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R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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this is why i cant take you guys seriously- the last few months all i hear- lebron has to go to the post- he wont win until he goes into the post more--- they move him to PF where he will DO JUST THAT FUCKING THING- and its a "panic move" - its just hilarious...i hope this "panic" move works out as well as last years "panic" trades did.

just hilarious.

this is why no one on these boards takes you seriously- no one has said that lebron shouldn't go in the post more or that moving him to PF is a bad idea--- they have questioned Love at center and commented about Tristan not being good enough to start. When you are making these kinds of moves, this late in the season it looks like panic because this late in the season championship caliber teams are fine tuning and getting ready for the playoffs. I hope this panic move works as well as last years panic trades too. If they do, it means the Cavs will win the same number of titles they won last year.

just hilarious.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
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this is why no one on these boards takes you seriously- no one has said that lebron shouldn't go in the post more or that moving him to PF is a bad idea--- they have questioned Love at center and commented about Tristan not being good enough to start. When you are making these kinds of moves, this late in the season it looks like panic because this late in the season championship caliber teams are fine tuning and getting ready for the playoffs. I hope this panic move works as well as last years panic trades too. If they do, it means the Cavs will win the same number of titles they won last year.

just hilarious.

well, you gotta keep in mind that when all this trash talk started Wiggy DID say one team just MIGHT break the Bulls season win record...

he just guessed the wrong team...:lol:

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
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lol and then the Lakers just had to go and beat 'em yesterday. must be title time for us cuz we forced 'em to play OUR style of basketball...

right Wiggy...?:lol:


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 42,000.00
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Four words increasingly sum up LeBron James as his second season back in Cleveland veers from Finals sure-thing to angst-ridden drama: Here we go again.

Too much of what's happened despite the Cavaliers standing atop the Eastern Conference feels like some kind of vile deja vu, as if we've melded LeBron's 2010-11 season in Miami with his previous and unsuccessful stint in Cleveland.

There's the under-fire but capable coach (though this one, David Blatt, actually got fired), the petulance, the mounting frustration, the way-too-obvious passive aggressiveness (this time a trip to Miami during some time off), the shots at his teammates (on Twitter) that he later pretended was just, you know, nothing to see here. Nothing at all. Keep moving. How dare you question the King.

I've seen this movie before, and it doesn't end well.

Five years ago, when I lived in Miami and covered LeBron and the Heat, the story was eerily similar: Superstar arrives with huge expectations, things get tough, superstar blames coach, then media, then (passive aggressively) teammates. Then he and the team fail under the brightest and harshest of lights. Then, after some deep soul-searching, LeBron gains large measure of self-awareness and goes on to great things.

That happens in life, and especially in the NBA. They learn, they rise, they falter, they grow from their failures and the best -- Bird, Isiah, Jordan -- go on to better and bigger things. Part of their greatness was they didn't revert to old, bad habits. But the fact LeBron James might be repeating the same mistakes that five years ago crushed his image, cost him a championship and required him to admit to people like me he made mistakes should initiate long, serious concern in Cleveland.

As they say: People don't change.

Here's hoping, for Cleveland's sake, that that's so very not true.

A few weeks ago, an NBA source told me this: “Even today, I'm not sure anyone can beat LeBron physically. But you can beat him mentally or emotionally. That's how you do it.”

Which is exactly how Dallas won in 2011. They beat LeBron because he crumbled emotionally, not physically. Which is to say, he beat himself. Like so many luminaries -- Eazy-E, Churchill, Johnny Manziel, Nixon, Pete Rose -- genius is usually hardwired with a self-destruct button that boggles the imagination.

Unfortunately for LeBron, things that marked his issues then are recurring now, like some kind of tripwire of that very paradox.

Let's be honest here. LeBron was clearly instrumental in David Blatt being fired in January despite the Cavs having the Eastern Conference's best record at 30-11. That's good for a .731 percent winning percentage. Tyronn Lue? He's 14-7, which irons out to a .667 winning percentage. Fine. But not exactly damning evidence Blatt had to go. Not exactly beyond a reasonable doubt that LeBron was right.

Then, in a Twitter rant after a rough stretch, he seemed to clearly take shots at teammate Kyrie Irving. Followed by reports the two aren't getting along. And a report -- which mimics what I've heard, too -- that now claims LeBron's people have been vocal in making it clear he won't be afraid to break Cleveland's heart again and walk if he needs to.

So: Your coach is to blame. Your teammates are to blame. Your organization is to blame. The media is to blame.

Ah, well ... News flash: If, time after time, everyone else is the problem, it probably turns out it's not everyone else. It's you.

You, LeBron.

LeBron is so very smart. He is so remarkably talented at the game of basketball. He's worked hard at working the media, crafting the narrative, deflecting the blame and bristling despite the normal ups and downs of his sport while still shielding himself from complaints he remains the exact same talented but not-easy-to-win-with star from his first year in Miami.

It's looking -- for the moment, and in stark contrast to his current situation -- like he needs the boundaries and tough-love guidelines Pat Riley and the Heat foisted upon him.

Five years ago, LeBron's great talent, his love for the game and his Mensa-level basketball IQ weren't enough when in competition with his own personal demons. Those same demons seem to have been recalled in Cleveland, where too much freedom, too much power, too much control, too much pressure and a truly genuine burning desire to bring that part of America a championship have turned LeBron back into his lesser self.

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. So maybe LeBron, like all of us, really should be careful what we ask for.

None of this means LeBron is a bad person, a bad teammate, a terrible talent or a loser. But being great -- great -- like Jordan or Ali or Owens (or, ahem, Curry) is about beating back all comers, yourself included. First and foremost yourself, at least the parts that can hold anyone back.

Being a human being for those of us who, unlike LeBron, lead normal lives is hard enough. So I can't imagine how much harder it is to hold on to that sense of perspective, restraint and self-awareness for those inundated with greatness, money, fame, scrutiny, sycophants, the hopes and dreams of a place you're from, and all that comes with being one of earth's most important people.

But I've seen this before. LeBron struggled that first year in Miami because, when it became too much, he lashed out. At the world. At the little people and their little lives. At some of his teammates. At Erik Spoelstra, his coach. In the end, it cost everyone, most importantly himself.

Steph Curry might be the best player on earth right now, but LeBron is on another level: His talent, his burgeoning legacy, his transcendent fame, his Hollywood turn and his unrivaled power as not just player but pseudo GM, agent, marketing specialist and Q-rating machine -- all of it means LeBron's self-inflicted drama matters. His tweets toward Kyrie. His coach getting fired. The leaks he might just leave. It's all part of a pattern that in the context of his place in the game and his own past and history add up to a very troubling turn.

The biggest threat to LeBron's pursuit of greatness, glory and a championship for Cleveland is not the Warriors, not the Spurs, not the supposedly mediocre coaches or unreliable players surrounding him.

The East is open. The Boston Celtics and Toronto Raptors, good as they are, do not glint with a championship sheen. And last year's Finals show a Chosen One can rise to unheard of heights in pursuit of a ring.

It's the thing each of us faces every day when we wake up that threatens the most: That face, LeBron, staring back at you in the mirror.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,550.00
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I've seen this movie before, and it doesn't end well.

Actually, it ended with 2 titles. That would exceed the wildest dreams of every cavs fan. I'll take it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 42,000.00
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Actually, it ended with 2 titles. That would exceed the wildest dreams of every cavs fan. I'll take it.

I think writer was predicting the oreo cookie ending .
He's not expecting the cream in the middle.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
$ 14,727.00
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As of today you wouldn't settle for 1?
LeBron is 31 years old. He will win more than 1 title in the rest of his career- and i dont see how he leaves the Cavs.

The guy is an all time great and the most unstoppable force in the game. We are like 9 months removed from having an unprecedented conversation of whether a guy on the LOSING Finals team deserved the MVP- thats how good LeBron was.

I just hope LeBron and Kyrie and Love can continue to work it all out---- especially Irving and LeBron- LeBron has never had ab ig time point guard- and sometimes i think thats by design- he WANTS the ball in his hands--- obviously Kyrie does too as he is 23 and already a great player. It would be a shame if Kyrie got dealt a year or two down the line if they couldnt make it work- but the haul would be quite simply UNBELIEVABLE...not that i think there is much chance of thath appening---- but LeBron James has PLENTY of time- especially if he stays in the East with the Cavs-- he is guaranteed to have an owner that is willing to outspend everyone- they have assets if they decided to make major moves...

besides 1 year of Dwade- Kyrie has the skill and talent to be the best guy LeBron has EVER EVER played with- a true #2 HOF caliber possible guy that has not even entered his prime- the kind of guy that 5 years from now LEBRON could ride to the Finals.

If LeBron makes like 10 Finals in a row- i understand because of the Finals losses he could never jump Jordan- but just book him at #2 all time then- that would just be pure and simple dominance

as the article says above- only LeBron and his ego can stop LeBron- he is unilike anyhting we have ever seen or will ever see again.

I think the Cavs will make the Finals this year- and that will be LeBrons 6th year in a row- I think he could make 10 ( or even more than that) in a row before all is said and done- and will win at LEAST 1 or two of those just by pure numbers.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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3-4 years ago- NOBODY had Steph Curry as a future top 5 (let alone) top 1 or 2 player in the league

3-4 years ago- NOBODY (well beside ME :) ) had RW as a future top 5 player in the league

Kyrie- 3-4 years from now- when he is right in the middle of his prime- at age like 27-28...will undoubtedly be AT LEAST a top 10 player in the league- prob better.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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Actually, it ended with 2 titles. That would exceed the wildest dreams of every cavs fan. I'll take it.

Well, I'm not one to blowout these problems that the Cavs have too much just yet. Problem is, in year 2, Miami didn't have these problems as roles were clearly defined and there wasn't much self-inflicted drama that we're seeing as we are with this bunch. Also, some of the variables have changed this go around. Where's Pat Riley? Where's the stable organization structure that the Heat provided Lebron as opposed to the unchartered waters where Cleveland finds themselves.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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LeBron is 31 years old. He will win more than 1 title in the rest of his career- and i dont see how he leaves the Cavs.

How do you know? Last I checked the Spurs and Warriors are still around. And guess what, the Warriors' core is just as young as Cleveland's. They're not going anywhere anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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3-4 years ago- NOBODY had Steph Curry as a future top 5 (let alone) top 1 or 2 player in the league

3-4 years ago- NOBODY (well beside ME :) ) had RW as a future top 5 player in the league

Kyrie- 3-4 years from now- when he is right in the middle of his prime- at age like 27-28...will undoubtedly be AT LEAST a top 10 player in the league- prob better.

You're full of shit. A lot of people knew Westbrook would be pretty damn good. Fucking dumbass.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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You're full of shit. A lot of people knew Westbrook would be pretty damn good. Fucking dumbass.

I remember 4-5 years ago when people wanted Westbook to be traded because they thought he was a ballhog and OKC had a point guard named Maynor who people thought could replace Russ without a problem.

I don't think anyone is going to admit saying that today though.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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Lebron will be able to ride Kyrie to the Finals. Bitch, shut the fuck up. This fumble (unt (Kyrie) couldn't even sniff the playoffs before Lebron got there.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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I remember 4-5 years ago when people wanted Westbook to be traded because they thought he was a ballhog and OKC had a point guard named Maynor who people thought could replace Russ without a problem.

I don't think anyone is going to admit saying that today though.

I don't remember this at all. Some questioned if Westbrook and Durant could co-exist given the Westbrook is a high volume shooter. However, I don't recall anyone saying that Westbrook wouldn't be great. He's the quickest guard in the league, sans Wall (and that's debatable).


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 42,000.00
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LeBron is 31 years old. He will win more than 1 title in the rest of his career- and i dont see how he leaves the Cavs.

The guy is an all time great and the most unstoppable force in the game. We are like 9 months removed from having an unprecedented conversation of whether a guy on the LOSING Finals team deserved the MVP- thats how good LeBron was.

I just hope LeBron and Kyrie and Love can continue to work it all out---- especially Irving and LeBron- LeBron has never had ab ig time point guard- and sometimes i think thats by design- he WANTS the ball in his hands--- obviously Kyrie does too as he is 23 and already a great player. It would be a shame if Kyrie got dealt a year or two down the line if they couldnt make it work- but the haul would be quite simply UNBELIEVABLE...not that i think there is much chance of thath appening---- but LeBron James has PLENTY of time- especially if he stays in the East with the Cavs-- he is guaranteed to have an owner that is willing to outspend everyone- they have assets if they decided to make major moves...

besides 1 year of Dwade- Kyrie has the skill and talent to be the best guy LeBron has EVER EVER played with- a true #2 HOF caliber possible guy that has not even entered his prime- the kind of guy that 5 years from now LEBRON could ride to the Finals.

If LeBron makes like 10 Finals in a row- i understand because of the Finals losses he could never jump Jordan- but just book him at #2 all time then- that would just be pure and simple dominance

as the article says above- only LeBron and his ego can stop LeBron- he is unilike anyhting we have ever seen or will ever see again.

I think the Cavs will make the Finals this year- and that will be LeBrons 6th year in a row- I think he could make 10 ( or even more than that) in a row before all is said and done- and will win at LEAST 1 or two of those just by pure numbers.

Keep thinking that James is satisfied with losing because he has " plenty of time".
A few years ago, people thought the Thunder had plenty of time, and how did that work out?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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I remember 4-5 years ago when people wanted Westbook to be traded because they thought he was a ballhog and OKC had a point guard named Maynor who people thought could replace Russ without a problem.

I don't think anyone is going to admit saying that today though.
exactly- there were idiots saying they should trade RW for Rondo-- saying oh hes a better fit. blah blah..its just so ridiculous....


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 42,000.00
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exactly- there were idiots saying they should trade RW for Rondo-- saying oh hes a better fit. blah blah..its just so ridiculous....

Difference is, as you pointed out after Memphis loss , is that James dictates how he wants the game played.
In essence, he at times severely diminishes the skills of the others around him.
At other times he enhances the skills of others.
Problem is, the others never know what to expect.