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D-Rose needs surgery; meniscus tear


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Jul 17, 2014
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I can never feel sorry for a guy making 20 million dollars a year...im sorry i just cant-

i feel more for the fans that get deprived a shot to see a full team play at its highest level...

after the trade deadline there was some potentially juicy matchups for the Cavs in the Heat and Bulls.....now we dont get that and that just sucks.

i bet the Knicks woulda taken himfor their pick ath te deadline- i mean, that is ifthe Knicks were allowed to trade it which they arent since they still owe a pick for Bargs.....

looks like its down to Toronto and Atlanta as obstacles for the Cavs in the East.....all though- the Bulls have proven they can play without Rose before- and maybe this gives Butler the opportunity to fully take the reins....Butler, Gasol, Noah, Gibson, Dunleavy, Mirotic, Brooks, Snell, Heinrich, McDermont is still a damn good roster...i still think they are better than the Wizards


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going to need some meds to watch his kid graduate and go to meetings now

rumors already circulating in Chicago that he hurt it over the all star break. he has looked like shit since he returned. he looked awesome the night before the all star break

True Lakers Fan

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The question I have is why haven't we started a league or game where everyone guesses when he will be injured. The winner is the person that comes closest to the type of injury and when, because we already knew it was coming.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
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yeah career is some what over now. bulls 100% have to sign butler and next year they need to sign a 6th man PG who can also be a starter for insurance that now means gibson will be gone. i sill think bulls have a shot against cavs but it will be tough. another dead season for us bulls fans. atleast this time we have gasol instead of boozer,plus butler playing at a high level.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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yeah career is some what over now. bulls 100% have to sign butler and next year they need to sign a 6th man PG who can also be a starter for insurance that now means gibson will be gone. i sill think bulls have a shot against cavs but it will be tough. another dead season for us bulls fans. atleast this time we have gasol instead of boozer,plus butler playing at a high level.

Who's out there for this year?

I say Nate.

But, maybe there is a guy coming back from China?


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May 7, 2013
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Pretty sad stuff here...

This reminds me a lot of what happened to Brandon Roy. I truly feel that things are over for Rose now. Maybe he comes back, but even if he does, he may only be a role-player now.

The Bulls looked prime to make something happen this season or next, but sadly I think our shot at a title are over. Not saying we need to rebuild, but a retooling will have to happen. At least Butler has been a huge surprise this season and the Bulls may be able to rely on him as a star to build around.

Just. Plain. Sucks...

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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Ugh...Telfair, Bobby Brown are the only pg's and Dominique Jones and Jordan Crawford are the combo guards returning from China.

Nasty Nate by a mile.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
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Who's out there for this year?

I say Nate.

But, maybe there is a guy coming back from China?
nate is the only one that comes to mind but a combo of him and brooks is scary on D


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
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damn i didnt know westbrook had 3 MCLs surgies too. wow.


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Jul 17, 2014
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A top 3 of Butler, Noah, Gasol is still really really freaking good. I EASILY take that over the Wizards top 3 of Wall, Beal, Gortat...and probably over the Raptors top 3 of Lowry, DeRozan, Valunciunas....all though I PROBABLY take the Hawks top 3 of Horford, Milsap, Teague........

Mecca was even saying today how Rose liked taking too many jumpers this year. You never know how things will turn out. In passed seasons I would say the Bulls would be done for....but Butler could really make his move....Gasol has proven he can get it done- all though he is getting up there in age now....and Noah is nothing less than one of the top best 20 players in the league in my opinion. - Mirotic has a big time ceiling..Gibson is indisputably the best bench big in the NBA in my estimation...

If I was a Bulls fan I could talk myself into this team having a shot still- especially if Atlanta upsets the Cavs. In some respects it takes a lot of pressure off the Bulls.


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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I can never feel sorry for a guy making 20 million dollars a year...im sorry i just cant-

i feel more for the fans that get deprived a shot to see a full team play at its highest level...

after the trade deadline there was some potentially juicy matchups for the Cavs in the Heat and Bulls.....now we dont get that and that just sucks.

i bet the Knicks woulda taken himfor their pick ath te deadline- i mean, that is ifthe Knicks were allowed to trade it which they arent since they still owe a pick for Bargs.....

looks like its down to Toronto and Atlanta as obstacles for the Cavs in the East.....all though- the Bulls have proven they can play without Rose before- and maybe this gives Butler the opportunity to fully take the reins....Butler, Gasol, Noah, Gibson, Dunleavy, Mirotic, Brooks, Snell, Heinrich, McDermont is still a damn good roster...i still think they are better than the Wizards

It's not even about the money man.

If you've ever played basketball in your life then you would understand why people feel bad for him. You have no idea what kind of mental struggle comes along with the physical pain. Especially for a player like him that has all the expectations in the world. Tons of stress and pressure and he's heavily criticized constantly by the media for something he can't control. 20 million a year or not this guy worked his ass off and has battled back from serious injuries multiple times. As a fellow basketball player… I feel terrible for him.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2014
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Poor guy.

If it's of any consolation to Bulls fans, your max player which takes up 1/3 to 1/4 of your payroll has played in a third of your games over the last 3 years, but you're still in better shape than the Nets and Knicks who have had all their max players playing more or less, still suck, and gave up all their draft picks too.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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A top 3 of Butler, Noah, Gasol is still really really freaking good. I EASILY take that over the Wizards top 3 of Wall, Beal, Gortat...and probably over the Raptors top 3 of Lowry, DeRozan, Valunciunas....all though I PROBABLY take the Hawks top 3 of Horford, Milsap, Teague........

Mecca was even saying today how Rose liked taking too many jumpers this year. You never know how things will turn out. In passed seasons I would say the Bulls would be done for....but Butler could really make his move....Gasol has proven he can get it done- all though he is getting up there in age now....and Noah is nothing less than one of the top best 20 players in the league in my opinion. - Mirotic has a big time ceiling..Gibson is indisputably the best bench big in the NBA in my estimation...

If I was a Bulls fan I could talk myself into this team having a shot still- especially if Atlanta upsets the Cavs. In some respects it takes a lot of pressure off the Bulls.

I mean...Brooks and Hinrich can play the point.

But, they need a Snell/McBuckets/Mirotic/Dunleavy to really step up and go balls to the wall if we are talking getting out of the East.

They still have a shot at making the ECF.

Beating the Cavs or Hawks w/out Rose is a tall order.

Yeah, he was brutal shooting the ball.

But, he can be devastating going to the hole.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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It's not even about the money man.

If you've ever played basketball in your life then you would understand why people feel bad for him. You have no idea what kind of mental struggle comes along with the physical pain. Especially for a player like him that has all the expectations in the world. Tons of stress and pressure and he's heavily criticized constantly by the media for something he can't control. 20 million a year or not this guy worked his ass off and has battled back from serious injuries multiple times. As a fellow basketball player… I feel terrible for him.

I know this will sound stupid to people- but back in the day I was actually a pretty good pitcher...lefty...about 6'1" 220....hit low eighties....had a nasty 2 seamer that moved a ton- but it moved a ton because I had poor/funky mechanics- and ended up hurting my arm- 2 surgeries later didnt get to play my senior year-

while that is nowhere near on the level Drose is playing-I also didnt have 20m a year and the adoration of millions of fans and the best medical care in the world to comfort me. I realize it totally sucks for him to work his ass off to get back and then have to watch from the stands while his boys try and do it without him but probably come up short- and he knows that maybe he couldve made a difference.

Its part of the game though. He is a pro. A million other guys have suffered injuries and some of them actually had their backs against the walls- hoping for a contract to support themselves or their families.

If DRose never plays another minute- he will be just fine.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Poor guy.

If it's of any consolation to Bulls fans, your max player which takes up 1/3 to 1/4 of your payroll has played in a third of your games over the last 3 years, but you're still in better shape than the Nets and Knicks who have had all their max players playing more or less, still suck, and gave up all their draft picks too.

geez o man- with the Nets its bad....NO PROTECTIONS on all those picks they owe Boston- and then if the years they own their picks- they have swapped the rights with other teams to choose between their own pick or the Nets....so even if they own their pick and bottom out- like the Hawks get to choose which pick they want- their own or Brooklyns....

if the mad Russian really did that to this team and sells it and rides into the sunset he better not step foot back in Brooklyn again


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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I know this will sound stupid to people- but back in the day I was actually a pretty good pitcher...lefty...about 6'1" 220....hit low eighties....had a nasty 2 seamer that moved a ton- but it moved a ton because I had poor/funky mechanics- and ended up hurting my arm- 2 surgeries later didnt get to play my senior year-

while that is nowhere near on the level Drose is playing-I also didnt have 20m a year and the adoration of millions of fans and the best medical care in the world to comfort me. I realize it totally sucks for him to work his ass off to get back and then have to watch from the stands while his boys try and do it without him but probably come up short- and he knows that maybe he couldve made a difference.

Its part of the game though. He is a pro. A million other guys have suffered injuries and some of them actually had their backs against the walls- hoping for a contract to support themselves or their families.

If DRose never plays another minute- he will be just fine.

My point is you don't NOT feel bad for someone just because it happens to a lot of people. That's like me saying "Oh, hey so and so has cancer, but millions of other people have suffered from the disease so let's not show any sympathy towards them. It's part of life."

Not comparing cancer and multiple knee injuries by any stretch, but for anyone that has to go through hell and back to get through something to play a sport (or do anything) they love has my respect. Fucking sucks to go through that shit and you should know first hand based off your reply.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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I mean...Brooks and Hinrich can play the point.

But, they need a Snell/McBuckets/Mirotic/Dunleavy to really step up and go balls to the wall if we are talking getting out of the East.

They still have a shot at making the ECF.

Beating the Cavs or Hawks w/out Rose is a tall order.

Yeah, he was brutal shooting the ball.

But, he can be devastating going to the hole.

shit...all that needs to happen is LeBron to land on someones foot ackwardly and for him to get an ankle sprain that limits him and the whole thing is wide open.

Nothing is guaranteed. Except Dwade getting hurt...

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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It's not even about the money man.

If you've ever played basketball in your life then you would understand why people feel bad for him. You have no idea what kind of mental struggle comes along with the physical pain. Especially for a player like him that has all the expectations in the world. Tons of stress and pressure and he's heavily criticized constantly by the media for something he can't control. 20 million a year or not this guy worked his ass off and has battled back from serious injuries multiple times. As a fellow basketball player… I feel terrible for him.

This was exactly what I was thinking but I didn't know how to phrase it.

Well said :clap:.

This was his dream.

I was a Jailer for over a decade and I have had the unfortunate experience of having 7 co-workers commit suicide over that period of time.

When it's all you know, all you have ever wanted to be, and you allow it to define who you are....losing it can be devastating.

Not saying that's where Derrick is.

But, it's the reason I feel bad for the guy.