Detroit Born and Raised
I hate the Twins (Tigers fan here). You guys do everything right, you have a great manager and a great organization. Even though you are in last place ... I don't trust you.
I hate the Twins (Tigers fan here). You guys do everything right, you have a great manager and a great organization. Even though you are in last place ... I don't trust you.
Hey Voltaire, you guys just came in and took two from us on our own dirt. Don't get used to it we are getting healthy, so here we come. Thanks for the props though, and you are right you shouldn't trust us in last place.I hate the Twins (Tigers fan here). You guys do everything right, you have a great manager and a great organization. Even though you are in last place ... I don't trust you.
Hey Voltaire! While I don't care too much for the Tigers much like you the Twins, at least they are not the White Sox. Can't stand that bunch of hoodlums.. lol
Yea Yea Yea, Rub it in Buck! Hey don't forget we get 2 weeks of summer here too.I hear that PC! As for me...no reason to post there anymore. Now that I know how to reach you guys over here, that's what I'll try to do first. No need for Fox whatsoever right now.
jrs. - Yard work, now...was 94 yesterday and about the same today. Gotta get at it before the afternoon heat and rain arrives. By the way, I'm not complainin'...I'm braggin"!
At least we can agree on this!I hate the white sox in a different manner ... they are a NY Yankee Wannbes and they'll never get there.
The only thing I like about Pierzynski is when he comes back here and the Twins Pitchers make him their bitch. I also like that we traded him for Nathan!Boyz, Boyz! - Such vitriole & angst among you suddenly!
Voltaire - Love the name, but are you really 26 yrs old?
jrs. - You can't tell me that you don't like the "pollack" Pierczynski(sp?) That guy is entertaining and a half. Shoulda kept him and put Mauer in RF. Wouldn't be in the mess we're in now!
Voltaire - You gotta love Minnesota Duluth, then!
I hate the white sox in a different manner ... they are a NY Yankee Wannbes and they'll never get there.
The only thing I like about Pierzynski is when he comes back here and the Twins Pitchers make him their bitch. I also like that we traded him for Nathan!
Hey Boyz, I'm out for a while I have a meating.
The only thing I like about Pierzynski is when he comes back here and the Twins Pitchers make him their bitch. I also like that we traded him for Nathan!
Nathan for the "Pollack"? You better check that...FC told me we got Nathan for Harmon Killebrew, and since Harmon was his godfather, and Nathan is his golf buddy...FC should know!
That's true, he is BFF's with most Twins players past and present and all the front office people. But all of the players that have left we got nothing in return for and it was a hugh hugh hugh mistake!
Hey Guys, I hate to throw a negative spin on things today, but Harmon Killebrew just made a statement that his battle with cancer is not going very well. It sounds like he is spending his last days at home. Sad day in Twins territory. He is a great man, and a hero to many!