I'm just here to troll everyone
I guess Bum is starting the 8th. If he allows any baserunners, even on an error, it's Romo/Lopez/Ramirez time
No Wilson tonight, right? How'd you guys do the pen?
Bum's ERA now at 3.65.
Edit: Fuck, I thought they'd be taking him out of the game. Jinx alert.
Yeah, and then has play-by-play data for every game now too.
I'm going to have to shelve TeeHee-da.
No Wilson tonight, right? How'd you guys do the pen?
Tejada with some wheels!
It does feel like he's finally manning up. Solid vet. Won't be any 'good' but he may hit .250/.290/.400 and play ok in the field yet.
Edit: which is all we signed him up for
blocked by antivirus?
Bumgarner finally finding an ump he likes
Crickets at DumDumVille. Sad.
Y'know, if NN really does live in Spain now, he is basically posting in these GDTs for night games starting at 4AM his time.