Brain dead Hacker
Im checking out for a friday night. Im over the "blown tie". Nite fellas-Giants even it up tmw, might finally head out for a game.
Does anyone else still hate K-Rod?
gp disagrees with me but Wilson is having to throw too often, too many high stress innings and games in a row. This is what an injury decimated, low scoring lineup will get you.
And it's where the pantshatting lives secretly in us all...
Dickey's pitches are high in the zone. When a knuckleballer cannot get his pitches down, they get hit - HARD!
At game time, it is 60 degrees at the Phone Booth. It's 88 degrees in Tracy, CA. I love living in the Central Valley.
That was SUCH a crappy play.
Why are you here, RoRo?
I disagreed with your assertion that Romo and Wilson threw too many days in a row a series or two ago because they had just gotten a few days off (Romo had four days off).
Looking at the numbers now, Wilson has pitched 42 innings so far, while in the three previous seasons he was at 37. As for wearing down merely because of close games, I don't buy that.
vSong got umpjacked bigtime:
Analytical breakdown...
Giants Beneficial calls (balls called strikes) = 6
Giants Bad calls (strikes called balls) = 5 (1 on line)
Mets Beneficial calls = 1 (2 on line)
Mets Bad calls = 2
The sum of the game was pretty much a wash, but it HAD to play havoc on the Vogey's head not dealing with any consistency in the strikezone.
Dickey was dealing with a MUCH more consistent zone...
for Vogey to still go 7 IP with only 2 runs is EPIC.
Do I need to post to pitch f/x data again? vSong got umpjacked, I proved it - just look at the chart!