Brain dead Hacker
6-4-3 baseball scorecard $9.99
Android baseball scoring lite: free in beta
Batter Up lite: Free
looks like there are a few more. have no idea how good they are.
thanks gp
I'll give em a trial run
6-4-3 baseball scorecard $9.99
Android baseball scoring lite: free in beta
Batter Up lite: Free
looks like there are a few more. have no idea how good they are.
Put him through 3 weeks of initiations and hazing. If he survives, he's in.
YouTube - Kevin Bacon - Fraternity Paddle‏
Uh oh, now Nolan is getting wise...
I think Nolan lurks here to be honest
thanks gp
I'll give em a trial run
Just peaked in the dumdum gdt.... is nolan making an effort not to be a douchebag tonight?
Yeah goodluck - hope one of them works out. Seems like for any possible app one can think of - there are multiple choices.
Just peaked in the dumdum gdt.... is nolan making an effort not to be a douchebag tonight?
He has his decent moments. Reminds me of one of my uncles who, every Christmas would be the coolest, sweetest, funniest guy...Then he'd have a few too many and become a total asshole.
He has his decent moments. Reminds me of one of my uncles who, every Christmas would be the coolest, sweetest, funniest guy...Then he'd have a few too many and become a total asshole.
Bum's ERA now at 3.65.
Edit: Fuck, I thought they'd be taking him out of the game. Jinx alert.
I'm willing to play with any of the 'homemade' apps for awhile, until it crashes a few times then I lose all patience.
Although one of the things I liked most about scoring a game while at the ballpark was that I could relive that game - a luxury almost diminished by my dvr.