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Everyone happy now?


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
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Poor analogy.

I'm not going to bat for anyone, that is where you are mistaken. I'm entertained by the process and the story at is plays out, and in this particular situation I can see where the league may have overplayed this time.

I don't think its that poor of an analogy. Brady said he likes the balls a little under inflated, and what do you know, the balls were under inflated after being tested to be of the proper inflation. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out who probably directed the equipment guy to take a little air out. Who benefits from taking air out? Not the equipment guy. So logically it would seem like the QB, who just happens to have admitted liking a softer ball, most likely ordered the code red. You are correct that there is no smoking gun, but the league doesn't require absolute proof.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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And when found guilty,you`d still be in denial............

OJ is not guilty.......
Casey Anthony is not guilty..........
Brry Bonds is not guilty.......
Tom brady is not guilty........

And the list goes on............

I can live with that.......:dhd:
Lance Armstrong wasn't guilty
A-Roid wasn't guilty

No one is ever guilty


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Nov 1, 2014
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Mods are more than allowed to post the truth. Sorry it's not working for you, but it doesn't make it any less true.

But that isn't what you are doing. You are posting personal hatred of a team that happens to not be yours.:nod:

Meanwhile I'm posting about the story, process, etc. I'm more interested in how it all plays out. You could change the people involved and make it all Seahawks and I would still hold the exact same position and opinions.

You on the other hand, can't see through your own bias.:pound:


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2014
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I don't think its that poor of an analogy. Brady said he likes the balls a little under inflated, and what do you know, the balls were under inflated after being tested to be of the proper inflation. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out who probably directed the equipment guy to take a little air out. Who benefits from taking air out? Not the equipment guy. So logically it would seem like the QB, who just happens to have admitted liking a softer ball, most likely ordered the code red. You are correct that there is no smoking gun, but the league doesn't require absolute proof.

You should probably read the report, it's not what you seem to think it is.:suds:


back from the dead
Jul 10, 2014
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Of course not. Brady is entirely innocent and has no idea what's going on here. The 'deflator' has a side job taking the air out of tires of random people on the street for kicks. When they were discussing how Tom likes his balls they really meant his nuts. Both are required to swallow before games to help ease his tension.

Give it up already. He's guilty and now there is no denying it. Holy shit people. Wake the hell up.
While what you say may have merit, don't be such a fucking douchebag about it.

Mondo Jay

Wine Mafia
Jun 25, 2014
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Good. I see you're alive still Clem. I thought this might put you down bro.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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But that isn't what you are doing. You are posting personal hatred of a team that happens to not be yours.:nod:

Meanwhile I'm posting about the story, process, etc. I'm more interested in how it all plays out. You could change the people involved and make it all Seahawks and I would still hold the exact same position and opinions.

You on the other hand, can't see through your own bias.:pound:

I have no issues with the Patriots outside of cheating. Haven't once blamed any of this on the SB. Not hating on anything. I'm calling it like it is. Pure and simple. The case is now closed and Brady has been found guilty as charged. And yet some can't accept it. Keep your head in the sand. It must be much safer there for you.


Bruins homer
Dec 21, 2011
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Fact is when you are on top you are always a target. Pats are on top and are a target...any indiscretions minor or major will bring immense media scrutiny. This day and age with social media and such everything explodes.

No excuses. Brady cheated. He got caught. Considering spygate it would be normal to think that the punishment would not go light. It did not.

I am wondering now though if Brady feels like the Patriots left him out to dry. BB being the all controlling guy he is it would be hard to think he had no clue on this at all. In any case for all who dislike the Pats enjoy the moment.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Good. I see you're alive still Clem. I thought this might put you down bro.
No, he's been running around posting BS smilies on lots of posts because that's what cowards do. Can't discuss the merits of things.


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I have no issues with the Patriots outside of cheating. Haven't once blamed any of this on the SB. Not hating on anything. I'm calling it like it is. Pure and simple. The case is now closed and Brady has been found guilty as charged. And yet some can't accept it. Keep your head in the sand. It must be much safer there for you.

How is the case closed? I'm guessing you don't actually have a strong working understanding of how these things work.:L


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Jul 3, 2013
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All in all, you have to say that they got off pretty easy.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Fact is when you are on top you are always a target. Pats are on top and are a target...any indiscretions minor or major will bring immense media scrutiny. This day and age with social media and such everything explodes.

No excuses. Brady cheated. He got caught. Considering spygate it would be normal to think that the punishment would not go light. It did not.

I am wondering now though if Brady feels like the Patriots left him out to dry. BB being the all controlling guy he is it would be hard to think he had no clue on this at all. In any case for all who dislike the Pats enjoy the moment.
Thank you. Glad to see some who are putting blame where it belongs.



back from the dead
Jul 10, 2014
Manch Vegas
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Mods are more than allowed to post the truth. Sorry it's not working for you, but it doesn't make it any less true.
Here is the disconnect. There is no absolute proof on either side. So to post this comment makes you just as much of an idiot as some of the Pat's faithful.

Everything is conjecture at this point.


Bruins homer
Dec 21, 2011
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Thank you. Glad to see some who are putting blame where it belongs.


It is what it is.

In the end does it disqualify either Brady or BB from HOF? I think not. In the end did we win SB's...yup and every fan here would argue to the raw fingers typing that it was not that big a deal if it was there team.

With that I will go back to the @doobster thread which is far more enjoyable and a lot less critical.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2014
Terra Firma
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Robert Kraft: Todays punishment far exceeded any reasonable expectation | ProFootballTalk

Pat's about to take this nuclear? Brady's team has sent some signals to that effect.

On Monday evening, Kraft released a statement in response to the penalties. The tone suggests that pictures like the one on the right will be few and far between in the years to come and that the Patriots will continue to fight against the findings in Ted Wells’s report.

“Despite our conviction that there was no tampering with footballs, it was our intention to accept any discipline levied by the league. Today’s punishment, however, far exceeded any reasonable expectation. It was based completely on circumstantial rather than hard or conclusive evidence,” the statement reads.

“We are humbled by the support the New England Patriots have received from our fans throughout the world. We recognize our fans’ concerns regarding the NFL’s penalties and share in their disappointment in how this one-sided investigation was handled, as well as the dismissal of the scientific evidence supported by the Ideal Gas Law in the final report.”

“Tom Brady has our unconditional support. Our belief in him has not wavered.”


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
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It's not a question of what we are happy with, we can't hand out penalties, only the league and they are happy with it....
You think everyone is a hater that don't pine after the Pats, but the fact is, most reasonable fans are football fans first, and dislike cheaters.....It doesn't matter which team it is, the Pats have a reputation as cheaters, and have been caught 2 times now....
Granted, sometimes they are just pushing the envelope farther than most, but they do not mind crossing over the line into the cheating zone if they can get away with it....
That's where the disdain for them comes from...
Everyone recognizes the talent combination between BB and TB and that's what is so baffling, why they feel like they have to cheat to win.
You know if the shoe was on the other foot and Joe Flacco and Harbs were the culprits, you'd be much harder on them...There's no hate here, it's a thing called integrity.....
But I still got to bust on you, dude !!!

Oh I for sure would be dishing it out. My question, whether some want to believe it or not was sincere. Everyone had an opinion. It was also to set up whoever the oponent in the SB would be. So "IF" the Pats did beat them I for one didn't want them saying next January Brady and the Pats should've received X,Y,Z. We'll hear it anyway but it was a shot in the dark.