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Everything and Anything Superhero-Related


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Jul 18, 2013
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I never said all criminals should be executed. You can look again. I do say far more should be.

Actually, it is a liberal utopia. Roof over your head, food on the table, free everything and you don't have to work. So why isn't it truly a great place to be...the people.

Some do...most don't.

Kill people who murder people...big difference. It is called justice. Explain how that is backwards.

So you are saying it isn't the right thing to do...to kill the bad guy in order to save ten good guys?


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
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Saw it today.
Thought it was brilliant you get to see the Metropolis battle, but now completely from a POV of a person on the ground. That was one of my favorite sequences of the movie.

It dragged in parts, but overall, I liked it. Love how much grittier and dark the DC movies are to the marvel fare which has become the same fucking movie over and over again. I like how much bigger in scope and atmospheric the shots are.

The B v S battle was actually really well done. But the final battle with doomsday was kind of disappointing. It was way to all over the place and didn't flow well. But it did a pretty good job of demonstrating how powerful WW truely is. All the feminazis can't bitch about how she's sexualized up and presented as some damsel in distress.

I think a big key to this was not starting with a young batman, but a much more aged and jaded version. That was the right thing to do.

Lex was the weak link, but when you see the role, it's kind of better they went with a younger actor. They could of done better than Eisenberg, but it's not like he fucked it up.

This movie may not be groundbreaking, but to at least me, it's better than a few of the marvel movies. I think that might be why many are more pissy with the superman movie and this. Their expecting too much of something radically improved and different from the marvel fare. They still are, but I don't get why this movie got trashed this bad by the critics, but maybe it's because their hoping for something to break up the fatigue you feel at times from the genre in general. But it's nice to see solid DC characters being repped.

I give this a solid 8 out of 10 for a rating.
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Feb 5, 2016
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Watched the New B vs. S.. Wasn't bad, but I thought they went way overboard with time. Was struggling with every new scene as it went along because you just felt you were hyping yourself up for what was another dream sequence... Seemed like Snyder wanted to put in all these impossible narratives like boy Bruce the Christ figure flying out of the bat cave, and they said no, that can't happen, so he just made if another dream. I did like the interplay between Kent and Wayne and the fight between them, but never have been a fan of the night fights, when you purposefully make something more difficult to see and use confusion and poor lighting to make your fight more telling. No problem actually with Affleck as the new Batman, he did well I thought and I'm not a big Affleck fan.


Jul 12, 2014
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Saw it today.
Thought it was brilliant you get to see the Metropolis battle, but now completely from a POV of a person on the ground. That was one of my favorite sequences of the movie.

It dragged in parts, but overall, I liked it. Love how much grittier and dark the DC movies are to the marvel fare which has become the same fucking movie over and over again. I like how much bigger in scope and atmospheric the shots are.

The B v S battle was actually really well done. But the final battle with doomsday was kind of disappointing. It was way to all over the place and didn't flow well. But it did a pretty good job of demonstrating how powerful WW truely is. All the feminazis can't bitch about how she's sexualized up and presented as some damsel in distress.

I think a big key to this was not starting with a young batman, but a much more aged and jaded version. That was the right thing to do.

Lex was the weak link, but when you see the role, it's kind of better they went with a younger actor. They could of done better than Eisenberg, but it's not like he fucked it up.

This movie may not be groundbreaking, but to at least me, it's better than a few of the marvel movies. I think that might be why many are more pissy with the superman movie and this. Their expecting too much of something radically improved and different from the marvel fare. They still are, but I don't get why this movie got trashed this bad by the critics, but maybe it's because their hoping for something to break up the fatigue you feel at times from the genre in general. But it's nice to see solid DC characters being repped.

I give this a solid 8 out of 10 for a rating.

Good post. I saw Batman v Superman over the weekend and I agree with most of the points you made, particularly with the "fatigue" you mentioned among critics. However, I think the majority of film critics are more concerned with bolstering their own reputations as aficionados of "serious" movies than they are of actually enjoying a movie from the perspective of escapism; I take the majority of what critics have to say with a large grain of salt.

It certainly has its flaws, but by no means is it nearly as bad as some critics have made it out to be. I'll admit that I was initially skeptical about Ben Affleck being cast as Batman, but I thought he did a great job.

The Q

Hoop’s Villain, Reality’s Hero
Aug 16, 2015
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I'm just gonna throw it out there.

Superman/WW is just such a better pairing than Supes/Lois Lane.

It also simply makes far more sense.

The comics have the Supes/WW couple going now. I love it. (although I'm sure they'll break them up eventually).


Apr 18, 2013
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Part of the problem is that I don't think superman always works as a dark and gritty character... But I feel like the movie knew this and didn't even use superman that much... They very rarely used clark kent... I think Kent had like 2 scenes within the movie... And for all of us Superman fans, we know that all superman wants is to be Clark kent...

I feel like the darkness took away some of the FUN that a superman movie should be... Now, I am not saying they cant make superman darker than the Christopher reeves movies, or even the Smallville tv show... But they were trying too hard IMO...

The whole movie was trying too hard IMO... they tried and FAILED at bringing in Wonder Women... The movie would not have been ANY different without her...

My 4 biggest complaints about the movie:

1. Lex Luthor- I don't think any actor would have saved this horrible depiction of Lex... The whole package was just wrong, he was too goofy, too evil, and never dressed the part...

2. Bruce Wayne's dreams- they were awful, and often confusing...

3. Movie was just too long- they could have cut some out or just edited the movie so it didn't drag at points

4. Wonder Woman was useless

other thing, I felt that Bruce wayne was more Lex luthor than lex luthor was in this movie

The Q

Hoop’s Villain, Reality’s Hero
Aug 16, 2015
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The whole who is the real guy thing has gone back and forth over the years.

To me it's somewhat illogical to say that Superman is a facade. He doesn't have to be Superman. He chooses to be while Clark Kent lets him have a life.

I have always thought that the Superman as the real person always made more sense and created better writing, but I know the other side has been used extensively as well.


Apr 18, 2013
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The whole who is the real guy thing has gone back and forth over the years.

To me it's somewhat illogical to say that Superman is a facade. He doesn't have to be Superman. He chooses to be while Clark Kent lets him have a life.

I have always thought that the Superman as the real person always made more sense and created better writing, but I know the other side has been used extensively as well.

Then what is the purpose of clark kent?? a secret identity is not needed if he just wants to be Superman...

People argue that Bruce wayne is Batman's mask... and not the other way around... and I agree with that as well...


Apr 18, 2013
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Extended R-rated version with 30 additional minutes of footage will be released July 16 on DVD.

Batman v Superman Ultimate Edition Blu-ray Release Date


30+ minutes on to a movie that people complained already it was too long... Yea, cant wait to see those 30+ minutes...

Just for the record, I know I sound like a hater, but I still liked the movie... Just was disappointed in it as a superhero geek...

The Q

Hoop’s Villain, Reality’s Hero
Aug 16, 2015
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Then what is the purpose of clark kent?? a secret identity is not needed if he just wants to be Superman...

People argue that Bruce wayne is Batman's mask... and not the other way around... and I agree with that as well...

A super hero needs downtime. If there was no clark kent, he's still the adoptive son of Jonathan and Martha. They'd still be at risk. i know they killed them both off in the comics reboot.


Apr 18, 2013
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A super hero needs downtime. If there was no clark kent, he's still the adoptive son of Jonathan and Martha. They'd still be at risk. i know they killed them both off in the comics reboot.

Yes, and he has that at the fortress of solitude... Having a job and being Clark kent is not down time...

The Q

Hoop’s Villain, Reality’s Hero
Aug 16, 2015
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Yes, and he has that at the fortress of solitude... Having a job and being Clark kent is not down time...

the job is for his use as Superman.

He gets more news and access to info from the newsroom than if he was doing almost anything else.

That is a pretty big smoking gun towards Superman as the main guy IMO.


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
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Just watched BvS and confirmed my suspicions that the posters bashing the film based solely on it's RT score and not on their own opinions are full of shit.

No, it's not perfect, but it's still entertaining and engaging.

I actually didn't mind Eisenberg too much. Yeah, he was goofy and eccentric, but I buy him as the genius lunatic who's able to pull the strings behind the scenes to manipulate Superman. I'd give him a B

Affleck was great. I can't wait to see the standalone Batman.

Gal Gadot is horrendous. She should be the one taking all the flack for ruining a character, not Affleck. I've seen more personality after about 2 hours after a trip to the taco truck.

The cameos for the other JL members were interesting. The Flash one, well, the 1st of 2, the dream sequence, was strange. That costume had me wondering who it was at first.

Overall I'm giving BvS a 7/10. Above average but not among the better Batman films or Man of Steel.

The Q

Hoop’s Villain, Reality’s Hero
Aug 16, 2015
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With these new superman storylines in the source material, DC is making me wish they'd go down and Marvel buys the rights to Superman.

Even they can't screw up this badly.