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Detroit Tigers Ongoing 2014 Thread


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May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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A team desperate for a starter who was heading into the playoffs might had....plus they would of had him this yr....

The Angels gave up a ton for a rental of Greinke just over a year ago... Teams in a pennant chase still do and still will mortgage the farm for a rental... Some GMs get desperate to save their jobs.


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May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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At this point I could care less about Max's situation. He is forced to perform this season. Plain and simple. Which is the benefit of the Tigers. If he chokes.. The tigers still will be able to put a draft pick comp on him even with a stinker of a year. If he is a stud and the Tigers falter.. which is doubtful... they trade him away at the deadline for a nice prospect. If he is a stud and the team wins it all... they can make the call if they still want him around at the end of the year with a rosy outlook on him after a successful year... winning cures all ills.

That being said... I would rather see him walk and save the money for a guy like Miggy who truly deserves it and truly loves the city.


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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1st point... Miggy will get paid... By the Tigers... A ton.. enough to get him into his age 40 season... I bet my left nut on it. No way he gets a 5 year deal.. try 7-10 yrs.

2nd point... Fister didn't have a great era before being traded to the Tigers.. he had an ok era and then went nuts after the trade. No Tiger fan I talked to on CBS knew who he was and was pissed we went the cheap route and got Fister and not Jimenez...

3rd point... Name one trade Dombrowski got schooled on over the long term? The closest thing would be the Renteria trade.. and that looked a whole lot worse than it really was at first.. now... who wants Jurrgens?

You guys over react. Its pretty funny. I am willing to bet that Ray will be a Smyly type starter. Mid rotation ceiling. Just like Fister. They saved money and got younger. He is doing his job. Dombrowski is the best manager in baseball... nit picking him is comical at best.

Any Tigers fan that second guesses Dombrowski makes me just laugh... Seriously... the guy has ripped off so many other gm's the last 6 years its not even funny. He always pulls stuff out of his ass that fans question or judge.. then when it works out they jump for joy... the fact you guys don't trust his judgement calls after the success he has had is pretty funny.

I remember most people on cbs not wanting jiminez...thats where the all hail ubaldo came in. When the injun fan thought jiminez was gonna bring them to the WS. Tiger fans laughed at him....i remember tiger fans liking fister....thats when i found out who he was and how good his ERA was....if i recall he had the lowest run support at time of trade. plus....who did we trade for fister? Right

Over react? Why? So we can never question DD? Ive let it be known along with other tiger fans, we love DD....we just question this move of fister....in a win now mode, you dont trade for the future without getting a lil something for now....plus keep denying the weak link...the BP ...you keep talking about these arms we got...where were they last yr when benoit had to come in and face ortiz in the 8th? Where were they when these leads were being blown? Like i said, were in a win now mode....and the BP is a huge position come playoffs....high stress....,we got joba....and coke.....so these young arms cant beat out joba and coke? Im not sold on the BP.....sorry

Nothings worked out great yet for DD....we still dont have a WS. So hes missing something....sure i love a winner and i love DD, but it was time for him to put us over the top this yr....instead i think we regressed....the tigers are not better now then they were last yr...


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May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I want the Tigers farm to become more productive... I am hoping Robbie Ray developes into a decent starter, because the future of the team depends on having a few starters that can come in on the cheap... and Porcello is no longer one of those guys. To me Porcello is in his make or break year with the Tigers. If he doesn't take the next step this year... I doubt he will be in the long term plans.


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The Angels gave up a ton for a rental of Greinke just over a year ago... Teams in a pennant chase still do and still will mortgage the farm for a rental... Some GMs get desperate to save their jobs.

Thats why i said we traded fielder at least one yr too early...wouldve liked to see the tigers just add a rajai davis and some BP help in the offseason.....some desperate team wouldve taken fielder at trade deadline sooner or later....hell he might not finish in texas...


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May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Pretty damn good for casper wells and a bag of balls

Tigers traded their first round pick from the year before... Chance Ruffin.... top picks are not the equivelent of a bag of balls.. even if he has not panned out yet.


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May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I remember most people on cbs not wanting jiminez...thats where the all hail ubaldo came in. When the injun fan thought jiminez was gonna bring them to the WS. Tiger fans laughed at him....i remember tiger fans liking fister....thats when i found out who he was and how good his ERA was....if i recall he had the lowest run support at time of trade. plus....who did we trade for fister? Right

Over react? Why? So we can never question DD? Ive let it be known along with other tiger fans, we love DD....we just question this move of fister....in a win now mode, you dont trade for the future without getting a lil something for now....plus keep denying the weak link...the BP ...you keep talking about these arms we got...where were they last yr when benoit had to come in and face ortiz in the 8th? Where were they when these leads were being blown? Like i said, were in a win now mode....and the BP is a huge position come playoffs....high stress....,we got joba....and coke.....so these young arms cant beat out joba and coke? Im not sold on the BP.....sorry

Nothings worked out great yet for DD....we still dont have a WS. So hes missing something....sure i love a winner and i love DD, but it was time for him to put us over the top this yr....instead i think we regressed....the tigers are not better now then they were last yr...

Nothing has worked out great? Do you remember the Tigers pre domrowski? Seriously Cleaves...


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Max better hope he doesnt end up like juan gonzalez and wish he had taken all that money....either way max is here for this yr....might as well win it all....then tell him to kick rocks.


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Nothing has worked out great? Do you remember the Tigers pre domrowski? Seriously Cleaves...

I sure do and i love DD for that...but unless we want to become the buffalo bills he needs to win a WS here...trading for the future wont do it...jv and miggy are in their prime....vmart and tori are in their last year...how does getting ray and losing fister help them? Sure it may help in the long run, but this team is in win now mode.


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Tigers traded their first round pick from the year before... Chance Ruffin.... top picks are not the equivelent of a bag of balls.. even if he has not panned out yet.

Top picks flop all the time

Chance ruffin = TWO bags of balls

There fixed it


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I want the Tigers farm to become more productive... I am hoping Robbie Ray developes into a decent starter, because the future of the team depends on having a few starters that can come in on the cheap... and Porcello is no longer one of those guys. To me Porcello is in his make or break year with the Tigers. If he doesn't take the next step this year... I doubt he will be in the long term plans.

You did say porcello would reach 250 wins right?


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May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't get why you are acting like to win you need high priced bullpen guys.... Maybe one... but teams that win do so with low cost young bullpen guys... that they catch lighting in a bottle with. Name the bullpens from the last 5 WS champions... and see how many were no name call ups from the minor leagues. Do you know who the closer is in St Louis? Was he a high priced guy? Take a look at the money spent with the Dodgers.. would you want their over priced pen over say the bullpen of the Rays? Bullpens are not built out of free agency... they should be built from within... there are much better places to spend your dollars. Flat out... you are over reacting...


Well Liked Member
May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Top picks flop all the time

Chance ruffin = TWO bags of balls

There fixed it

Correct... they do.. but you are just being a smart ass if you think a top pick doesn't have value a year after they were drafted...


Well Liked Member
May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You did say porcello would reach 250 wins right?

And I still believe he will... I just said this year is the year he has to step up or he will not be in the long term plans of the Tigers... My money is on him to step up.


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't get why you are acting like to win you need high priced bullpen guys.... Maybe one... but teams that win do so with low cost young bullpen guys... that they catch lighting in a bottle with. Name the bullpens from the last 5 WS champions... and see how many were no name call ups from the minor leagues. Do you know who the closer is in St Louis? Was he a high priced guy? Take a look at the money spent with the Dodgers.. would you want their over priced pen over say the bullpen of the Rays? Bullpens are not built out of free agency... they should be built from within... there are much better places to spend your dollars. Flat out... you are over reacting...

I guess we didnt catch lightning in a bottle last yr? I didnt say they had to be high priced....just not joba, coke, ALAL, or hell even rondon who failed us last yr as closer and we had no back up plan...so this yr he was given the set up role....and guess what?

I guess lightning doesnt strike in detroit...


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Correct... they do.. but you are just being a smart ass if you think a top pick doesn't have value a year after they were drafted...

Chance ruffin will NEVER be half the player fister was....


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You make it seem like im not a tiger fan....i dont have to agree with everything tiger related....just because we got gonzalez im not going to say hes greaaaaaat.......now that joba is here im not going to say hes the answer....6 months ago most tiger fans prolly thought joba sucked.....now if he has a good yr....ill be the first to make a thread and eat crow and give him his props.....but i highly doubt that will happen...i just disagree with this years moves....we were so close the last 2 yrs....our BP holds in game 2 boston folds and we go on to WS...and i believe we couldve won it...we were due to hit. Time will tell, but i dont believe this team is better...


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May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I guess we didnt catch lightning in a bottle last yr? I didnt say they had to be high priced....just not joba, coke, ALAL, or hell even rondon who failed us last yr as closer and we had no back up plan...so this yr he was given the set up role....and guess what?

I guess lightning doesnt strike in detroit...

Rondon is 23...

Lighting does strike in Detroit... Remember Zumaya... Remember Albquerque's season from 2012... I completely expect a guy or two like Putkonen or Reed to have solid years. The problem with most fans is that they don't even see a bullpen guys solid year unless he is a closer or a starter prospect that the media guys hype.

The Tigers have two seriously legit bullpen prospects in Melvin Mercedes and Corey Knebel. At some point this year one or both will be up... and I also expect them to be lights out. Not to mention guys like Crosby or other fringe prospects that can come up and give a few solid innings. Its March... complaining about the bullpen now is a joke. You have a handful of capable guys that can eat some innings. All you are going off of is what a guy in his early and mid twenties did last year or the year before... they get better.. not worse in their twenties.


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May 6, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You make it seem like im not a tiger fan....i dont have to agree with everything tiger related....just because we got gonzalez im not going to say hes greaaaaaat.......now that joba is here im not going to say hes the answer....6 months ago most tiger fans prolly thought joba sucked.....now if he has a good yr....ill be the first to make a thread and eat crow and give him his props.....but i highly doubt that will happen...i just disagree with this years moves....we were so close the last 2 yrs....our BP holds in game 2 boston folds and we go on to WS...and i believe we couldve won it...we were due to hit. Time will tell, but i dont believe this team is better...

Nobody says you have to agree. I think Joba sucks... but its not like they overpaid for him... and its not like he is the closer or even the setup man... he is a piece in the pen... I still think he is shaky.. but he does have a high ceiling... always has.