Still, only 1 of the 3 hemp varieties produce smokable marijuana. Even without the marijuana, 2/3 of hemp products do not need to be banned because of the health risks of pot. That's just throwing out the baby with the bath water.The only reason marijuana is not legalized across the board is pharmaceutical companies stand to lose quite a bit of money from legalizing it and they put lots of money into lawmakers pockets. Tylenol, Aspirin, nausea medicines, as well as countless other over the counter meds would be obsolete. As soon as the money aspect gets figured out it will be legalized.
Also, marijuana is dangerous. Obviously tobacco and alcohol are dangerous as well, but the belief that there is no harm in doing it is silly. People that say they drive better etc. are foolish. It's easy to see everything coming and be more alert when you're driving 7 mph.
Oh, and pharmaceutical companies can stand to lose quite a bit of thier oligopolic control anyway...sorry 46n2