SportsHoopla Ombudsman
Yeah, I don't think that first point translated well. Brody was the one constantly talking about it being a killer. Hooper just kept saying it was an eating machine and Hooper was the specialist, so him saying that makes it seem like normal behavior especially since at that point they hadn't actually seen the shark. It doesn't help that the perception of sharks is that they will eat anything.... so when you put people in front of them, they eat them, not shocking. Idk man, I think it is a great movie, but I just don't get the horror vibe.
I will say my two favorite shots were...
I thought those were really cool scenes. The 'you're gonna need a bigger boat' is up there too lol
Iconic movie all around. So many favorite scenes, but I'm a sucker for Quint's monologue about the WW2 battleship
Also remember that when this movie came out, folks were actually afraid to go in the water.
Jaws is a monster movie.
Fear of the unknown (monster and ocean), which is kind of ironic, because the mechanical shark, Bruce, wasn't working that great, so Spielberg decided to shoot the movie without relying on the shark too much and it turned out to be a great move. We really don't get an idea as to how big this thing is until the 'that's a 20 footer....... 25 and 3 tons of 'em' lines.
Maybe the horror of the shark is like a zombie.
Cold and lifeless and it just keeps coming and wants to feed?