However, despite that, I think that this was a well written movie for the day in age that we are in. Using the technological devices we currently have to make this, what is supposed to be, a children's toy, into a diabolical killer was just genius. I certainly like that storyline over the original Child's Play storyline. So, the unpopular opinion is....the 2019 remake of Child's Play is MUCH better than the 1988 original.

Let the hate commence!
Yeah... I will disagree there lol. I definitely appreciated the revisioned take on it with the use of technology, but that is also it's undoing in my opinion. Marvel is coming out with these 'What If' style movies, where it allows them to reuse characters by telling a what if story. I think that is what should have been done here. Child Play, but what if it were technology-driven and modernized. The best part about the original Chucky, imo, is that Chucky was a person inside there. He knew how to talk, to relate, to connect, to joke, etc... It made for a more cohesive film I thought. This Chucky was a robot that went haywire... I mean it is Small Soliders with wifi. It never felt like this Chucky knew the consequences of what it was doing, whereas the original Chucky was actually evil and did know what he was doing - that makes it more intense.

To each their own, but figured I would share my take as well.

Edit: In reference to the "What If" style. That is how I look at the 2009 Friday the 13th as well. There are some things I REALLY like about Jason in that movie that when I saw I was like 'why have they not been making Jason like that before' - but the overall movie was cliched driven and pretty bad. Some decent kills though.


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Watched Maniac (2012) with Elijah Wood during my work out yesterday. I saw the original as a kid at my local drive in back in the '80s as a double-bill with Halloween 2. I remember loving H2, but I don't remember much about the original Maniac except that is was low budget, low brow exploitation.

So Frank is a violent schizophrenic man who restores mannequins for a living (bit of a red flag there??). He suffers from severe mommy issues (he suffers flashbacks of her prostituting) and this leads to him killing women, and dressing mannequins with their scalps.
He meets an artist girl whom he falls for. He struggles to keep stable and get on her romantic radar, but things eventually collapse in a flood of dead bodies and bloody mannequins.

That is essentially the story. The most interesting part imo is the use of 1st person POV to give us almost the entire movie from the killer's perspective. Not handheld, shaky-cam POV, but actual professionally shot, scene-by-scene POV. This gives the audience a feel for what it is like to be the killer, sneaking up on girls in dark hallways/streets, stalking them from his car, and actual seemingly normal interactions with them as they are unaware of his true motivations.

Wood does a good job but he is actually rarely onscreen (due to the POV shooting). The lead actress also gives a solid performance. Production quality is good. FXs are generally simple but well done. A couple of minor actors were meh, but it might be due to direction.

It isn't a deep film, nor does it aspire to be more than it is: a violent and disturbing look at one man's twisted, obsessed mind. It is graphically violent and upsetting, and therefore isn't for a general audience looking for a "fun" time.

Overall, I'll go 7 out of 10. A must see if you are a big slasher genre fan.

Blackshirts BLVD

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Just rewatched Saw for the first time in like 10+ years. It is still good. The acting is spotty, there are some plot problems, but overall the story is exciting and interesting. The ending was just amazing and still holds up even when you know it's coming. The music is great lol. I worked at a movie theater when this was released, but wasn't old enough to see it. But since I knew the people there, I was able to get me and some of my friends in to watch it. Just good times. All 8 are on HBO Max, I am thinking about watching them all. I have only seen the first 3 and the 3rd one I only saw once but recall not liking it.

Saw - 7/10 It has it's problems, but it makes up for some of them lol.


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Question... some made an argument the other day (not on here) that the first Terminator is a horror film. They made a fair point, what do you guys say?
I was listening to the RedLetterMedia guys try to explain the timelines in The Terminator series. The series encompassing story is a complete mess due to to constant time travel retcons in every new movie. The Halloween series makes more sense than that complete mess.

It popped into my mind that the series is what moved the original movie away from being more considered as horror. I would propose that the original The Terminator would be viewed as more horror if the other movies, particularly T2, didn't exist.

Side note: I really like some of the action in T2 but the whiny Edward Furlong, and killing-casterated Arnold ruined a lot of the movie for me. I don't think it comes close to the original despite the slicker action.

Blackshirts BLVD

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I was listening to the RedLetterMedia guys try to explain the timelines in The Terminator series. The series encompassing story is a complete mess due to to constant time travel retcons in every new movie. The Halloween series makes more sense than that complete mess.

It popped into my mind that the series is what moved the original movie away from being more considered as horror. I would propose that the original The Terminator would be viewed as more horror if the other movies, particularly T2, didn't exist.

Side note: I really like some of the action in T2 but the whiny Edward Furlong, and killing-casterated Arnold ruined a lot of the movie for me. I don't think it comes close to the original despite the slicker action.
Blasphemy lol. T2 is excellent. I would agree that of any Terminator movies, the most horror one is the first, but I actually like T2 more than the first.


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Blasphemy lol. T2 is excellent. I would agree that of any Terminator movies, the most horror one is the first, but I actually like T2 more than the first.
We do agree on the first Terminator movie being the most horror-leaning of the series.

I believe that most people feel T2 is better but I will never agree with that opinion.

Edward Furlong is the Jar-Jar Binks of the Terminator series. Every time he opens his mouth its like nails on a chalkboard.

If you could digitally remove Ed from T2 then I could debate the subject a bit more. But with him.............ugh.
