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Hey Texas how's that Charlie Strong hire working out


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May 18, 2013
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1. Huskers commenting on Texas football is THE funniest fucking thing on these boards always. Period. Stop.
2. I was on record on these boards before we even knew who our new hire was going to be: For a tier1 team, you should give the new coach five years to get the program going because:'a. Tier1 teams don't need new coaches unless in REAL distress
B. If you cut bait on QBs, Coaches, you become the fucking Cleveland Browns with rotating door QB and coaches and no direction. Worse, because it's college and you have to get recruits to want to come instead of just drafting them.
3. As I oft day and have been quoted recently by a Duck: it's the first fucking game!! 3/4 of the teams need a couple of games to gel offenses. Texas just played a #11 team that returned 19 starters including their 6 most productive offensive guys.

Negatives for THIS game, yes:
I didn't see a coherent game plan on offense. Could it be the first game rust and the really good team on the other side? Maybe. We'll know next week.
The DBs were fucking always in the wrong spots. Wtf?

The roster isn't near as bad as the coaching staff is currently make them look. If you watch the OL they completely whiffed like half the time and just let their man run by them. Nobody is that bad a player. That is complete and total confusion as to what they are supposed to be doing and who they are supposed to be blocking. That is on Wickline. The play calling and play design is just pathetic from Watson for the last 3 games now. Seriously dude, bad group of 5 teams move the ball better than we have against TCU, Arkansas, and Notre Dame. You telling me they have more talent on offense than us? Then why the hell were all those major programs also wanting the players we are running out on the field right now? Our offense is a shit show right now and the defense did not play well either. Bedford and Strong had a solid D last year though so that is something I can forgive. I can't forgive the offense being epically bad two years in a row. That is a recipe for a 5 or 6 win season every time even with a great defense. You have to do something well on offense at some point. We do nothing well right now on that side of the ball.


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About the only thing Charlie Strong looks good for right now is helping Bob Stoops keep his job. And I don't consider that a favor, Texas, when we go out and lose 3-4 games this year. I swear the Longhorns will do anything to fuck OU over.


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Jun 27, 2013
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Strong just cut Watson's balls off in the presser. I am not sure Watson makes it to October as the OC


New Era Huskers
Sep 23, 2010
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1. Huskers commenting on Texas football is THE funniest fucking thing on these boards always. Period. Stop.
2. I was on record on these boards before we even knew who our new hire was going to be: For a tier1 team, you should give the new coach five years to get the program going because:'a. Tier1 teams don't need new coaches unless in REAL distress
B. If you cut bait on QBs, Coaches, you become the fucking Cleveland Browns with rotating door QB and coaches and no direction. Worse, because it's college and you have to get recruits to want to come instead of just drafting them.
3. As I oft day and have been quoted recently by a Duck: it's the first fucking game!! 3/4 of the teams need a couple of games to gel offenses. Texas just played a #11 team that returned 19 starters including their 6 most productive offensive guys.

Negatives for THIS game, yes:
I didn't see a coherent game plan on offense. Could it be the first game rust and the really good team on the other side? Maybe. We'll know next week.
The DBs were fucking always in the wrong spots. Wtf?
Chill out, we are just agreeing Watson was a bad choice as he can't seem to figure out how to gameplan or develop talent. The more I see Mack doing TV, the smarter & classier I think he is. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Mack Brown produce a Natty for y'all? Mack Brown would make a great head coach choice at somewhere other than Texas as that bridge has been bombed out.


New Era Huskers
Sep 23, 2010
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The roster isn't near as bad as the coaching staff is currently make them look. If you watch the OL they completely whiffed like half the time and just let their man run by them. Nobody is that bad a player. That is complete and total confusion as to what they are supposed to be doing and who they are supposed to be blocking. That is on Wickline. The play calling and play design is just pathetic from Watson for the last 3 games now. Seriously dude, bad group of 5 teams move the ball better than we have against TCU, Arkansas, and Notre Dame. You telling me they have more talent on offense than us? Then why the hell were all those major programs also wanting the players we are running out on the field right now? Our offense is a shit show right now and the defense did not play well either. Bedford and Strong had a solid D last year though so that is something I can forgive. I can't forgive the offense being epically bad two years in a row. That is a recipe for a 5 or 6 win season every time even with a great defense. You have to do something well on offense at some point. We do nothing well right now on that side of the ball.
Shawn Watson was a fine one for getting folks to scratch their heads in Lincoln, but somehow he got things somewhat right at Louisville. I don't know if there is hope for the guy.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The vultures have landed in Austin. Sad, but this is college football. Most fans, and more importantly, booster clubs have a Messiah complex, and don't know half what they think they know about football.

Got news, coaches don't score touchdowns nor make tackles. Players do. Coaches don't win games, programs do. Winning is a culture, a mindset. When that gets damaged, going back is awfully hard.

Only a few years ago, Texas got all the best recruits in the region, and had all the benefits that went with a perpetually winning program. For several years now, the grumbling has been increasing, that National Championship euphoria, turned into a bubble, that has now officially burst. When Mack Brown left (after holding on too long) the damage had been done. Baylor & TCU, once doormats were the darlings of the Big 12. ATM, jumped to the SEC and is attached to the big time money machine. For all its money, Texas hasn't adjusted to being second fiddle. Top recruits are going elsewhere.

Longhorns, don't blame the coach, blame the program. That is what needs fixed, and pronto.

Otherwise it will only get worse. Lose to Rice this week, and better call the ambulance!


Resident Inhabitant and nerve striker
Apr 8, 2011
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They ran off GDGD after one "less than Colt/Shipley-esque" season.

That was kneejerk, and I think it ended up costing them. Given, GDGD should have done what he did with Colt for whoever was next...Gilbert I think, but kneejerks usually result in coinflip results. (heheh)

Let's admit it, ever since Colt went down they haven't been the same. I told all of you right after Colt and Shipley left it was going to be rough sledding for a while...I had no idea we would be here today though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2013
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The vultures have landed in Austin. Sad, but this is college football. Most fans, and more importantly, booster clubs have a Messiah complex, and don't know half what they think they know about football.

Got news, coaches don't score touchdowns nor make tackles. Players do. Coaches don't win games, programs do. Winning is a culture, a mindset. When that gets damaged, going back is awfully hard.

Only a few years ago, Texas got all the best recruits in the region, and had all the benefits that went with a perpetually winning program. For several years now, the grumbling has been increasing, that National Championship euphoria, turned into a bubble, that has now officially burst. When Mack Brown left (after holding on too long) the damage had been done. Baylor & TCU, once doormats were the darlings of the Big 12. ATM, jumped to the SEC and is attached to the big time money machine. For all its money, Texas hasn't adjusted to being second fiddle. Top recruits are going elsewhere.

Longhorns, don't blame the coach, blame the program. That is what needs fixed, and pronto.

Otherwise it will only get worse. Lose to Rice this week, and better call the ambulance!

FINALLY! An intelligent post on the situation. You nailed it. It ain't the coaches. It's the program, especially recruiting. You have to have thoroughbreds. We got none.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The vultures have landed in Austin. Sad, but this is college football. Most fans, and more importantly, booster clubs have a Messiah complex, and don't know half what they think they know about football.

Got news, coaches don't score touchdowns nor make tackles. Players do. Coaches don't win games, programs do. Winning is a culture, a mindset. When that gets damaged, going back is awfully hard.

Only a few years ago, Texas got all the best recruits in the region, and had all the benefits that went with a perpetually winning program. For several years now, the grumbling has been increasing, that National Championship euphoria, turned into a bubble, that has now officially burst. When Mack Brown left (after holding on too long) the damage had been done. Baylor & TCU, once doormats were the darlings of the Big 12. ATM, jumped to the SEC and is attached to the big time money machine. For all its money, Texas hasn't adjusted to being second fiddle. Top recruits are going elsewhere.

Longhorns, don't blame the coach, blame the program. That is what needs fixed, and pronto.

Otherwise it will only get worse. Lose to Rice this week, and better call the ambulance!

just as a pt of reference, Texas signed the highest rated class in the state last year. Texas is still getting theirs. Sadly, thoe freshmen dominated the list of Horns that actually played well vs ND. Strong killed it in his first true class, it remains to be seen if he can continue that


Supporting Member Level 3
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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just as a pt of reference, Texas signed the highest rated class in the state last year. Texas is still getting theirs. Sadly, thoe freshmen dominated the list of Horns that actually played well vs ND. Strong killed it in his first true class, it remains to be seen if he can continue that

Highest in the state or highest in the Big12? Which ranking group had Texas over A&M?


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
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They ran off GDGD after one "less than Colt/Shipley-esque" season.

That was kneejerk, and I think it ended up costing them. Given, GDGD should have done what he did with Colt for whoever was next...Gilbert I think, but kneejerks usually result in coinflip results. (heheh)

Let's admit it, ever since Colt went down they haven't been the same. I told all of you right after Colt and Shipley left it was going to be rough sledding for a while...I had no idea we would be here today though.

Actually the program was already sliding. Colt/Shipley combo masked a lot of issues. That OL was not BCS Championship worthy. The last OL to be drafted from Texas was in 2008. It is the biggest issue in the program. It also goes a long way to understanding why the QB development has been so poor.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
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Highest in the state or highest in the Big12? Which ranking group had Texas over A&M?
247 composite, which is the sum of all recruiting rankings. I think Texas was 9 and A&M was 11. Something like that. Not the difference we saw 5-10 years ago